BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Incredible EGGS An

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Incredible EGGS! An economical food source that can be prepared many ways!

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Structure of an Egg • Shell can be any color – no nutrient difference • Yolk is the yellow part of the egg and contains all the saturated fat and cholesterol. • Eggs are also a good source of protein, vitamin A, Vitamin D and trace minerals….

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Lecithin in Eggs • Lecithin is found only in the egg yolk. • Lecithin gives eggs the unique ability to “emulsify” mixtures – which means to make oil and vinegar mix together instead of separating into distinct ingredients. Classic Caesar Salad The egg yolks in the dressing hold the vinegar and oil together and give the dressing it’s creamy taste.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Shell Color of an Egg • Shell color is determined by the breed of hen. • There is no nutrient difference among eggs with white, brown or any other colored shell. Note that the inside of a brown egg is white, while the inside of a blue egg is blue.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What is the white part of the egg called? • ALBUMEN • Pronounced al-BYOU-men • This is the thick, clear fluid that surrounds the egg yolk. • No cholesterol in the egg white!

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What is the Chalazae? • Strands of egg white that anchor the yolk in the center of the egg

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How are eggs sold? • Eggs are sold according to size and grade standards set by the USDA. Coffee Pavlova with Tropical Fruits

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What determines the size of eggs? • Size is determined by a minimum weight of a dozen eggs. • Large or extra large are the 2 most common sizes of egg sold in the grocery store.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How are eggs graded? • Eggs are graded as AA, A, or B • No difference in the nutrients between grades of egg, but… • Difference is in the appearance when cooked!

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Where is salmonella found in eggs? • In raw or undercooked eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Does every egg contain salmonella bacteria? • No……. . but you can’t tell which eggs are contaminated just by looking at the eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How can you prevent getting salmonella from eggs • Very simple answer!! • Cook eggs completely – until both egg yolk and egg white are firm, not runny.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What does the grade of an egg tell you? • The egg has been inspected and meet USDA standards for wholesomeness. • The grade tells you about the appearance of the egg when cooked. • Grade AA eggs have thicker whites and are used when appearance is important, such as making sunnyside up or fried eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How do Grade AA eggs compare with Grade B eggs? • Eggs of all grades are nutritionally equal – so there is no significant nutritional differences. • Grade AA eggs will have egg whites that are thicker that B eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit USDA classifies Eggs as MEAT/Protein • Eggs are grouped with meats because eggs are a good source of protein • 1 egg = 1 serving • USDA recommends 2 -3 servings of meat a day. • If you have a 2 egg omelet for breakfast, you had 2 servings of protein/meat!

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What kind of eggs are prepared in a saucepan? • Hard boiled eggs • Soft boiled eggs • Coddled eggs

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How are hard boiled and soft boiled eggs the same? Spinach deviled eggs • Both are cooked in the shell covered with cold water. • Then the temperature of the water is raised to boiling. • After the water starts to boil, the heat is turned off and the pan is covered.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How can you tell if an egg is hard boiled without cracking it open? • Hard boiled eggs will spin easily on a flat surface. • Raw eggs will not spin well because the heavier yolk shifts around inside the egg.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Why put boiled eggs in an ice bath immediately at the end of cooking time ? • This stops the cooking process, prevents a gray ring from forming around the yolk and reduces the sulfurous “rotton-egg” smell when boiling eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How are hard boiled and soft boiled eggs different? • Hard boiled eggs are cooked for a longer time that soft boiled eggs. • Hard boiled eggs have yolks that are cooked solid. • Soft boiled eggs have yolks that are soft and runny.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit To cook a hard boiled egg…. • Put eggs in a sauce pan and cover them with cold water. • Put sauce pan on the stovetop and bring to a boil, uncovered. • When water boils, immediately cover and turn off the heat. • Let eggs stand in water for 12 to 16 minutes, depending on the size of the eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Soft boiled eggs……. • Get the same treatment as hard boiled eggs • BUT!! • The standing time after the water has boiled is reduced to…. . • 4 – 5 minutes! • Remember – the yolk with be warm and runny, like a soft poached egg.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What kinds of eggs are prepared in a skillet or frying pan? • • • Scrambled eggs Sunnyside up eggs Over easy eggs Fried eggs Omelets

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How do you prepare scrambled eggs? • Crack 1 or 2 eggs per serving into a mixing bowl, add a bit of milk or water if you wish, and beat until yolks and whites are completely mixed. • Heat a small amount of butter or margarine in a non-stick skillet. • Add eggs and cook, stirring occasionally – until eggs not runny and are completely firm.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How do you prepare a sunnyside up egg? • Heat a small amount of butter or margarine in a non-stick skillet. • Crack an egg into the skillet. • Cook on low heat until egg white is completely set and yolk is warm.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How do you prepare an over easy egg? • Start with the same method as a sunnyside up egg, but…… • When the white is mostly cooked, gently turn the egg over and cook for a few seconds upside down. • Turn egg right side up on plate. A good over easy egg has a soft, unbroken yolk.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit …. . prepare a fried egg? • Start with the same method as a sunnyside up egg, but…… • When the egg white starts to cook, break the yolk so it is no longer intact. • Flip the egg over and cook egg until both white and yolk are complete firm.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What kind of pan do you prepare a poached egg in? • When poaching eggs in simmering water, use a relatively deep skillet. • OR • Use an egg poacher – a piece of equipment designed specifically for poaching eggs.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What is a shirred egg? • This method of egg preparation is an egg baked in a 350 F oven. • Good way to prepare a large quantity of eggs to feed a crowd, yet control the portions at the same time.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Quiche? • This is a type of main dish pie made with eggs, cheeses, veggies and usually some kind of meat or seafood. • It is a savory pie served as a meal, not a sweet pie that would be served for dessert. Mushroom Cheddar Quiche

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How many eggs should the average adult eat every week? • Adults should limit their intake to 4 eggs every week. • Why? • Cholesterol is found in large quantities in egg yolks.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit When buying and storing eggs… • Check eggs for cracks before buying. • Refrigerate eggs in their original container. • Put eggs in your refrigerator promptly after you get home from shopping. • DON’T WASH EGGS! The shell is porous and washing destroys the egg’s natural protective covering.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Can eggs act as a leavener? • YES!! • But only in one way. . • Stiffly beaten egg whites can make a cake rise. • Angel food cake is an example of a cake leavened with beaten egg whites.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What are some of the things eggs do in recipes? • Eggs add nutrition and color. • Eggs are binders. • Beaten egg whites can be used as leaveners to make cakes rise. • Eggs can be used to thicken sauces, puddings and pies.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What is the most sanitary way to separate egg whites from yolks? • Actually………. . • Use an egg separator! • The shell to shell method works, but you do run the risk of bacteria contamination from the pores of the shell. • However – your teacher still uses the shell to shell method

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How are eggs whites beaten? • First – make sure NO YOLK gets into the egg white. Even a speck will ruin your chances of getting the egg whites to hold the air. • Make sure your beaters and bowl are clean. • Beat using an electric mixer, until egg whites reach soft peak or still peak stage.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What is meringue? • Meringue – pronounced mehr-ANG • Meringue is a foam made of beaten egg whites and sugar that is often used in desserts of different kinds. • Baked Alaska is covered with meringue. • Lemon meringue pie is topped • with meringue.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Lemon Meringue Pie…. .

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit How can you tell if the sugar is dissolved in a meringue? • Rub a little of the meringue between your thumb and forefinger. If the meringue feels gritty, then keep beating.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Baked Alaska….

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit What happens if you over-beat egg whites? • Over-beaten egg whites lose their glossy sheen. • They become dry, dull and begin to fall apart.

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Asparagus Omelet….

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Poached Eggs & Spinach Salad. .

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Chilled Mango Soufflé

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Mother’s Day Brunch Crab Quiche

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Egg Blossom Breakfast…

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Potato Red Pepper Frittata

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Very Veggie Omelet…. .

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit Skillet Eggs & Tomato Sauce

BCHS Culinary Arts Egg Unit You just gotta love all the ways to fix eggs………
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