SWAGGER SENTINEL LYMPH NODES Summary Sentinel lymph node

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Summary • Sentinel lymph node practice across SWAGGER • Preliminary data: SWAGGER SLN Endometrial cancer • BGCS guidelines SLN • PORTEC 3

SWAGGER SLN endometrial cancer

Exeter: SLN for G 3 endometrial cancer 72 cases – 6 recurrences, 4 deaths Cheltenham: No SLN Full pelvic lymphadenectomy G 3 19 cases – 12 had full pelvic lymphadenectomy 1/12 (8. 3%) positive nodes – chemotherapy. Distant recurrence and died

Bristol: • 40 cases G 2 and G 3 • 9/40 (22. 5%) only unilateral SLN mapped • 31/40 (77. %%) SLN mapped bilaterally • Position of SLN: External iliac 35 Internal iliac 11 Common iliac 4 Obturator 18 Parametrial 3 • 14 cases G 2 – 1/14 (7%) positive SLN, had chemotherapy • 26 cases G 3 – 1/26 (4%) positive SLN, had chemotherapy

Bristol 40 cases SLN G 2/3 continued: • 6 recurrences – 3 local, 3 distant • 3 deaths

BGCS guidelines Sentinel nodes Vulval Cancer: • Techniques TC 99 with blue dye • Not enough evidence for ICG • Histological ultra-staging for SLN • Unifocal tumours <4 cm with no suspicious lymph nodes (clinical or examination) SLN standard of care • If no SLN detected then full lymphadenectomy

Cervical cancer • Techniques TC 99 with blue dye or ICG • Histological ultra-staging for SLN • SLN algorithms can be considered stage 1 a 1 with LVSI, Stage 1 a 2 -1 b 1 (tumours less than 2 cm) • If no SLN detected then full lymphadenectomy

Int J Gynecol Cancer 2017; 27: 154 Y 158) • pooled detection rate of 89. 2% (95% CI, 86. 3 Y 91. 6) • pooled sensitivity rate of 90% (95% CI, 88 Y 92) • Tumours<2 cm sensitivity 96 -100%

Endometrial cancer: • Cervical injection for SLN • Techniques TC 99 with blue dye or ICG • Histological ultra-staging for SLN • Can be considered in high risk endometrial cancer (clear cell, serous, grade 3 endometrioid, carcinosarcoma) • If no SLN detected then full lymphadenectomy

• Lancet Oncol 2017; 18: 384– 92. 10 centres in USA • Any grade, apparent stage 1 endometrial cancer • ICG dye used, injected into cervix • PAN 58% • 293/340 (86%) successful mapping • 177/340 (52%) bilateral mapping SLN

Results • The sensitivity was 97· 2% (95% CI 85· 0– 100; Mc. Nemar’s p=1). • False-negative rate 3% • Negative predictive value of 99· 6% (95% CI 97· 9– 100). • Isolated Para-aortic SLN detected 3/340 (<1%) • 6 patients (17%) had positive SLN outside conventional lymphadenectomy

• Lancet Oncol (july) 2019; 20: 1273– 85 • Between 2006 -2013 660 women randomised • stage I endometrioid grade 3 cancer with deep myometrial invasion • • or lymphovascular space invasion, or both; stage II or III disease; or stage I–III disease with serous or clear cell histology Receive radiotherapy alone (48· 6 Gy in 1· 8 Gy fractions given on 5 days per week) or Chemoradiotherapy (two cycles of cisplatin 50 mg/m² given intravenously during radiotherapy, followed by four cycles of carboplatin AUC 5 and paclitaxel 175 mg/m² given intravenously

5 -year overall survival was 81· 4% (95% CI 77· 2– 85· 8) with chemoradiotherapy versus 76· 1% (71· 6– 80· 9) with radiotherapy alone (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 0· 70 [95% CI 0· 51– 0· 97], p=0· 034)

5 -year failure-free survival was 76· 5% (95% CI 71· 5– 80· 7) versus 69· 1% (63· 8– 73· 8; HR 0· 70 [0· 52– 0· 94], p=0· 016).

stage III endometrial cancer, 5 -year overall survival was 78. 5% (95% CI 72. 2– 85. 4) with chemoradiotherapy versus 68. 5% (61. 2– 76. 7)with radiotherapy alone (HR 0・ 63 [95% CI 0. 41– 0. 99]; p=0. 043)

In women with stage I–II disease, • 5 -year overall survival was 83・ 8% (95% CI 78・ 4– 89・ 5) with chemoradiotherapy • versus 82・ 0% (95% CI 76・ 5– 87・ 7) with radiotherapy alone • HR 0・ 84 [95% CI 0・ 52– 1・ 38]; p=0・ 50), • 5 -year failure-free survival was 81・ 3% (95% CI 74・ 7– 86・ 3) • with chemoradiotherapy versus 77・ 3% (95% CI 70・ 5– 82・ 7) with radiotherapy alone (HR 0・ 87 [95% CI 0・ 56– 1・ 36]; p=0・ 54;

5 -year overall survival was 71・ 4% (95% CI 60・ 1– 84・ 7) with chemoradiotherapy versus 52・ 8% (40・ 6– 68・ 6) with radiotherapy alone (HR 0・ 48 [95% CI 0・ 24– 0・ 96]; p=0・ 037) 5 -year failure-free survival was 59・ 7% (95% CI 45・ 1– 71・ 6) with chemotherapy versus 47・ 9% (33・ 9– 60・ 6) with radiotherapy alone (HR 0・ 42 [95% CI 0・ 22– 0・ 80]; p=0・ 008

Results - recurrences • Distant metastases 78 of 330 women (5 -year probability 21· 4%; • • 95% CI 17· 3– 26· 3) in the chemoradiotherapy group versus 98 of 330 (5 -year probability 29· 1%; 24· 4– 34· 3) in the radiotherapy-alone group (HR 0· 74 [95% CI 0· 55– 0· 99]; p=0· 047). Isolated vaginal recurrence was the first site of recurrence in one patient (0· 3%; 95% CI 0· 0– 2· 1) in both groups (HR 0· 99[95% CI 0· 06– 15· 90]; p=0· 99) isolated pelvic recurrence was the first site of recurrence in three women (0· 9%[95% CI 0· 3– 2· 8]) in the chemoradiotherapy group versus four (0· 9% [95% CI 0· 3– 2· 8]) in the radiotherapy-alone group (HR 0· 75 [95% CI 0· 17– 3· 33]; p=0· 71)

Result – adverse side effects • At 5 years, only one grade 4 adverse event (ileus or obstruction) • • was reported (in the chemoradiotherapy group). grade 3 adverse events did not differ significantly between the two groups, occurring in 16 (8%) of 201 women in the chemoradiotherapy group versus ten (5%) of 187 in the radiotherapy-alone group (p=0· 24). grade 3 adverse event was hypertension (in four [2%] women in both groups). grade 2 or worse adverse events were reported in 76 (38%) of 201 women in the chemoradiotherapy group versus 43 (23%) of 187 in the radiotherapy-alone group (p=0· 002). Sensory neuropathy persisted more often after chemoradiotherapy than after radiotherapy alone, with 5 -year rates of grade 2 or worse neuropathy of 6% (13 of 201 women) versus 0% (0 of 187). No treatment-related deaths were reported.