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See how we can help you learn Spanish with a free trial.

Private Classes Group Classes SpanishVIP+
Private Classes Group Classes SpanishVIP+


You want to give it a try

$149 / month

  • Unlimited classes
  • Licensed teachers
  • Classes for all levels
  • Available Monday to Friday
  • Advance registration
  • Free lesson guide
Try 7 Days Free


You NEED to learn Spanish (33% discount or 2 months free)

$599 / 6 months

  • Everything in Conversational, plus:
  • Language exchange chat
  • Early access to new curriculum content
  • Priority support from Student Success
  • Get 33% discount or 2 months free
Try 7 Days Free

*All prices in USD. After 7 days, your subscription will begin. Cancel anytime during your free trial.

What our students say

We’ve helped thousands of students around the world to dominate the Spanish language. Discover what working with SpanishVIP is like by watching these videos from real students.

More reviews from real students

With more than 400+ five-star reviews on Trustpilot, it’s clear that students trust our team. See what some of our students have written about why they love SpanishVIP.

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Why SpanishVIP?

Yes! With our group classes program you are able to take as many classes as you’d like. Never deal with “overcharges” or extra fees for studying hard. However, for quality reasons, we cap our classes at 10 attendees (but our avg per class is 2-6). Simply schedule your classes in advance to ensure you lock in your spot.

Our current schedule is 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Our classes are 50 minutes and start once every hour! Weekend and early morning classes will be launching shortly. Visit to see which classes are available.

Our group classes are perfect for learners at all levels! We work with students from beginner to advanced with different goals and interests, all around the world. However, as classes are better suited for adults, we require all students to be 18 years old and up. If you would like to enroll your child in Spanish classes, please visit our Spanish for Kids page.

As we manage our team remotely, we are able to lower our costs and pass these savings on to our students. Hiring our teachers in Latin America, in countries with a lower cost of living than the US affords us the opportunity to provide you with talented teachers at a fraction of the cost of what you’d pay for a private school or university program. Our goal is to make education accessible for all.

We meet with our students in a virtual classroom setting. This is sometimes done in Zoom, but customized to be geared towards educators and includes a whiteboard and breakout rooms. All you need is a computer and a decent headset. Online classes don’t have to be boring and unengaging!

Using our SSL secured payment gateway, you can sign up with your credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Every subscription includes a 7-day free trial to try as many classes as you want. Cancel any time during this period.

Feel free to cancel at any time! We don’t lock anyone into contracts. Please note that if you are on this specific page, you have arrived via an affiliate. We use Clickbank to process these payments and are required to provide the text below. “Seller” refers to SpanishVIP.

For Product Support, please contact the seller HERE
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE

Absolutely. Many of our students come to us as complete beginners. We have lessons for learners at every level. Regardless of your reasons for learning, you’ll be able to find subjects that are important and interesting to you.

Our classes are also unlimited, available 24 hours a day (Mon-Fri), and managed by award-winning teachers. It’s simply the best way to learn Spanish. Our 400+ five-star reviews online say it all!

When you sign up, you’ll be given a login for Here, you can see all of our classes by time, level, and topic. Take any classes that suit your unique level and interests! You can schedule a free 15-minute introductory call with a member of our Student Success team upon signing up to get 1:1 guidance.

Our lesson guide gives you an easy-to-follow roadmap that provides instructions on using SpanishVIP. This will allow you to learn fast and get the support you need! Our other features such as Student Success check-ins, homework, and community benefits are additional tools to learn faster, and smarter (while having a lot of fun).

Yes, most of our teachers have master’s degrees and experience teaching in high school or university classes! With that being said, we hire for raw talent and ability. Degrees are not required as part of our ongoing effort to provide career opportunities in underprivileged areas. In fact, some of our teachers without degrees are the highest rated of all! Separately, all SpanishVIP personnel takes part in our rigorous training and professional development programs.

All subscriptions come with a 7-day trial period. Take as many group classes as you’d like! If you decide our classes are just what you’re looking for, just keep studying! If you would rather stop during your trial period or change your package, just send an email to [email protected] and we’ll ensure you’re not charged.

Absolutely! If you’d like to know more about our options for bundling private and group classes, the best idea is to sign up for a free class via [email protected]. This way, you can try our private classes while simultaneously getting answers to any questions you may have. We’ll also let you know about our latest promotions.