Posts tagged: shovel

Quick Trade Opportunity

I have a gen shovel 4spd ratchet top trans. Its in perfect working order. New main shaft seal. Its not gonna work for my project cause the main shaft is too short. The typical cone shovel 4spd ratchet top has a slightly longer shaft needed to help align the belt primary to a cone shovel motor. In an effort to save myself time and money, I’m opting to ask if anyone wants to trade up even my older 4sp for a newer cone 4spd. Again, my 4spd is in good working order. No bad/jumping gears.  I only want to trade for a trans of the same condition. Not interested in cowpies either. Email me at [email protected]

Super B w/ Extras – SOLD

Just in – A nice S&S Super B body carb just arrived at the chopper shack. Pulled from a running shovel. Ready to run and includes tear drop cleaner, good used filter and throttle cable. Open to possible trades. Ask questions if you got em. More pics at the online.

Life’s a Drag!

Drag bikes are my thing. I cant get enough of em and Im pretty sure the next bike project I get sucked into will almost definitely end up being a drag bike of some kind. Im thinking either an H3, RD, KZ or maybe Ill go shovel. I cant wait to drag the wife and kids down to the track to sit under a white tent, eatin hotdogs, and sippin on coca cola. Drag racing is good old family fun.

Paughco Primary for Alternator Shovel – SOLD

Ive got an old inner/outer primary for 1970 and up alternator Shovels (kick only) – made by Paughco. Very cool little piece. Has some minor scratches and some dings. No cracks. No missing tabs. Nice patina. This has been mounted and run. It should definitely clean up nicely and make someone very happy. Ships from MN. – $125 – SOLD

74″ of Love

So that Davenport shovelhead motor I picked up turned out to be a keeper after all. I was really looking to flip it for a while but now that I started the rebuild, I have to finish it. And if I’m gonna spend the time to build it, I’m gonna keep her around for a while. Crank properly trued to within .001. Took me all damn day to get it just so. Checked the pinion side for a plug fit with .0002 over bearings. Pressed new sprocket side together and slipped the pinion half back together. Buttoned it up and checked end play. All well within spec. I got a really really clean Andrews AB cam from Gator last week. Gonna get that thing spaced out today. Top end coming soon.

Ideally, this thing will be a sweet mantle piece until I decide what to throw it in.