Welcome to Second Grade Mrs Castro Teacher Mrs

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Welcome to Second Grade Mrs. Castro –Teacher Mrs. Waters- Teacher Assistant Together We Can Make A Difference!!

Behavior Management System Expectations 1. 2. 3. 4. Be a responsible citizen. Respect other people and their property. Be kind and considerate. Do what you are asked to do.

Consequences Positive Rewards (Yellow Folders) 10 checks- Treat Jar 20 checks – No Homework 30 checks – 15 min. Computer Pass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negative Verbal warning Green Light -visual warning Yellow Light-Walk 10 min. during recess Red Light-10 min. Silent Lunch/parent phone call Referred to Office/ Conference with Parents

Table Tallies Tables can earn tallies for: 1. Good citizenship. 2. Great behavior in class. 3. Working together as a team 4. Staying on task and completing assignments. Friday – Table with the most tallies gets to go to the “Treasure Chest”

Terrific Kids • Terrific Kid- All students with all checks in yellow folder for the previous week will have their names put in a hat for a drawing • Every student will have the opportunity to be “Terrific Kid”. We will have 9 “Terrific Kids” each nine weeks. • “Terrific Kids” are honored at the 9 weeks assembly, and receive a pin to go on their lanyard.

Reading • Read nightly 15/20 minutes. • May be assigned in Science or Social Studies. • DRA level needs to be at least Level 24 by the end of the year.

Accelerated Reader • Every student will participate in AR • STAR testing is done at the beginning of each nine weeks to determine “Reading Range. ” • Reading Range and Points Goal are individualized to match each student’s needs • Students who make their AR Goal will be honored at Awards Assembly and receive a pin for their lanyard. They will also attend the class AR Party! • Weekly AR Reports will go home in Monday Folder • Help prepare your child for AR by asking them questions about the book • Volunteers Needed – To read AR books with students

Writing Products Required: • Personal Experience Narrative (Beginning, Middle & End - Paragraphs) • Imaginative Narrative (BME, Paragraphs) • Research Report (Paragraphs) • Learning Log(Science/Social Studies/Math) • Reading Response • Poetry(Concrete or Free Verse) • Friendly Letter(heading, greeting, body, closing, signature) *Things to work on at home: Punctuation and Capitalization

Math • Problem solving-not just computation anymore. • Review addition/subtraction factsshould be memorized (fluently) • Need a Volunteer-Math Super Stars • Quarterly assessment • Pre and Post testing

Science • Pre and Post tests • Experiments • Notebooking: Question, Prediction, Procedure, Materials, Data, LOL, Extensions. • Units of study: Sound Air and Weather Changes in properties Animal Lifecycles

Social Studies • Pre and Post testing Units of study: Communities Geography People and Heroes Past and Present Economic Concepts

Homework • Essential • Planners • Teaching responsibility and organization

Teamwork Makes the dream work!!