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Skeletal system Your bones manufacture blood cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal system Your bones manufacture blood cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal system Your bones manufacture blood cells.
Our bones are held by our muscles The smallest bones are in our ears


3 Muscular system Muscles are bundles of cells and fibers.
We have 600 major muscles. We have 240 muscles that have specific jobs


5 Structure of Bone

6 Anatomy of a Long Bone Diaphysis Medullary Cavity Nutrient Art & Vein
2 Epiphyses Epiphyseal Plates Epiphyseal Art & Vein Periosteum Outer: Dense irregular CT Inner: Osteoblasts, osteoclasts Does not cover epiphyses Attaches to bone matrix via collagen fibers Endosteum Osteoblasts, osteoclasts Covers trabeculae, lines medullary cavity

7 Synovial Joint pg 215

8 Bursae & Tendon Sheaths
Bursae: flat, fibrous sac w/synovial membrane lining Tendon Sheaths: elongated bursae that wraps around tendons 3 Factors in Joint Stability: Muscle Tone Ligaments Fit of Articular Surface pg 219

9 pg 224 Joint Shapes Hinge: cylindrical end of 1 bone fits into trough shape of other angular movement-1 plane (eg) elbow, ankle, interphalangal Plane: articular surface in flat plane Short gliding movement (eg) intertarsal, articular processes of vertebrae

10 Joint Shapes Condyloid: egg-shape articular surface + oval concavity
pg 225 Joint Shapes Condyloid: egg-shape articular surface + oval concavity side-to-side, back+forth movement (eg) metacarpophalangeal (knuckle) Pivot: round end fits into ring of bone + ligament rotation on long axis (eg) prox. radius/ulna, atlas/dens

11 Anterior Skull frontal bone glabella supraorbital foramen
infraorbital foramen zygomatic bone mandibular symphysis maxillary bone alveolar fossa mental foramen mandible

12 Anterior Skull nasal bone perpendicular plate superior orbital fissure
middle nasal concha inferior nasal concha bone vomer bone

13 Paranasal Sinuses frontal sinus ethmoid sinus maxilary sinus
sphenoid sinus

14 Cranium frontal bone coronal suture parietal bone sagittal suture
lambdoidal suture occipital bone

15 Ventral Skull palatine process sphenoid bone palatine bone vomer bone
styloid process temporal bone mastoid process external occipital protuberance occipital bone

16 Occipital bone carotid canal jugular foramen occipital condyle
foramen magnum Occipital bone

17 Lateral Skull squamosal suture lacrimal bone temporal bone
external acoustic meatus mandibular condyle In mandibular fossa (TMJ joint) Lateral Skull

18 Lateral Skull zygomatic arch sphenoid bone coronoid process
sutural bone mastoid process styloid process ramus angle body mandible Lateral Skull

19 intenal acoustic meatus
cribriborm plate crista galli lesser wing greater wing optic canal sella turcica intenal acoustic meatus jugular foramen Internal Skull

20 Hyoid + external acoustic meatus temmporal mandibular joint Hyoid bone





25 ________ ________ Sagittal ________

26 Coronal Lambdoid Squamous

27 Overview of Skull Geography
Facial bones form the anterior aspect The cranial bones enclose the brain

28 Vault The cranial vault or calvaria forms the superior, lateral, and posterior aspects of skull The cranial base forming the inferior aspect of skull

29 Cranial Base Cranial base forms the skull’s inferior aspect
Three prominent ridges divide the base into fossae The brain rests on these cranial fossae completely enclosed by the cranial vault The brain occupies the cranial cavity

30 Cranium The 8 cranial bones include; 2 parietal, 2 temporal frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid Cranium is self- bracing allowing the bones to be thin, yet strong

31 Occipital bone Forms most of the posterior wall and base of skull
Articulates with parietal & temporal Joins w/ sphenoid in the cranial floor Forms internal walls of posterior cranial fossa

32 Occipital bone - Int. landmarks
Hypoglossal canal, Posterior cranial fossa

33 Temporal Bone Forms the infero-lateral aspects of the skull
Parts of the cranial floor Divided into four regions; squamous tympanic, mastoid, and petrous-(int)

34 Temporal Bone The internal petrous region contributes to the cranial base The petrous region and the sphenoid bone form the middle cranial fossa

35 Temporal Bone - landmarks
Zygomatic process Meets the zygomatic bone Forms the cheek Mandibular fossa Receives condyle of mandible

36 Temporal bones - landmarks
Stylomastoid foramen exit for facial nerve Carotid canal entrance for the carotid artery which supplies blood to cerebral hemispheres

37 Sphenoid bone Bone spanning the width of middle cranial fossa
Articulates as central wedge of all cranial bones Consists of central body and three processes; greater and lesser wings and pterygoid process (pos. view)

38 Sphenoid - landmarks Sella turcica (enclosure for pituitary gland)
Optic foramina (passage of optic nerves) Superior orbital fissure (Nerves III, IV, V enter orbit) Foramen rotundum & ovale (Cranial Nerve V to face) Foramen spinosum (Middle meningeal artery)

39 Ethmoid bone Forms most of the area between the nasal cavity & orbits of eyes Lies between nasal bones & sphenoid Complex shape gives rise to nasal septum, sinuses and cribiform plate

40 Ethmoid bone - landmarks
Cribiform plates Forms roof of nasal cavity Olfactory formina Olfactory nerves enter brain Crista galli Attachment of the dura mater which secures brain in cavity

41 Facial bones Consists of 14 bones w/ only mandible and vomer unpaired
Others include maxillae, lacrimals, nasals, zygomatics, inferior nasal conchae, and palatines (not pictured)

42 Mandible Forms the lower jaw Largest, strongest bone of the face
It has a body and two upwardly projecting sections called rami Houses lower dentition

43 Mandible - landmarks Mandibular angle Mandibular notch
Coronoid process Mandibular condyle Alveolar margin Mandible formina Mental formina Ramus of mandible

44 Maxillary bone Forms upper jaw and central portion of facial skeleton
Fused medially Articulates with all facial bones except mandible Upper dentition Forms 2/3 of hard palate of the mouth Zygomatic process Maxillary bone

45 Maxillary bones - landmarks
Alveolar margin Upper dentition Frontal process Forms lateral aspects of nose Zygomatic process Articulates with zygomatic bone Maxillary sinuses (Fig. 7.11)

46 Palatine bones The horizontal plates forms the posterior portion of hard palate Vertical plate forms part of the posterolateral wall of nasal cavity and a small portion of orbit

47 Palatine bones - landmarks
Horizontal plate Posterior section of hard palate Vertical plate Part of the posteriolateral walls of nasal cavity Orbital surface Part of inferior medial aspect of orbit

48 Vomer Forms part of the nasal septum Discussed with the nasal cavity

49 Vomer - landmarks Plow shape
Divides nasal septum into right and left parts

50 Inferior Nasal Conchae - Landmark
The Inferior nasal conchae is just one of three in the nasal cavity Superior and middle concha are on the Ethmoid bone

51 The Orbits

52 Paranasal sinuses Note positioning around nasal cavity

53 Paranasal sinuses Sphenoid sinus Frontal sinus Ethmoid sinus
Maxillary sinuses

54 Hyoid bone Body Neck muscle attachment Greater horn Lesser horn

55 TMJ

56 TMJ Capsule

57 TMJ Capsule

58 TMJ Motions

59 TMJ Motions

60 Characteristics - Ligaments
Ligaments hold the vertebral column in an upright position The broad Anterior Longitudinal Ligament prevents hyperextension and is quite strong The cord like Posterior Longitudinal Ligament prevents hyperflexion and is relatively weak

61 Characteristics - Ligaments
Ligaments also connect specific vertebra and support disc position Supraspinos ligament Ligamentum flavum Interspinous ligament

62 Intervertebral Discs Intervertebral discs are cushion like pads interposed between vertebra The discs provide elasticity and compressibility Compression flattens discs Discs are thickest in the cervical and lumbar to provide flexibility

63 Characteristics - discs
Annulus fibrosus surrounds the outer margin Collagen fibers Nucleus pulposus is the semi fluid substance which shifts under body weight & pressure Herniation of disc Herniation of disk

64 General structure of vertebrae
Common pattern Body or centrum Vertebral arch lamina pedicle Vertebral foramen Spinous process Muscles attach Transverse process

65 General structure of vertebrae
Interlocking pattern Superior and inferior processes interlock The inferior from above and the superior from the vertebrae below form a movable joint The movement contributes to spinal rotation Superior Articular Process

66 General structure Pedicles have notches on their superior and inferior borders Lateral openings are called intervertebral foramen Spinal nerves from spinal cord exit through these foramina

67 Regional Characteristic: Cervical
Body is oval, but wide side to side C3 - C7 Spinous process is short and bifid (split) except in C7 Vertebral foramen is triangular Transverse processes contain foramina for blood vessels leading to brain

68 Cervical Vertebrae C1 Lateral masses articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull

69 Cervical Vertebrae C1 Body of the Vertebrae is missing Inferior articular surface articulates with C2 below

70 Cervical Vertebrae C2 The axis has the odontoid process or dens is its unique feature The dens is the missing body of the atlas which fuses with the atlas during embryonic development

71 Regional Characteristic: Cervical
Spinous processes project directly posteriorly Superior facets directed superoposteriorly Inferior facets directed inferoanteriorly Flexion/extension, lateral flexion and rotation

72 Regional Characteristic: Thoracic
Body is larger than cervical; heart shaped Spinous process is long and sharp Vertebral foramen is circular Transverse processes project posteriorly and bear facets for ribs

73 Regional Characteristic: Lumbar
Body is massive and kidney shaped Spinous processes are short and blunt Vertebral foramen is triangular Transverse processes are perpendicular to spinous process but has no special features

74 Regional Characteristic: Lumbar
Spinous process projects posteriorly Superior facets directed medially Inferior facets directed laterally Flexion/extension, some lateral flexion, rotation prevented

75 Sacral Ala are fused remnants of transverse processes that articulate with hip bones to form the sacro iliac joints of the pelvis Sacral promontory Center of gravity is 1 cm posterior of this point Transverse line are sites of vertebral fusion Sacral foramina transmit blood vessels and nerves Ala Sacral promontory

76 Sacral On the posterior aspect median sacral crest are fused spinous processes The vertebral canal continues inside the sacrum as the sacral canal Sacral hiatus is at the inferior end of the sacral canal Superior articular surface form a joint with the spinal column

77 Coccyx Coccyx articulates with sacrum

78 Sternum Located on the anterior midline of the thorax
Consists of three fused bones; manubrium, body, and xiphoid process Manibrium articulates with clavicle & 2 ribs Body with ribs 2 - 7 Xiphoid attachment site for abdominal muscle

79 Thorax to Vertebral Column

80 Ribs

81 Ribs Ribs are bowed flat bones Long shaft
Tear drop shaped with a costal groove on inner surface Head of rib has 2 facets to articulate with its vertebrae as well as the one above

82 Ribs Tubercle of rib articulates with transverse process
Ligaments secure rib to transverse process Note how the transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae are angled posteriorly

83 Вступ до курсу анатомії людини. Загальне вчення про кісткову систему
*Вступ до курсу анатомії людини. *Загальне вчення про кісткову систему. *Види з’єднання кісток. *Кістки черепа. *Краніометрія. Черепні показники. *Скронево-нижньощелепний суглоб

84 The Skull: Fractures Egg Shell Fracture of the Parietal bones.
Results from a fall or blunt force to the head

85 The Skull: Fractures Another example of an egg shell fracture.

86 Knife in Skull Above Orbit AP Projection

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