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Welcome to the Museum of
WW2 Battles 24 Museum Entrance Room Two Room One Room Three Room Four Room Five Curator’s Offices
. This is me at age 10 so please don’t laugh
Curator’s Office Jacob Dufur Welcome to the WW2 Museum of Battles My name is Jacob Dufur And I will be your Curator before we start allow me to tell you a little about myself. I have been a museum curator for a whole time of 5 minutes so my experience is very large. So lets get to our tour. . . This is me at age 10 so please don’t laugh Return to Entry Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.
Battle of Iwo Jima Room 1 Return to Entry
Battle of Berlin Room 2 Return to Entry
D Day Room 3 Return to Entry
Battle of the Bulge Room 4 Return to Entry
Operations Room 5 Return to Entry
Iwo Jima map The Island of Iwo Jima was of huge strategic importance. The Japanese controlled two airfields from this island. The Japanese had heavily fortified the island with vast bunkers, hidden artillery, and 11 miles of underground tunnels making it incredibly difficult to capture the island. On February 19, the first wave of 30,000 Marines of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Marine Divisions, under the command of Holland Smith, began landing on the beach. By the end of the first day, the Americans had cut the island in two, despite the fact that they took over 2,400 casualties. On Day 2, the Marines launched an assault on Mount Suribachi on the southern tip of the island. Although the island turned out to be a difficult and bloody target to take, the American Marines were stubborn and kept fighting with determination, advancing in every direction on the island, snuffing out hot, Japanese-infested spots as they went. The battle ended on March 26th and turned out to be a bloody battle indeed. 6,800 Marines got killed and around 18,000 wounded. Out of the 18,500 Japanese troops, only 212 surrendered, the rest were killed in action. 1. War_II_Iwo_Jima_Landing_Plan_Map.jpg Return to Exhibit
Raising of the flag at Iwo Jima
Capture Mount Suribachi. That was the job of the 4th and 5th marine units. Mount Suribachi was of great strategic importance. The Japanese strategy during this battle was to hide in bunkers and tunnels underground, firing at the Americans with heavy machine guns, and their guns, without being seen. Many of these tunnels were located under Mount Suribachi, so it’s capture was of great importance. Finally on February 23rd after a ferocious battle it was captured by the marines. The photograph at the right of Marines raising the American flag at the summit of Mt. Suribachi during the battle for Iwo Jima has become an enduring image of bravery and heroism. However, this was actually the second flag raised on the mountain's summit that day. The first flag-raising occurred a couple of hours earlier - shortly after Marines had gained the top of the mountain after hard fighting. This flag was deemed too small to be easily seen from the base of the mountain so a second, larger flag was raised. This flag could be seen from the entire island and gave hope to all American troops helping their resolve. 2. WlUno/TWBxpCjQ3zI/AAAAAAAAPUE/msKj2BXSAns/s160 0/IwoJima_flag.jpg Return to Exhibit
Weapons from Battle of Iwo Jima
In the battle of Iwo Jima weapons and vehicles were of great importance. The Japanese fought most of the battle from inside underground bunkers and tunnels. Based on this type of fighting weapons were very important. The main weapons used in this battle by Americans are, The M1 Garand, the Thompson M1, and the M1 Carbine. These were the guns used by soldiers in this battle. Based on the fact that it was an amphibious attack, many landing ships were used. Some of these were, the Landing Craft Tank, the Landing Ship Tank, and the Landing vehicle tracked. The soldiers rode in these vehicles and landed on the Island of Iwo Jima. The weapons used were significant because they helped them take Mount Suribachi in a ferocious battle. The battle continued, but eventually ended in an American victory. _enlarged.jpg Return to Exhibit
General Holland Smith In the offensive of Iwo Jima, Smith was one of the most important Lieutenant Generals who led the mission. He devised a strategy to total the island and penetrate deep inside the Japanese defenses. He arranged a system of successive and heavy offenses to primarily suppress Japanese firepower and eventually envelop the island with US soldiers, imploding to central and vital defense outposts like Mt. Suribachi. He is one of the most well known General’s in World War 2 history, not only for his victories but also for his personality. His nickname Howlin’ Mad Smith, was given to him by his troops. He is also called the father of modern Us Amphibious Warfare. 4. ures/Smith.jpg Return to Exhibit
Panzerfaust A panzerfaust was an anti-tank weapon used in the battle of berlin. Disposable preloaded launch tube firing a high-explosive anti-tank warhead, and was operated by a single soldier. It was in use until the end of World War 2 in 1943. 1. rfaust_60/es Return to Exhibit
Battle of Berlin uniforms
The uniforms were typically a brown, tan color. They wore black helmets, and different types of sacks. They sacks would most likely contain supplies and food. They also wore the same colored pants. 2. one/ /In-pictures-WW1-exhibition-opens-at-the-German- Historical-Museum-in-Berlin.html?frame= Return to Exhibit
Battle of Berlin Map This map shows each troop movement throughout the battle. Both troops met up in Torgau. This battle was seen as the end of Hitler’s third Reich by the Russians. It was a true vital importance in the European sector. 3. MediaId=1985 Return to Exhibit
Battle of Berlin aftermath
This photo is the aftermath of the battle of berlin. Buildings were burned and collapsed. Dead bodies everywhere, and people trapped under debris. Roofs were blown straight off. Smoke covered the ground and sky. 4. _the_Capture_and_Aftermath_of_War_ _C5284.jpg Return to Exhibit
D Day battle ground The plan for Operation Overlord entailed landing nine divisions of sea and airborne troops, over 150,000 men, along a 60-mile stretch of coast in just 24 hours. On D-Day, three airborne divisions, one British and two American, would drop behind the landing beaches. Their job, seize beach exits, capture key transportation and communication points, and block German counterattacks. Six divisions would assault the five landing beaches. Each beach had a code name. Utah Beach was assigned to the U.S. 4th Division. The US 29th and 1st Divisions would land at Omaha Beach. Further east, the British 50th Division would assault Gold Beach and the Canadian 3rd Division would attack at Juno Beach. The British 3rd Division would take Sword Beach.The battle took place in Normandy. 9/ Return to Exhibit
Thompson M1A1 During the First World War the U.S. military wanted to develop a new model of machinegun. The first prototype, designed by the American engineer John T. Thompson, is produced in 1920 and its production on an industrial scale began at the end of that year. First ignored by the army that does not seem convinced of its capabilities, the Thompson machine gun was soon commissioned during the year 1940 by the Army and the U.S. Marines. Heavy and not accurate enough, the M1A1 Thompson lacks of power. But it resists to all weather conditions and appears as a reliable weapon. It will be used during the Korea and Vietnam wars. 9/ Return to Exhibit
General Eisenhower Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until He was a five-star general in the United States Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces. Return to Exhibit
D Day Death reports On D-Day, the Allies landed around 156,000 troops in Normandy. The American forces landed numbered 73,000: 23,250 on Utah Beach, 34,250 on Omaha Beach, and 15,500 airborne troops. In the British and Canadian sector, 83,115 troops were landed. 24,970 on Gold Beach, 21,400 on Juno Beach, 28,845 on Sword Beach, and 7900 airborne troops. Return to Exhibit
Battle of the Bulge Weapons
The German soldier was well equipped. Most carried the Karabiner 98 Kurtz, a bolt action 8mm Mauser. This rifle held five rounds of 8mm and had a smooth action. This rifle was the mainstay of the German Infantry. It had many variants, mostly cosmetic. The original rifle had a solid walnut stock. This stock was replaced with a laminated wood stock, which was actually more durable. The rifle also had a grenade launcher that could be attached, if needed. The KAR 98 also came with a bayonet and a section of a cleaning rod. It took 3 sections to make a complete cleaning rod. This all changes towards the end of the war as the Germans needed to find a way to produce the rifles faster. The bayonet lug, the cleaning rod, and the bolt tool were all done away with on the newer model—the Kriegsmodellor war model. This switch happened in late 1944, right before the Battle of the Bulge. Return to Exhibit
Battle of the Bulge terrain/weather
On December 16, 1944, Adolf Hitler launched an audacious counterattack against Allied forces in the freezing Ardennes Forest in southern Belgium and Luxembourg. In the subsequent Battle of the Bulge—so named for the 60-mile “bulge” the German blitzkrieg left in the Allied lines—the Ardennes’ American defenders were caught off guard as more than 250,000 German troops and hundreds of tanks descended on their positions. A lack of resources and fierce American resistance eventually halted the German advance, but not before some 80,000 G.I.s were killed, captured or wounded—more than in any battle in U.S. history. Seventy years after the start of Nazi Germany’s last gasp attack at the Battle of the Bulge, learn eight surprising facts about the fight Winston Churchill called “undoubtedly the greatest American battle” of World War II. Return to Exhibit
Map of the Battle of the Bulge
The weather during the Battle of the Bulge was foggy and cold. This was the reason German forces were able to attack the Americans unawares. Return to Exhibit
General Patton General Patton Jr.
Audacious and profane, General George S. Patton Jr. was one of the ablest and most controversial U.S. commanders in World War II. The San Gabriel, California native was fond of presenting himself as a modern-day cavalryman, outfitted with ivory-handled sidearm and leading tank outfits across Nazi-occupied France. Patton once exclaimed, "Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." Patton's expertise in tank command helped frustrate the December 1944 German counteroffensive in the Ardennes at the Battle of the Bulge. Under his command the Third Army swept into Germany and into Czechoslovakia. In April 1945, Patton was promoted to temporary four-star general but was removed by Eisenhower from his leadership of the Third Army for making inflammatory remarks concerning the denazification policies. Return to Exhibit
Operation mince meat Operation Mincemeat was a successful British disinformation plan during the Second World War. As part of Operation Barclay, the widespread deception intended to cover the invasion of Italy from North Africa, Mincemeat helped to convince the German high command that the Allies planned to invade Greece and Sardinia in 1943 instead of Sicily, the actual objective. This was accomplished by persuading the Germans that they had, by accident, intercepted "top secret" documents giving details of Allied war planes. The documents were attached to a corpse deliberately left to wash up on a beach in Punta Umbria in Spain. The success of the planting of false documents was confirmed through Ultra decrypts of German messages. Return to Exhibit
Operation Detachment Operation Detachment is another name for the Battle of Iwo Jima. This battle took place on the island of Iwo Jima. Operation Detachment played an important role in the war, because the Japanese controlled two key airspaces from the Island. The fierce and bloody battle was won by the American’s on March 26th. Return to Exhibit
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Manhattan project While the research and Construction of the Atomic bomb wasn’t entirely an operation, the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nakigawa was. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit
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Blitzkrieg While Blitzkreig isn’t an operation I feel it should be included in this museum. Blitzkreig is a type of German warfare using tanks to get close to enemy Trenches. This warfare was most effective when done on surprise because the enemy could not muster sufficient tanks to counter attack. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit
Berlin operation “On 20 April 1945, Hitler's 56th birthday, Soviet artillery of the 1st Belorussian Front began shelling Berlin and did not stop until the city surrendered. The weight of ordnance delivered by Soviet artillery during the battle was greater than the total tonnage dropped by Western Allied bombers on the city. While the 1st Belorussian Front advanced towards the east and north-east of the city, the 1st Ukrainian Front pushed through the last formations of the northern wing of Army Group Centre and passed north of Juterbog, well over halfway to the American front line on the river Elbe at Magdeburg. To the north between Stettin and Schwedt, the 2nd Belorussian Front attacked the northern flank of Army Group Vistula, held by Hasso von Manteuffel's III Panzer Army. The next day, Bogdanov's 2nd Guards Tank Army advanced nearly 50 km (31 mi) north of Berlin and then attacked south- west of Werneuchen. The Soviet plan was to encircle Berlin first and then envelop the IX Army” Return to Exhibit
WW2 civilian casualties
During World War 2 millions of citizens died. As shown by this graph most were from china most likely as a result of japans onslaught. Japan had the least amount of casualties most were a result of the atomic bombs the us dropped. Return to Entrance
Nuke After Germany had surrendered Japan kept fighting the War. The Americans were tired of their stubbornness and decided to take drastic measures. They dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki on August 6th This resulted in 135,000 deaths at Hiroshima and 65,000 deaths at Nagasaki. This resulted in not more hatred towards Japan, but an era of working together to rebuild. Return to Entrance
Battle of Okinawa “typhoon of steel”
Last and biggest of the Pacific island battles of World War II, the Okinawa campaign (April 1—June 22, 1945) involved the 287,000 troops of the U.S. Tenth Army against 130,000 soldiers of the Japanese Thirty-second Army. At stake were air bases vital to the projected invasion of Japan. By the end of the 82- day campaign, Japan had lost more than 77,000 soldiers and the Allies had suffered more than 65,000 casualties—including 14,000 dead. The Japanese used a series of Kamikaze attacks against the U.S including multiple air attacks, and their last big battleship, Yamato on a similar mission. The U.S victory resulted in the capture of the key stronghold in the pacific campaign. Return to Exhibit
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