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Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Мапа асноўных вараскіх гандлёвых шляхоў: Валжанскі (чырвоным) і шлях з варагаў у грэкі (філётавым). Аранжавым колерам паказаныя іншыя гандлёвыя шляхі VIII—XI стагодзьдзяў. Існуе дзьве вэрсіі крынічнай мапы: адна адпавядае вугорскай гістарыяграфіі, якая лічыць, што валахі зьніклі на тысячагадовы пэрыяд між 275 і 1300 рокамі; другая адпавядае румынскай гістарыяграфіі, якія гэтага не прымаюць.
Deutsch: Karte mit der wichtigsten Handelsrouten Waräger (Wolga-Handelsroute in Rot, de:Handelsroute von den Warägern zu den Griechen in Lila). Die anderen Straßen (8.–11. Jahrhundert) sind in Orange gehalten. Die Basiskarte existiert in zwei Versionen: eine im Einklang mit der ungarischen Geschichtsschreibung, die behauptet, dass die Sprecher der ostromanischen Sprachen für tausend Jahre zwischen 275 und 1300 verschwunden seien, eine andere im Einklang mit der rumänischen Geschichtsschreibung, die behauptet, dass sie nicht verschwunden seien.
English: Map showing the major Varangian trade routes, the Volga trade route (in red) and the Trade Route from the Varangians to the Greeks (in purple). Other trade routes of the 8th–11th centuries shown in orange. Background exist in two versions : one according with Hungarian historians who think that speakers of Eastern Romance languages ​​vanished for a thousand years between 275 and 1300, another according with Romanian historians who think that they don't vanished.
Français : Carte montrant les principales routes commerciales varègues (Route commerciale de la Volga en rouge, Route commerciale des Varègues aux Grecs en violet). Les autres routes (8°-11° siècle) sont en orange. Le fond de carte existe en deux versions : l'une conforme à l'historiographie hongroise qui affirme que les locuteurs des langues romanes orientales ont disparu pendant mille ans entre 275 et 1300, une autre conforme à l'historiographie roumaine qui affirme qu'ils n'ont pas disparu.
Русский: Основные  : (красный) и (фиолетовый). Оранжевым цветом показаны другие торговые пути VIII–XI веков. Базовая карта существует в двух версиях: одна соответствует венгерской историографии, в которой говорится, что Волохи исчезли на тысячу лет между 275 и 1300 годами, другая соответствует румынской историографии, которая утверждает, что они не исчезли.
Atlas This map has been uploaded by Electionworld from en.wikipedia.org to enable the Wikimedia Atlas of the World . Original uploader to en.wikipedia.org was Briangotts, known as Briangotts at en.wikipedia.org. Electionworld is not the creator of this map. Licensing information is below.

The following source corroborates the Volga route between the Gulf of Finland and Atil, although it gives a different Western route, over Smolensk:

  • Barraclough, Geoffrey , ed. (nizozemščina) (1981) Spectrum-Times Atlas van de Wereldgeschiedenis, pp. 114–115
Avtor Briangotts
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Map of trade routes of 8th–11th centuries

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trenutno12:29, 3. oktober 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 12:29, 3. oktober 2023872 × 605 (859 KB)OrionNimrodRestore original: "Wallachians" added by Romanian user, however it was no Wallachia in the 8-11th c: British historian, Martyn Rady - Nobility, land and service in medieval Hungary (p91–93): the sources before the 13th century do not contain references to Vlachs anywhere in Hungary and Transylvania or in Wallachia. Byzantine sources mentioned Vlachs all deep in the Balcan. Also map should make by academic historians not by personal POV.
19:23, 16. avgust 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 19:23, 16. avgust 2023872 × 605 (799 KB)Claude ZygielIn one hand there are Byzantine sources which mention the Vlachs, secondly it is not because other sources do not mention them that they did not exist. In the other hand, the Hungarian theory which affirms that "the absence of proof is proof of absence", that this group disappeared for a thousand years, and that it would have been the only one, among all the peoples of the region , to not being able to cross the Balkans, the Danube and the Carpathians (while they were nomadic shepherds), is u...
11:54, 25. julij 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 11:54, 25. julij 2023872 × 605 (794 KB)OrionNimrod"Wallachians" added by Romanian user, however it was no Wallachia in the 8-11th c: British historian, Martyn Rady - Nobility, land and service in medieval Hungary (p91–93): the sources before the 13th century do not contain references to Vlachs anywhere in Hungary and Transylvania or in Wallachia
08:29, 26. junij 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 08:29, 26. junij 2023872 × 605 (799 KB)Johannnes89Reverted to version as of 16:47, 18 April 2023 (UTC) crosswiki image spam, often containing historical inaccuracies
00:53, 26. junij 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 00:53, 26. junij 2023872 × 605 (1.017 KB)ValdazleifrFixed minor errors
17:47, 18. april 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 17:47, 18. april 2023872 × 605 (799 KB)Claude ZygielThere was no Wallachia but Wallachians. The theory that speakers of Eastern Romance languages ​​disappeared for a thousand years between 275 and 1300 is only supported by Hungarian nationalist authors.
13:41, 25. november 2022Sličica za različico z datumom 13:41, 25. november 2022872 × 605 (794 KB)OrionNimrodReverted to version as of 15:59, 8 March 2009 (UTC) It was no Wallachia in the 8-11th century
13:44, 21. maj 2015Sličica za različico z datumom 13:44, 21. maj 2015872 × 605 (799 KB)Spiridon Ion CepleanuDvina & Wisla-Dnestr route, some details
16:59, 8. marec 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 16:59, 8. marec 2009872 × 605 (794 KB)MahahahaneapneapCompressed
00:15, 19. januar 2007Sličica za različico z datumom 00:15, 19. januar 2007872 × 605 (859 KB)Electionworld{{ew|en|Briangotts}} == Summary == Map showing the major Varangian trade routes, the Volga trade route (in red) and the Trade Route from the Varangians to the Greeks (in purple). Other trade routes of the 8th-11th centuries shown in orange

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