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Snip-its Strawberry Shortcake Sweepstakes

Find Your Berry Sweetest Inspiration This Spring – Kids’ Hair Trends

Everything is fruitastic at Snip-its Haircuts for Kids as we celebrate WildBrain’s Strawberry Shortcake and her new adventures in Berry in the Big City – watch now on YouTube. We’ve added a dash of color and a spritz of yum to our spring trend report this year. Read on to find the berry best style and how to enter our Berry Sweetstakes on all of our social media pages!

Kids’ Spring Hair Trends

Bixie and Braids—The Bixie is a combination of a Bob and a Pixie haircut. Girls’ trends are staying short, but braids are still in the mix. Both trends empower girls to be uniquely themselves. Accessories, color and designs add imagination and fun.

Texturize and Design—Longer and shorter styles alike are creating texture and fun in boys’ hair trends this spring whilst still retaining individuality. A little product, a bit of piecing, and some imaginative designs are all it takes to make him look like a star.

A Dash of Color and a Spritz of Yum – Both boys and girls are jumping on the color streak train! A dash of color is all it takes to rock a cool kids’ style. Add a hair scent like Hair Shots to add a burst of berry sweet (or citrus) awesomeness.


Strawberry Shortcake logo

Strawberry Shortcake is back again! We’re celebrating season 1 of WildBrain’s Strawberry Shortcake Berry in the Big City – watch now on YouTube – from Presidents’ Day to Easter in the salon. We can’t think of a better way to shine brighter than the rest than with inspired berry sweet styles. Berry big dreams need a big place to come true.


Berry Sweet Style at Snip-its Haircuts for Kids inspired by Strawberry Shortcake

Find your berry sweetest inspiration at Snip-its Haircuts for Kids. We are bringing Strawberry Shortcake and her friends to life in the salon with our $7 add-on scented hair styles: a dash of color and a spritz of yum added on to your haircut adventure. The add-on service is available at this price every day through April 16, 2022. Don’t forget to watch Strawberry Shortcake in her new adventures in Berry in the Big City, now on YouTube.


Snip-its social media pages – both nationally and locally – will run a sweepstakes in February and March. Look for and LIKE our Strawberry Shortcake posts to enter the contest. Prizes include Snip-its Gift Cards and Strawberry Shortcake themed prizes. Winners announced on Snip-its social media pages on Tuesday, April 5, 2022.


Snip-its Strawberry Shortcake Sweepstakes


Stop in to any Snip-its Haircuts for Kids this Spring to find sweet, scented style inspired by WildBrain’s Strawberry Shortcake and her friends from the YouTube series, Berry in the Big City! Join us for WildBrain’s Strawberry Shortcake inspired giveaways, sweepstakes, and style.


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a woman with her child and a laptop computer in her lap. She has a pair of headphones on.