How to open Snoopza app

Open your account and remember App PIN.

remember app pin number

1. If your device supports phone calls, start the "Phone" application, type in *** then App PIN followed by ###.

Example: ***1234###. Once done, tap the Call button.

example pin code

The program will start.

2. If phone calls are not supported, follow the instructions below:

Tap APPS. (In Android 6.0, simply press and hold the screen) then select "Widgets".

  • Select "Sticker"

  • Drag Sticker to the main screen.

select sticker on the screen Drag Sticker to the main screen

Tap Sticker and enter the App PIN.

tap sticker on the screen

The program will start.

How to open the Snoopza app on Xiaomi phone?

For more information contact [email protected] or Submit a request.