Staff & Faculty Resource & Referral Guide
The Resource & Referral Guide is a quick reference tool designed to help faculty and staff answer questions and connect students with in-person and online resources, contacts, offices, departments and programs. This guide was developed collaboratively between administrators, faculty and staff across the college. It is a “living webpage,” and subject to change as staff and faculty include additional questions, information and policies and procedures change over time. Deans are resources for you to verify information and procedures, and can answer many of the questions not covered here.
Input and recommendations are welcome to make this guide more helpful to all faculty and staff. Please note during the initial role out of this guide, the audience is intended to be faculty and staff and not necessarily students. To offer input, or suggest an edit, please email College Council leadership at [email protected].
- Academic
- Financial Aid/Funding
- Institutional/Navigating the College
- Personal/Wellness/Community Resources
- Student Engagement/Campus Activities
Financial Aid/Funding
A good place to start is the Paying For College Overview webpage.
A variety of funding resources exist on campus to provide students with tuition assistance:
- Financial Aid is available for students earning associate and bachelor’s degrees.
- Workforce Education provides limited funding for students enrolled in professional-technical programs who are eligible for worker retraining, federal Basic Food benefits (SNAP), or temporary assistance for needy families (TANF).
- WorkSource partners with community based organizations who provide support for low-income students.
- Learn more about scholarship opportunities on our Scholarship Information webpage. Scholarships are available through the South Seattle College Foundation, Seattle Colleges Foundation, the Seattle Promise College Scholarship, Opportunity Grant Scholarship and private scholarships.
Have students who need applying for assistance?
- New Students: South’s Educational Opportunity Center can assist prospective students who have not yet enrolled in classes.
- Current Students: The United Way Benefits Hub is available to assist students with funding applications.
The United Way Benefits Hub located in the WorkSource Career Center can assist students with money management.
Limited funding for textbooks may be available for students eligible for Workforce Education grants. Emergency Funds may also provide financial assistance for one time financial emergencies on a case-by-case basis.
WorkSource and Workforce Education have funding for students enrolled in Prof Tech programs who meet Workforce eligibility requirements. Emergency Funds may also be used on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency Funds are available for all students. An application is currently linked on website. For support in filling out the application and for other questions, please contact the United Way Benefits Hub or email [email protected] to schedule a phone or in-person appointment.
Waivers are given on a case-by-case basis and often begin with faculty.
Talk to the Workforce Education office about Worker Retraining or other possible funding sources.
Contact the Financial Aid Department.
More Info:
Personal/Wellness/Community Resources
Benefits Hub is available to help any student or community member in obtaining needed community reservices.
South's Workforce, Benefits Hub, and WorkSource partners can provide individualized assistance in housing support referrals and funding sources.
International students: Check Arrange housing for options such as Homestay, On-campus, Off-campus, and short-term housing opportunities.
Students can purchase Orca cards in the Cashier's Office. United Way's Benefit Hub can assist students in applying for discount Orca cards. Emergency funds can be used for transportation costs. Workforce Education specialists may be able to help students with transportation costs if receiving funding from Workforce.
Parking & Transportation Information:
Student & Visitor Parking:
The Benefits Hub, Access to Food, and the Food Pantry help provide additional resources on places to receive support in addressing food insecurities, registering for an EBT card, and more.
The food court on campus provides breakfast and lunch options on campus.
Food options on campus include the Food court , Food Pantry, and Alki Cafe. Additional food options can be found on International Program website!
If you bring a meal from home or have an item that requires a microwave, microwaves can be located in the cafeteria and student lounge.
Benefits Hub coaches can also provide assistance for students and community members to access resources and funding sources.
Preschool & Child Care Center is closed, but there are some community resources here (
Child Care Resources:
Child Care Resources - paying for Child Care:
City of Seattle:
Goodwin Connections (formerly -Seattle Milk Fund):
Parent Cooperative Preschool:
Emergency Funds for childcare:
Benefits Hub:
Health & Wellness Resources:
Neighborcare Health clinics are located throughout the region. St. Anne Hospital (formerly Highline Medical Center) in Burien has low income payment options for urgent care.
The Sea Mar Community Health Center in Georgetown provides sliding-scale based dental care
The lactation area is located in the Jerry Brockey Student Center. Connect with Student Life or the Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity.
Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity offers Muti-faith Prayer and lactation space. See the location of the space here:
Cascade Hall (CAH) room 125 is the official prayer space on campus. For more information contact Student Life.
WorkSource Career Center:
Employment resources:
Careers at Seattle Colleges:
Educational Counseling is a great resource available to help assist in developing time management skills.
Counselors are available to help students develop confidence, goal-setting and personal responsibility either through 1:1 counseling or classroom based workshops.
- Cascade Hall
- Library (study areas on 2nd floor)
- AMT Building (2nd floor lounge)
- TRIO Student Success Services
- Cafeteria
- RSB Breezeway & Courtyard
- Jerry Brockey Student Center
- Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
- Club Center
- Game Room
- Student Lounge (JMB 135)
- University Center lobby
Counselors can provide referrals, see the Information Desk to make an appointment. The Information Desk also maintains brochures and a list of local resources for students in crisis.
Student Life currently provides wellness and fitness activities in the Fitness Center. The center has a variety of cardio and strength equipment for student and staff use. A new facility is being funded by a student referendum that will enhance the existing options upon completion. Campus Recreation offers a variety of leisure activities and the intramural program that supports competition in light of the absence of a college athletics program.
Students should contact a member of the Undocumented Student Support Team, [email protected].
Undocumented Student Information:
Student Veteran Center in Rainier Hall, room 120.
Veterans benefits questions should be directed to Veterans Affairs & Benefits.
Institutional/Navigating the College
Apply to graduate through the ctcLink Student Self-Service Portal. For step-by-step help, please view the instructions on how to apply.
If the program is incorrect, please contact [email protected] before completing the online graduation application.
Students should also meet with an Advisor or Completion Coach for assistance.
Graduation Information:
South Graduation Information:
District Graduation Information:
Information sessions/events are usually held every Spring Quarter. The Bookstore usually handles the sales of caps and gowns. Students can also meet with a Completion Coach.
Students should contact the Student Advocate/Dean of Student Life located in JMB 122 to discuss conflict remediation, and if necessary, initiate a complaint against a faculty or staff member at South.
Complaints Overview:
Complaints against other students that are not violations of the Student Code of Conduct can be reported to the Student Advocate located in JMB 122. Violations of the Code of Conduct must be reported to the Vice President of Student Services or Campus Security.
Student Conduct, Issues & Reporting FAQ:
Contact Campus Security at 206.934.5157 or 206.934.0911.
The Security office is located in RSB 50.
Incidents of bias (Title VII) must be reported to the campus Human Resources Director. The BIRST Team, under advisement of the AVP EDI, is another area to report bias incidents.
BIRST (Bias Incident Response Support Team):
Contact the Vice President of Student Services in the RSB Student Services Lobby (go to the Information Desk) or call 206.934.6788.
Student Conduct, Issues & Reporting FAQ:
There are no specific policies related to pregnancy and birth, but students who can't complete courses due to medical considerations, with a doctor's note as verification, can get a full refund and the course removed from showing on a transcript if a petition for exception to policy is approved.
This would be a medical reason for petitioning and the petition packet is found here:
Per District Policy 336, students are entitled to take absences from classes up to two days per academic year for reasons of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church or religious organization.
See RCW 288.10.039:
Students need to fill out an exception to policy (see question three):
See the Letters of Recommendation webpage:
Students fill out an application for admission or complete the front and back of the Seattle Colleges enrollment form. The information included on this form inform the college how to code the student for tuition pay coding. If the way the student responds on this form does not allow immediate determination for payment processes, an unknown residency status will be entered, which requires a higher tuition pay rate.
The Assistant Registrar will reach out to the student to request clarification of whatever information is not clear. Students wanting to be helped and supported in determining their residency should reach out to Registration to make an appointment to discuss their specific situation and details as every residency determination is unique.
For more information about residency determination see:
There is an initial due date well before the start of the term. As long as students have paid or are set up for aid or signed up for a payment plan, they will not be dropped for non-payment. Once the initial payment deadline has passed, students must pay within 7 business days of the first registration date or by the first day of the quarter, whichever one comes first.
South works with FACTS Management Company for payment plan purposes. Students can learn about the payment plan and how much is required to put down each term by viewing the information here:
Work Study Information & Open Positions:
Students should be referred to the International Programs Office for assistance.
Students should contact Access Services as early as possible, ideally during enrollment.
However, students can be referred to the Disability Services office at any time by staff or faculty. To receive disability services, students have to complete an intake appointment in the Disability Services office and provide documentation of disability. Individualized academic adjustments will then be determined. Please note, some services may require six weeks or more to arrange. Contact Disability Services as early as possible in your educational planning to avoid delays in service.
Students may drop classes throughout certain periods of the quarter. Instructor signature is not required. Refer to the Academic Calendar to determine if you are eligible for a refund, and if the class will post to your transcript with a “W” grade. Although instructors may drop students for nonattendance, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure their class schedule is accurate. Classes may be dropped online through the Student Portal (MySouth) or in person at the Registration Office. Impact of dropping a class depends on when in the quarter the drop takes place. Impacts can result in partial refunds, no refund, SAP Warning and SAP suspension.
The WorkSource Career Center can help with career coaching, resumé and cover letter building, job searching, internships, interviewing prep, industry information and employer connections.
Counselors help students assess their interests, skills, values and personality preferences to determine a career that may be of interest.
Advisors can help integrate career goals into the educational planning process.
International Students: Advisors in the Center for International Education (CIE).
Georgetown/Apprenticeship: Students should contact the apprenticeship coordinator associated with their program.
Academic/Prof Tech/Basic & Transitional Studies/all other students: Advising Center in RSB 11. Students can book an appointment online through their Starfish account.
Advising Center, RSB 11
Phone: 206.934.5387
Email: [email protected]
Transfer Center in TRIO (open to all transfer students; they do not need to be TRIO eligible). Individual advisors in TRIO-SSS or the Advising Center as appropriate per student type.
Transfer Resources:
Transfer Center & TRIO Student Support Services, RSB 66 & 67
Phone: 206.934.5326
Email: [email protected]
Advising Center, RSB 11
Phone: 206.934.5387
Email: [email protected]
International Students: Advisors in the Center for International Education (CIE).
There are four approved reasons for granting a petition for exception - first term student at South, significant medical situation/death of immediate family member, institutional error or military call up. All require proof and the packet a student needs to complete, and details about the petition process are located:
A student may also ask, "How do I change something on my student record?"
The Tutoring Center's Study Skills program offers free training in skills students can use in order to learn well and get good grades. Interested students will fill out a request form and make appointments at the Tutoring Center (LIB 220).
Tutoring Center (LIB 220)
Study Skills (LIB 215)
For operating hours, visit our website
Phone: 206.934.6650
Email: [email protected]
Refer to the Tutoring Center to get connected to the best resource.
Tutoring Center: LIB 220
Study Skills: LIB 215
Visit our website for hours
Phone: 206.934.6650
Email: [email protected]
eLearning can help with eLearning, Canvas, LinkedIn Learning, Google Suite for Education (GS4E), Panopto, Zoom, and Honorlock:
Email: [email protected]
Introduction to Canvas has modules for troubleshooting, contact eLearning for additional help:
Email: [email protected]
If the student is currently in a class and is in need of a proctored test in that course, the Academic Center (UNI 101) handles these requests.
[email protected]
Phone: 206.934.6729
Students should contact Dan Johnson, Student Advocate/Dean of Student Life, at (206) 934-6749 or email [email protected].
Prof Tech students must be enrolled for one quarter prior to applying for credit for prior learning. Dean’s signature is required as well as payment.
Phone: (206) 934-5387
Email: [email protected]
Academic Transfer students should follow all of the instructions listed on the Application for Credit for Prior Experiential Learning form.
Email: [email protected]
There is currently no formal service learning experience on campus. The program was once very robust however, due to a lack of funding (FTE to run the model) the program is not currently being used. Some faculty have integrated service learning opportunities independently as part of their course curriculum.
Student Life offers opportunities for service learning through various student clubs and the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
For Academic Transfer programs, students can find help finding an internship through TRIO Student Success Services.
TRIO Student Support Services, RSB 66 & 67
Phone: 206.934.5326
Email: [email protected]
For Prof Tech programs requiring an internship for degree completion, students should go to the WorkSource Career Center and meet with an Embedded Career Specialist.
WorkSource Career Center, RSB 79
Phone: 206.934.5304
Email: [email protected]
BAS students should connect with a faculty member or program coordinator.
A multitude of WA State Apprenticeship Programs are offered through South Seattle College at the Georgetown Campus.
Georgetown Apprenticeship & Education Center
Phone: 206.934.6828
Email: [email protected]
More information is available through the WA State Apprenticeship program.
Phone: 360-902-5320
Email: [email protected]
Search for a WA State Apprenticeship program:
The library's online collections can be accessed here.
Librarians are available during all open hours to assist with your information and research needs.
- Reference Desk during open hours
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (206) 934-6408
- Live Chat
Student Engagement/Campus Activities
Student Life, United Student Association, and the Student Activities & Programs Board are responsible for facilitating programs that promote student involvement. All are located in the Jerry Brockey Student Center (JMB 135).
The Jerry Brockey Student Center is the hub of the South campus for connecting with other students. In addition to open study areas, various activities are coordinated by Student Life. Student Life staff encourages interaction with other students. Additionally, be sure to check out the Wellness Center.
Areas of Interest:
The Student Leadership component of Student Life provides students with the opportunities to engage in activities that promote leadership development, honors society membership, officer training, service learning and civic engagement. The Program Manager coordinates these activities.
United Student Association (student government):
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society:
- Library
- MAST (LIB 203)
- WELL (LIB 215)
- Study Skills (LIB 215)
- Writing Center (LIB 215)
- BUS/ACCT Center (Online Only)
- TRIO Student Success Services (RSB 66 & 67)
- AANAPISI Center (LIB 220)
- AMT Building (2nd floor lounge)
- University Center (UNI) Lobby
- Cascade Hall (CAH)
The Club Center, located in JMB 142, is the hub of club activities.
In addition to existing clubs, interested students can start their own special interest club by contacting the Club Center Coordinator.
Visit or contact the Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, or view all activities on South's campus events calendar.
See the campus events calendar:
Students can also contact the Student Life department in JMB 135 or the Information Desk in the RSB Student Services Lobby.