Welcome to th 9 Grade Scheduling Mrs Garcia

- Slides: 29

Welcome to th 9 Grade Scheduling Mrs. Garcia (A – Fe) Ms. Lau (Fi – La) Mrs. Druten (Le – Ra) Mrs. Barricklow (Re – Z) Ms. Torres – College & Career Counseling Coordinator

Counselor’s Role ➢ ➢ ➢ Same counselor for 4 years Academic counseling Personal, social and emotional counseling Career counseling College counseling

nd 2 Visit ➢ Bert Lynn Middle School ● Monday, May 6 ● Tuesday, May 7 ➢ Jefferson Middle School ● Tuesday, April 30 ● Thursday, May 2

Incoming 9 th Grade Night Wednesday, March 27 th at 6: 00 pm in WHS Pavilion Learn about classes and activities at West High: Athletics Honors/ AP WHS Counselors Band/ Color Guard Choir Drama Project Lead the Way (PLTW) College Planning Academic Decathlon Science Olympiad Speech & Debate Yearbook Dance Robotics

How do students earn credits? Students will earn 5 credits per class (per semester) ➢ Semester grades are permanent marks, which go on your West High transcript ➢ Q 1 + Q 2 = Semester 1 (cumulative grade) ➢ Q 3 + Q 4 = Semester 2 (cumulative grade) ➢

Graduation Requirements ➢ 220 credits ➢ 6 semesters of satisfactory citizenship ➢ English – 40 credits ➢ History/Social Studies – 30 credits ➢ Math – 20 credits ➢ Science – 20 credits ➢ Health – 5 credits ➢ PE – 20 credits ➢ World Language or VPA – 10 credits

Are You Ready For Honors? ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ You should have an A in your current class Highly interested in subject Always complete work on time Good study habits Motivated Responsible Able to seek help Successful in all classes

Honors Classes ➢ Honors Commitment Form ➢ Assessing Strengths Form (required for students currently taking an Honors class at WHS) All Honors/AP classes are a yearlong commitment. Choose wisely!

th 9 Grade Required Courses English Math Science PE Health/Intro to Business, Health/Teen Living OR Health/World Geography ➢ Elective (World Language, Visual & Performing Art, or Career Tech Ed) ➢ ➢ ➢ Link to WHS Course Description Handbook

English 1 ➢ English 1 H ➢ English 1(S) – ELL students only ➢ English Elective ➢ Forensics Workshop – Debate (Zero Period Only)

Health ● Health / Introduction to Business ● Health / World Geography ● Health / Teen Living ● ONLINE Health

Planning on taking Health over the summer? Question: Should I take Health over the summer? Answer: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Question: Where can I take the course? Answer: South Bay Enrichment Academy or through an Online Provider (Mission Academy, Opportunities for Learning, Method). Question: How can I sign up? Answer: Prior to enrolling, you must submit to your counselor a completed Correspondence Course Pre. Approval Form. Once submitted, you can enroll with your summer program via their website.

Science The following is the order of progression for science: Current Class 8 th Grade Science Next Year’s Class Biology or Biology H Chemistry or Chemistry H

Mathematics ➢ In order to move on to the next math class, you must pass your current math class with a C or better. ➢ The following is the order of progression for math: Algebra 1 Geometry or Geometry H Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 H Trigonometry, Pre. Calc or Pre. Calc H

Physical Education ➢ Options include: ● ● ● PE 9 Beginning Dance PE Band *Drill Team / Hip Hop *Pep Squad *Athletics Note: Courses with an asterisk* require coaches approval and/or tryout.

Visual & Performing Arts and World Language ➢ To receive a high school diploma, you must take 1 year of a Visual and Performing Art (VPA) OR 1 year of a World Language ➢ To fulfill A-G requirements for 4 year colleges, you must take 1 year of a VPA AND 2 years of a World Language

Electives ➢ Visual and Performing Arts Electives: ● ● ● ● ● Theatre Arts 1 Stage Tech (7 th period) Art 1 Costume and Wearable Art Beginning Choir Girl’s Glee *Advanced Choir Beginning Instruments (Piano) Adv Band/Percussion Ensemble

Electives World Language: ● French ● Japanese ● Korean ● Spanish In order to move on to the next language level class, you must pass your current class with a C or better ➢

Electives ➢ Career Technology Education Electives: ● Design & Architecture ● Wood 1 ● PLTW: Intro to Engineering & Design ➢ Social Studies Elective: ● *AP Human Geography Additional Electives: ● *Yearbook (Chieftain) ● *Journalism (Smoke Signals)

Alternatives for Electives ➢ On the back of your course request sheet where it says “Please write 3 Alternatives for Electives”, please make sure it is completed. ➢ It is VERY important to complete this part. If this section is left blank, your Counselor will select an elective for you. ☺ ➢ The more alternatives you select, the more likely you are to get a class you will enjoy.

Zero Period ➢ Zero period classes offered include: ● ● PE Band Forensics Workshop/Debate Geometry H Biology H

Please have the following when you meet with your counselor: A completed course selection sheet signed by a parent ➢ A signed and completed Honors/AP Commitment Form ➢ A signed and completed Assessing Strengths Form (if currently enrolled in a Honor’s course @ WHS) ➢ A completed Correspondence Course Form if you plan on taking a class over the summer ➢

Online Class Registration ➢ Once you have decided on your courses and have circled your selections on the pink scheduling form, complete the online registration steps on the half sheet by logging into your Power. School account ➢ The online class registration window will be open until Tuesday, April 30 th @ 7: 30 am. ➢ Your counselor will review your selections at your meeting in April/May.

Warrior Welcome ➢ Orientation for all incoming Freshmen ➢ Usually held in mid-August ➢ All are encouraged to attend

College & Career Center College Rep Visits ➢ Career Speaker Presentations ➢ ➢ College Workshops ➢ Financial Aid Resources ➢ Military Resources ➢ Scholarships

Getting Involved ➢ There are many clubs on campus ➢ Students are encouraged to find a club they would like to join and become active members ➢ Clubs usually meet during lunch

Thank You for Your Time and Attention Happy Scheduling!

9 West High School – 2019 -2020 Student ID # Student Name SPED EL 9 th Grade Course Offerings for 18 -19 Grade Students College Plans: 2 YR: 4 YR: VOC: Zero Online Career Goal: ALL COURSES ARE A 1 YEAR COMMITMENT - Students will not be allowed to drop a year-long class at the semester. The courses listed here are requests only, classes may be limited based upon size and availability. These courses meet Zero Period from 7 -7: 55. Zero Period Online 0712 Biology 1 H ᵈ ⁺ 0703 Geometry H ᶜ ⁺ 0185 Forensics Workshop (Debate) ᶢ ℗ 0376 PE Band ℠¹ Zero Period Choir? These online courses are being offered to those students who wish to add a class outside the regular 6 period day. Coursework is completed online during the year, however, students will meet with the teacher every couple of weeks. C 235 Health ℠ This section is for English Language Development students only. ELD 0789 Beginning English Workshop 0786 Intermediate English Workshop ᶢ 0787 Advanced English Workshop ᶢ 0792 EL Intervention 4 years of English is a graduation and a UC/CSU requirement. English 0092 English 1 ᵇ 0095 English 1 H ᵇ ⁺ 1092 English 1 (Spec. Ed. ) 0099 English 1 (ELD) ᵇ 2 years (20 credits) of Science is a graduation and UC/CSU requirement. 10 credits Physical Science, 10 credits Biological Science 0409 Biology 1 ᵈ 0411 Biology 1 H ᵈ ⁺ 1409 Biology 1 (Spec. Ed. ) 0424 Biology (ELD) 0417 Chemistry 1 ᵈ 0418 Chemistry 1 H ᵈ ⁺ 2 years (20 credits) of Mathematics is a graduation requirement. UC/CSU requirement is 3 years (30 credits), with a recommendation of 4 years (40 credits). Mathematics 0302 Algebra 1 ᶜ 0315 Geometry ᶜ 0316 Geometry H ᶜ ⁺ 0306 Algebra 2 ᶜ 0307 Algebra 2 H ᶜ ⁺ 0300 Trigonometry ᶜ 0319 Pre-Calculus ᶜ 0320 Pre-Calculus H ᶜ ⁺ 1 Semester of Health is a graduation requirement Health 0296 Teen Living℠/Health ℠ 0050 Intro to Business℠/Health ℠ 0483 World Geography ᵃ ℠/Health ℠ Students who wish to take a fall sport will make their choice from the list, subject to tryouts. If you’re in multiple sports, please choose the sport that starts earliest. 2 years (20 credits) of PE is a graduation requirement. PE/Athletics 0373 Beg. Dance 0369 Drill Team ℗ 0374 Inter. Dance ℗ 0376 PE Band ° ℠¹ 0381 PE Pep Squad ℗ 0384 PE 9 Fall Sports 0368 Cross Country ℗ 0370 Football ℗ 0399 Golf (Girls) ℗ 0389 Tennis (Girls) ℗ 0391 Volleyball (Girls) ℗ 0395 Water Polo (Boys) ℗ UC/CSU A-G & Honors Codes & Credit Types: ⁺ Honors/AP, ᵃ Social Science, ᵇ English, ᶜ Mathematics, ᵈ Science, ᵉ World Language, ᶠ Vis/Perf Arts, ᶢ Elective Rev. 3/20/2019 Winter Sports 0367 Basketball (Boys) ℗ 0367 Basketball (Girls) ℗ 0387 Soccer (Boys) ℗ 0387 Soccer (Girls) ℗ 0392 Wrestling (Boys) ℗ 0392 Wrestling (Girls) ℗ 0395 Water Polo (Girls)℗ Spring Sports 0366 Baseball ℗ 0388 Softball ℗ 0390 Track ℗ 0391 Volleyball (Boys) ℗ 0399 Golf (Boys) ℗ 0389 Tennis (Boys) ℗ 0398 Swimming ℗ Special Offering Codes: ℠ Semester Course, ℗ Tryout/Permission Req, ⁷ Offered Period 7, �Off Campus

1 year (10 credits) of World Language or Visual/Performing Arts is a graduation requirement. UC/CSU requirement is 2 years (20 credits) of the same language, with a recommendation of 3 years (30 credits). World Languages 0195 French 1 ᵉ 0197 French 2 ᵉ 0209 Japanese 1 ᵉ 0210 Japanese 2 ᵉ 0218 Spanish 1 ᵉ 0228 Korean 1 ᵉ 0229 Korean 2 ᵉ 0219 Spanish 1 H ᵉ ⁺ 0220 Spanish 2 ᵉ 0221 Spanish 2 H ᵉ ⁺ 75 elective credits are a graduation requirement. UC/CSU requires 1 year of Visual/Performing Arts. Visual & Performing Arts Drama 0112 Theatre Arts 1 ᶠ 0113 Theatre Arts 2 ᶠ 0114 Theatre Arts 3 ᶠ 0115 Theatre Arts 4 ᶠ 0084 Stage Tech ⁷ 0666 Theater Mgmt ⁷ (Occasionally 1 st Period) 0263 Costume & Wearable Art ᶠ Art 0007 Art 1 ᶠ Band 0334 Band (Tall Flags) 0336 Beg Instruments 0354 Int Instruments ᶠ 0345 Percussion Ens ᶠ 0333 Adv Band ᶠ Choir 0338 Choir A/B ᶠ Music 0352 AP Music Theory ᶠ ⁺ ℗ 75 elective credits are a graduation requirement. UC/CSU requires 1 year of College Prep Electives. Career/Technology Education Industrial Tech 0288 Wood 1 0272 Design & Architecture ᶢ Engineering 0447 PLTW: Intro to Engineering Design ᶢ These courses are offered for elective credit but may require special permission. Special Options 0771 Yearbook (Chieftain) ℗ 0459 Academic Decath (Acadec) ᶢ ℗ Social Science 0503 AP Human Geog ᵃ ⁺ List 3 alternative electives. Unfortunately, you cannot choose a preferred order. Alternate Electives ● Summer School ● I am taking a summer course to replace/fulfill a WHS course & understand the requirements as explained by my counselor. I understand that incomplete/failed courses or failure to provide official transcripts means that my schedule may be adjusted. If taking a course for advancement, a Correspondence Course (Summer School/Outside of WHS) Pre-approval form is required. Course Name: Honors/AP 1. Counselor Notes ● Course Provider (School): I am requesting the following Honors/AP courses in order of preference, option 1, 2, etc. I also understand that failure to complete a prerequisite course or required assessment/commitment paperwork means that my schedule may be adjusted. 2. 3. Student/Parent Acknowledgements Student Signature: Parent Signature: Rev. 3/20/2019 4.