404 Error. Page not found.

The screen displayed a message
That made your heart sink low
It said "Error 404: Not Found"
And you felt a wave of woe
You wondered what had happened
To the content you desired
Was it moved or deleted
Or had it just expired?
You tried to find an answer
But none came to your mind
You felt like giving up
But you decided to be kind
You typed a new query
And hoped for better luck
You clicked on a promising link
And prayed it wouldn't suck
The page loaded quickly
And you smiled with delight
It had what you were looking for
And you felt a surge of light
You forgot about the error
That had ruined your mood before
You enjoyed the information
And you searched for more and more
That made your heart sink low
It said "Error 404: Not Found"
And you felt a wave of woe
You wondered what had happened
To the content you desired
Was it moved or deleted
Or had it just expired?
You tried to find an answer
But none came to your mind
You felt like giving up
But you decided to be kind
You typed a new query
And hoped for better luck
You clicked on a promising link
And prayed it wouldn't suck
The page loaded quickly
And you smiled with delight
It had what you were looking for
And you felt a surge of light
You forgot about the error
That had ruined your mood before
You enjoyed the information
And you searched for more and more