Plate tectonics theory for how Continental Drift works Slides: 35 Download presentation Plate tectonics – theory for how Continental Drift works 200 million years 135 million years 65 million years Today Seafloor magnetic anomalies and Plate Tectonics The origin of seafloor magnetic anomalies reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field. Reversals of Earth’s magnetic field Normal polarity Reversed polarity Seafloor spreading and magnetic reversals Dating Magnetic reversals Sea-floor spreading 03_23. jpg Sea-floor spreading Subduction Tectonic plates and the lithosphere Divergent plate boundaries and mantle up-welling Convergent plate boundaries and subduction Plate tectonics and the ocean floor Mantle convection and Plate Tectonics Controls on spreading and subduction Slab push and slab pull Distribution of Mid-ocean ridges, fractures and trenches Distribution of World’s Volcanoes Distribution of Earthquake foci Trend from shallow to deep focus earthquakes - subduction Distribution of earthquakes along a subduction zone 03_23. jpg Sea-floor spreading Subduction Crustal plates 04_11. jpg Supercontinents Pangea 400 Ma – 180 Ma Rodinia 1100 Ma – 700 Ma The fate of subducted slabs Distribution of Mid-ocean ridges, fractures and trenches Transform faults Transform faults and plate boundaries The San Andreas transform fault Hot spot volcanoes Hot spots and mantle plumes Hot spots and mantle plumes Interpretation of plate motion from hot spots Rates of plate motion Continental Rifting The African Rift Valley Plate tectonic summary Zoomable Art: Theory of Plate Tectonics Plate tectonic summary