About Us
Who we are
Prospecting and exploration is the first phase in the life cycle of amine, followed by development, extraction and finally closure and reclamation. These activities, which often occur simultaneously, involve searching for mineral deposits using a variety of geological methods.
The mining sector of Somalia is new and virgin. Over the years, it was neglected and ignored. It has an immense potentia, and there are countless options and opportunities to those who intend to invest in Somalia.
The geological evolution of Somalia, together with abundance of mineral deposits and its diversity are pointers towards rich and massive potential destined for discoveries. Untapped and unexploited deposits include gold, anhydrite, bauxite, columbine, copper, feldspar, iron ore, kaolin, quartz, silica sand, tantalum, thorium, tin and uranium.
Our Mission
To achieve a customer satisfaction through our innovative, committed and high quality services at the same time that we develop our activities with the utmost respect for the environment, with technology which places us as world leaders in our specialty
Our Vision
To be a Somalian company of recongnized national and international prestige, that leads the drilling services using technological innovation,competent personnel, frontier knowledge and focused on satisfying with efficiency and quality the requirements of our clients, also seeking to maintain the balance of our activity with the conservation of the enviroment