Entrepreneurship for Computer Science CS 15 390 Financial
- Slides: 24
Entrepreneurship for Computer Science CS 15 -390 Financial Intelligence- Part I Lecture 19, April 7, 2019 Mohammad Hammoud
Today… • Last Session: • Product Development- Part II: Web Applications • Today’s Session: • Financial Intelligence- Part I • Announcements: • PS 3 is due on April 9 by midnight • Project’s milestone 4 is due on April 14 by midnight (we shared the rubric over Piazza) • Quiz II is on Tuesday, April 16 during the class time • Final exam is on Wednesday, May 1 from 1: 30 to 4: 30 in Room 1030
Why Financial Intelligence? • Finance and accounting together make the language of business • They allow you to answer basic questions, alongside controlling, evaluating, and planning operations • • What does my company own? How much does it owe others? How well did (or will) its operations go? How does it (or should) get the cash to fund itself? • You need to be able to at least interpret core financial statements, which will enable you to control, evaluate, and plan operations accordingly • We will refer to this process as financial intelligence
Types of Accounting • There are two types of accounting: 1. Accrual accounting • It captures business activities irrespective of cash movement • More precisely, transactions are recorded when activities are performed • E. g. , HP sold your startup a rack of servers in March 2019, but your startup will pay HP in February 2020 • HP will record the sale (as accounts receivable), match it against its related cost, and compute the profit/loss in 2019, although it will receive the money from you in 2020 • Your startup will record the sale (as accounts payable) and accrue (or allocate) the cost of the rack over its useful time
Types of Accounting • There are two types of accounting: 2. Cash basis accounting • It captures cash movement without regard to business activities • More precisely, transactions are recorded only when cash changes hands • Anytime you get cash from a customer, you call that revenue, even if the product or service is not delivered at that time • Anytime you spend cash you call that expense • E. g. , If you pay a 2 -year rent in 2019, all the rent cost will be recorded as an expense in 2019 and NOT over a period of 2 years
Example: Cash Basis Accounting • Month 1: • You offer a service to a customer where the cost to you is $100. • The customer pays you $200 for your service. Month 1 Revenue $200 Expenses $100 Profit 200 -100= $100 Cash $100 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 This can be viewed as an oversimplified “Income Statement” (with no taxes, no debt, no interest, etc. ), one of the three core financial statements
Example: Cash Basis Accounting • Month 2: • You offer a service to a customer where the cost to you is $200. • You and the customer agree that they can pay you $400 next month. Month 1 Month 2 Revenue $200 $0 Expenses $100 $200 Profit 200 -100= $100 -$200 Cash $100 100 -200=$-100 Month 3 Month 4
Example: Cash Basis Accounting • Month 3: • You receive $400 from the customer you offered the service to last month. • You receive $200 in advance from a customer that you have to offer a service to next month. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Revenue $200 $0 400+200=$600 Expenses $100 $200 $0 Profit 200 -100= $100 -$200 $600 Cash $100 100 -200=$-100+600=$500 Month 4
Example: Cash Basis Accounting • Month 4: • You offer your service to the customer who paid you last month. • The service costed you $100. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Revenue $200 $0 400+200=$600 $0 Expenses $100 $200 $0 $100 Profit 200 -100= $100 -$200 $600 $-100 Cash $100 100 -200=$-100+600=$500 500 -100=$400 Profitable Non-Profitable The business is steadier than what the above seems to imply!
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 1: Month 1 Revenue $200 Expenses $100 Profit 200 – 100 = $100 Cash $100 Accounts Receivable $0 Deferred Revenue $0 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 A money that you will receive in the future for a service/product that you have already delivered.
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 1: Month 1 Revenue $200 Expenses $100 Profit 200 – 100 = $100 Cash $100 Accounts Receivable $0 Deferred Revenue $0 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 A money that you have received in advance for a service/product that you will deliver in the future.
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 1: • You offer a service to a customer where the cost to you is $100. • The customer pays you $200 for your service. Month 1 Revenue $200 Expenses $100 Profit 200 -100 – 100==$100 Cash $100 Accounts Receivable $0 Deferred Revenue $0 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 2: • You offer a service to a customer where the cost to you is $200. • You and the customer agree that they can pay you $400 next month. Even though the customer did not pay you! Month 1 Month 2 Revenue $200 $400 Expenses $100 $200 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 Cash $100 -200+100 = $-100 Accounts Receivable $0 $400 Deferred Revenue $0 $0 Month 3 Month 4
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 2: • You offer a service to a customer where the cost to you is $200. • You and the customer agree that they can pay you $400 next month. Month 1 Month 2 Revenue $200 $400 Expenses $100 $200 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 Cash $100 -200+100 100 -200 ==$-100 Accounts Receivable $0 $400 Deferred Revenue $0 $0 Month 3 Month 4
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 2: • You offer a service to a customer where the cost to you is $200. • You and the customer agree that they can pay you $400 next month. Month 1 Month 2 Revenue $200 $400 Expenses $100 $200 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 Cash $100 -200+100 100 -200 ==$-100 Accounts Receivable $0 $400 Deferred Revenue $0 $0 Month 3 Month 4
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 3: • You receive $400 from the customer you offered the service to last month. • You receive $200 in advance from a customer that you have to offer a service to next month. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Revenue $200 $400 $0 Expenses $100 $200 $0 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 $0 Cash $100 100 -200 = $-100+400+200= $500 Accounts Receivable $0 $400 $0 Deferred Revenue $0 $0 $200 Month 4 This is more of a liability; hence, not recorded as a revenue.
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 4: • You offer your service to the customer who paid you last month. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Revenue $200 $400 $0 $200 Expenses $100 $200 $0 $100 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 $0 $100 Cash $100 100 -200 = $-100+400+200= $500 500 -100=$400 Accounts Receivable $0 $400 $0 $0 Deferred Revenue $0 $0 $200 $0
Example: Accrual Accounting • Month 4: • You offer your service to the customer who paid you last month. • The service costed you $100. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Revenue $200 $400 $0 $200 Expenses $100 $200 $0 $100 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 $0 $100 Cash $100 100 -200 = $-100+400+200= $500 500 -100=$400 Accounts Receivable $0 $400 $0 $0 Deferred Revenue $0 $0 $200 $0 The profits reflect better the activities of the business!
The Balance Sheet • The balance sheet presents: • The assets owned by your company • The liabilities owed to others • And the accumulated investment of the owners (i. e. , owner’s equity) • Assets are the resources that the company posses for future benefits • Examples: • • • Cash Inventory Accounts receivable Equipment Buildings
The Balance Sheet • Liabilities are dollar-specific obligations to pay or repay, and other obligations to provide products or services to others • Examples: • Bank debt • Accounts payable (i. e. , amount owed to suppliers) • Prepaid accounts or “deferred revenues” (i. e. , advances from customers to deliver products or services) • Taxes owed (or taxes payable) • Wages owed to employees (or wages payable)
The Balance Sheet • Owner’s equity is the accumulated dollar measure of the investments made by the owners in the company • Examples (more on these later) • Common stock • Paid-in-capital (i. e. , the funds raised by the company from equity and not from ongoing operations) • Retained earnings (i. e. , reinvestment of earnings) • As its name implies, the balance sheet is a “balance” sheet, where: • Assets (A) = Liabilities (L) + Owner’s Equity (OE)
Very Simple Example Balance Sheet- End of Month 1 A DR = 0 L Cash: $100 Equity: AR: $0 $100 OE Income statement of month 2 on an accrual basis Balance Sheet- End of Month 2 A DR = 0 L Cash: -$100 Equity: AR: $400 $300 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Revenue $200 $400 $0 $200 Expenses $100 $200 $0 $100 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 $0 $100 Cash $100 100 -200 = $-100+400+200= $500 500 -100=$400 Accounts Receivable (AR) $0 $400 $0 $0 Deferred Revenue (DR) $0 $0 $200 $0 OE
Very Simple Example Balance Sheet- End of Month 1 A DR = 0 L Cash: $100 Equity: AR: $0 $100 OE Income statement of month 2 on an accrual basis Balance Sheet- End of Month 2 A DR = 0 L Cash: -$100 Equity: AR: $400 $300 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Revenue $200 $400 $0 $200 Expenses $100 $200 $0 $100 Profit 200 -100 = $100 400 -200 = $200 $0 $100 Cash $100 100 -200 = $-100+400+200= $500 500 -100=$400 The balance sheet is$0 a snapshot of $400 a company’s holdings at a given $0 time, Accounts $0 Receivable (AR)the income statement shows the “flow” of activities and while Deferred Revenue transactions $0 $0 $0 over a specific period of$200 time. (DR) OE
Next Class • Financial Intelligence- Part II
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