My workshop is down in a basement with a small street level garage entrance/exit. No windows so you can never exactly tell what time it is. A lot like a casino. I’ve got my tools and my records and my bikes and daydreams all secretly stashed down there. It’s probably one of my favorite places on earth. I typically don’t like to show off my personal space but I took this shot the other night of my most recent mock up. I dig it. blah blah.

Tags: basement, casino, chopper blog, garage, instagram, minneapolis, minnesota, panhead, st paul, stash, workshop
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September 11, 2017 3:27 pm |
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It’s been a long road. First working solo in my garage. Then being part of a group of guys sharing a communal space. These days I’m finding my stride of creativity exists somewhere between the two places. Im in my own shop now. I’ve found a great balance of creativity and productivity. I’m right next door to my buddies which allows me to occasionally socialize yet I can always lock the door and tune the world out as needed. If you’re in the twin cities and need new or used parts or service, give a call.
S P E E D C L U B | 651-968-0263
Tags: balance, call, chopper blog, chopper shop, creativity, far-out, garage, long, road, service, tune, used parts
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January 6, 2015 9:36 am |
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I have a box of Super B’s. They’re all in fair used condition. I need to clear out some space. Get yours today for $70 – shipped. Email me at [email protected]

Speed Club Garage last year. Come a long way since then. More of everything. Heat, sheet rock, insulation and bikes. Im thinking about putting a hammock in the corner these days. Fuck a bed.

Tags: bed, bikes, chopper, chopper blog, fuck, garage, hammock, heat, heat sheet, insulation, last year, rock, speed club
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December 31, 2011 2:37 pm |
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Been a lag in posts over the last week. Ive been balls deep in repairs and finishing the garage. Hopped in the truck last Saturday, put it in drive, hit the gas and she just sat there. Transmission took a shit on me so once again, Im making lemonade. Most of my recent focus has been on turning this…

into this…

Figure if Im gonna fix it, Im gonna step it up. That said, buy a shirt, I could use the extra cash.
Tags: balls, balls deep, blog, chopper, chopper blog, extra cash, focus, garage, last saturday, lemonade, repairs, shit, transmission
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December 19, 2011 9:39 am |
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