List of Common Verbs: 1000+ Common Verbs List with Examples

Are you looking for a complete list of common verbs in the English language? Look no further! Here, you will discover a vast list of over 1000 common verbs, accompanied by examples and printable ESL worksheets. The verbs are organized alphabetically, based on their grammatical functions and various activities.

The verb holds immense significance in constructing a sentence, whether it be in English or any other language. It serves the purpose of conveying the action carried out by the subject to the listener or reader. With numerous verbs to grasp, they can be further categorized for better understanding.

List of Verbs from A to Z

Now that we have explored verbs and their different tenses, we would like to offer you some lists of verbs to enhance your vocabulary.

These lists contain a variety of verbs arranged alphabetically, allowing you to identify familiar verbs and discover alternatives with similar meanings.

We encourage you to select a verb you typically use and find a synonymous one to incorporate into a sentence. By doing so, you can expand your linguistic repertoire.

Verbs List (A)

List of Verbs that Starts with A with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
AbandonShe abandoned her old car and bought a new one.
AbateThe storm abated as the evening went on.
AcceptHe accepted the job offer without hesitation.
AccommodateThe hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests.
AccomplishShe accomplished her goal of running a marathon.
AccuseThe lawyer accused the defendant of perjury.
AchieveThe team worked hard to achieve their victory.
AcknowledgeHe acknowledged his mistake and apologized.
AcquireThe company plans to acquire a smaller competitor.
ActThe actor acted out the scene with passion.
AdaptThe plant has adapted to survive in extreme temperatures.
AddAdd some salt to the recipe for extra flavor.
AddressThe speaker will address the audience on important issues.
AdjustPlease adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
AdministerThe nurse will administer the medication to the patient.
AdmireI admire her courage and determination.
AdoptThey decided to adopt a rescue dog from the shelter.
AdvertiseThe company will advertise its new product on television.
AdviseShe advised him to take a different approach.
AgreeWe agree on most issues, but not this one.
AidThe organization provides aid to disaster-stricken areas.
AlarmThe loud noise alarmed the sleeping child.
AlertThe lifeguard quickly alerted the swimmers to the approaching storm.
AlleviateThe medication helps to alleviate pain and discomfort.
AllowThe teacher will allow extra time for the exam.
AlterThey decided to alter their travel plans due to bad weather.
AmazeThe magician’s tricks amazed the audience.
AnalyzeThe scientist will analyze the data to draw conclusions.
AnimateThe cartoon characters come to life and animate the screen.
AnnounceThe spokesperson will announce the winner of the competition.
AnswerHe answered all the questions correctly.
AnticipateWe anticipate a successful outcome to the project.
ApologizeShe sincerely apologized for her mistake.
AppealThe lawyer will appeal the court’s decision.
ApplaudThe audience applauded the performer’s amazing talent.
ApplyApply the cream to the affected area for relief.
AppreciateI appreciate your help and support.
ApproachThe hiker cautiously approached the edge of the cliff.
ApproveThe board of directors will approve the new budget.
ArgueThey argued over the best way to solve the problem.
ArrangeArrange the books on the shelf in alphabetical order.
ArrestThe police arrested the suspect for robbery.
AscendThe hiker began to ascend the steep mountain trail.
AskAsk your teacher if you have any questions.
AssembleThey will assemble the furniture according to the instructions.
AssessThe teacher will assess the students’ understanding of the material.
AssignThe boss will assign tasks to each team member.
AssistPlease assist me with carrying these boxes.
AssumeHe assumed the role of team leader.
AttractThe colorful flowers attracted butterflies.
AuditThe company will audit its financial records.
AuthorizeThe manager will authorize the purchase of new equipment.
AvengeThe protagonist seeks to avenge the death of his family.
AvoidAvoid driving during rush hour to save time.

Verbs List (B)

List of Verbs that Starts with B with Examples

BakeShe loves to bake cookies.
BalanceThe gymnast managed to balance on the beam.
BanishThe evil spirits were banished from the house.
BargainWe were able to bargain for a lower price.
BarkThe dog began to bark at the stranger.
BatheHe likes to bathe in the ocean.
BeI want to be a doctor when I grow up.
BeamThe lighthouse beamed its light across the water.
BearThe mother bear will bear cubs in the winter.
BeatShe can beat anyone in a game of chess.
BecomeThe caterpillar will become a butterfly.
BefriendI decided to befriend my new neighbor.
BegHe had to beg for forgiveness after his mistake.
BeginLet’s begin the meeting with an introduction.
BehaveThe children were told to behave in the restaurant.
BelieveI believe in the power of positive thinking.
BendBend down and pick up that pen.
BetI’m willing to bet that it will rain tomorrow.
BidShe placed a high bid on the antique vase.
BindBind the papers together with a clip.
BiteThe mosquito bit me and left a mark.
BlameDon’t blame yourself for the accident.
BleedThe cut on her finger started to bleed.
BlessMay God bless you and keep you safe.
BlowBlow out the candles on your birthday cake.
BoilBoil the pasta until it’s al dente.
BorrowCan I borrow your pen for a moment?
BounceThe ball bounced off the wall and hit the window.
BowThe performers bowed after their final act.
BreakPlease don’t break the vase; it’s fragile.
BreatheRemember to breathe deeply when you feel stressed.
BuildThe construction workers built a new bridge.
BurnThe fire burned brightly in the fireplace.
BuryThey decided to bury the treasure in the backyard.
BuyShe wants to buy a new dress for the party.
BuzzThe bees buzzed around the flowers.

Verbs List (C)

List of Verbs that Starts with C with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
CalculatePlease calculate the total cost of the project.
CallI will call you later.
CaptureHe tried to capture the beautiful sunset in a photo.
CarryCould you carry these boxes for me?
CatchCatch the ball!
CauseSmoking can cause serious health problems.
ChangeIt’s time to change your attitude towards the situation.
CheckCheck the spelling of your document before submitting it.
ChooseYou need to choose between option A and option B.
ClimbLet’s climb to the top of the mountain.
CollectCollect all the data before analyzing it.
CombineCombine the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
ComeCome closer so I can show you something.
CompleteComplete the form with your personal information.
ConductThe professor will conduct a study on climate change.
ConnectPlease connect the printer to your computer.
ConsiderConsider all the options before making a decision.
ConstructThey plan to construct a new building in the area.
ContributeYour feedback will contribute to our research.
ControlControl your emotions in difficult situations.
ConvertShe wants to convert the attic into a home office.
CookCook the pasta until it is al dente.
CopyCopy and paste the text into a new document.
CorrectYou need to correct your spelling mistakes.
CreateCreate a beautiful painting using these brushes.
CryCry if you need to let out your emotions.
CutCut the vegetables into small pieces for the salad.

Verbs List (D)

List of Verbs that Starts with D with Examples

DamageThe storm damaged the roof of our house.
DanceThey danced all night at the party.
DareShe dared him to jump off the diving board.
DateThey decided to date each other exclusively.
DealThe company dealt with the customer’s complaint.
DebateThey debated the pros and cons of the new policy.
DecideWe need to decide on a location for the meeting.
DeclineShe politely declined the invitation to the party.
DecorateThey decorated the room with colorful balloons.
DecreaseThe price of the product decreased by 20%.
DedicateHe dedicated his life to helping others.
DefendThe lawyer worked hard to defend her client in court.
DefineLet me define the key terms for you.
DelayThe train was delayed due to a signal problem.
DeliverThe postman delivered the package to our doorstep.
DemandThe protesters demanded justice for the victims.
DemonstrateThe scientist demonstrated the experiment to the class.
DenyHe strongly denied the accusations against him.
DependOur success depends on hard work and dedication.
DescribeCan you describe the suspect’s appearance?
DesignShe designed a beautiful website for her client.
DesireHe desired to travel the world and explore new cultures.
DestroyThe fire destroyed the entire building.
DevelopThe company is working to develop a new product.
DiscoverThe archaeologists discovered ancient ruins.
DiscussLet’s discuss the project during the meeting.
DislikeI dislike eating spicy food.
DistinguishThe twins are identical and it’s hard to distinguish them.
DividePlease divide the cake into equal pieces.
DocumentShe needs to document her research findings.
DonateThey decided to donate a portion of their earnings.
DoubtI doubt he will arrive on time.
DraftThe lawyer will draft the contract for the client.
DreamShe dreamed of becoming a famous singer.

Verbs List (E)

List of Verbs that Starts with E with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
EarnShe earned a promotion at work.
EatI eat breakfast every morning.
EditPlease edit the document for errors.
EducateThe teacher educates her students about history.
ElaborateHe elaborated on his ideas during the presentation.
EliminateWe need to eliminate unnecessary expenses.
EmphasizeThe speaker emphasized the importance of teamwork.
EmployThe company plans to employ more staff.
EnableThis new feature will enable users to save time.
EncourageI always encourage my friends to pursue their dreams.
EndThe movie ended with a happy ending.
EnergizeThe coffee helped energize me for the day ahead.
EnforceThe police enforce the law to maintain order.
EngageThe teacher tries to engage her students in the lesson.
EnhanceThe new software will enhance our productivity.
EnjoyThey enjoyed their vacation in Hawaii.
EnlargeThey decided to enlarge their house.
EnsurePlease ensure that all the doors are locked.
EntertainThe clown entertained the children at the party.
EnvisionShe envisioned a bright future for herself.
EstablishThey plan to establish a new business.
EstimateCan you estimate the cost of the project?
EvaluateWe need to evaluate the results of the experiment.
EvokeThe painting evoked strong emotions in the viewers.
ExamineThe doctor will examine the patient.
ExcelHe excelled in mathematics.
ExchangeThey exchanged gifts during the holiday season.
ExecuteThe CEO executed the company’s strategic plan.
ExemplifyHer actions exemplify bravery and courage.
ExertHe exerted all his strength to lift the heavy box.
ExpandThe company plans to expand its operations.
ExpectI expect to receive the package tomorrow.
ExpediteWe need to expedite the delivery process.
ExperimentThe scientists experimented with different chemicals.
ExplainCan you explain the concept to me?
ExploreThey decided to explore the unknown territory.
ExpressShe expressed her gratitude for the support.
ExtendWe need to extend the deadline for the project.
ExtractThe dentist needs to extract the tooth.
EyeShe eyed the delicious cake on the table.
EditPlease edit the document for errors.
EducateThe teacher educates her students about history.
ElaborateHe elaborated on his ideas during the presentation.
EliminateWe need to eliminate unnecessary expenses.
EmphasizeThe speaker emphasized the importance of teamwork.
EmployThe company plans to employ more staff.
EnableThis new feature will enable users to save time.
EncourageI always encourage my friends to pursue their dreams.
EndThe movie ended with a happy ending.
EnergizeThe coffee helped energize me for the day ahead.
EnforceThe police enforce the law to maintain order.
EngageThe teacher tries to engage her students in the lesson.
EnhanceThe new software will enhance our productivity.
EnjoyThey enjoyed their vacation in Hawaii.
EnlargeThey decided to enlarge their house.
EnsurePlease ensure that all the doors are locked.
EntertainThe clown entertained the children at the party.
EnvisionShe envisioned a bright future for herself.
EstablishThey plan to establish a new business.
EstimateCan you estimate the cost of the project?
EvaluateWe need to evaluate the results of the experiment.
EvokeThe painting evoked strong emotions in the viewers.
ExamineThe doctor will examine the patient.
ExcelHe excelled in mathematics.
ExchangeThey exchanged gifts during the holiday season.
ExecuteThe CEO executed the company’s strategic plan.
ExemplifyHer actions exemplify bravery and courage.
ExertHe exerted all his strength to lift the heavy box.
ExpandThe company plans to expand its operations.
ExpectI expect to receive the package tomorrow.
ExpediteWe need to expedite the delivery process.
ExperimentThe scientists experimented with different chemicals.
ExplainCan you explain the concept to me?
ExploreThey decided to explore the unknown territory.
ExpressShe expressed her gratitude for the support.
ExtendWe need to extend the deadline for the project.
ExtractThe dentist needs to extract the tooth.
EyeShe eyed the delicious cake on the table.

Verbs List (F)

List of Verbs that Starts with F with Examples

FaceShe faced her fears and jumped off the diving board.
FailI don’t want to fail the exam, so I’m studying hard.
FallThe leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
FanShe used a handkerchief to fan herself in the heat.
FastenPlease fasten your seatbelt before the plane takes off.
FeedI feed my cat twice a day.
FeelHe feels nervous before a big presentation.
FightThe two boxers will fight for the championship title.
FileShe needs to file her taxes before the deadline.
FillFill the glass with water up to the brim.
FindCan you help me find my lost keys?
FinishLet’s finish the project before the end of the week.
FitThe dress fits perfectly after alterations.
FixHe will fix the broken chair with some glue.
FlapThe bird flapped its wings and flew away.
FlashThe photographer flashed his camera to capture the moment.
FleeThe suspect tried to flee from the police but was caught.
FloatThe boat floats on the surface of the water.
FlossDon’t forget to floss your teeth before bed.
FlyThe birds fly south for the winter.
FoldFold the paper in half and then in half again.
FollowPlease follow me to the meeting room.
ForbidThe sign forbids parking in this area.
ForceThey had to force the door open to rescue the trapped cat.
ForgetI always forget where I put my keys.
ForgiveCan you forgive me for what I said?
FormThe dancers form a line on the stage.
FoundThe city was founded in the year 1850.
FrameShe framed the picture and hung it on the wall.
FreeThe hiker was finally freed from the tangled branches.
FreezeThe water will freeze if it gets cold enough.
FrightenThe loud noise frightened the child.
FryFry the chicken until it turns golden brown.
FuelThe car needs gas to fuel its engine.
FulfillShe worked hard to fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor.
FunctionThe computer program functions as a calculator.
FundThe organization funds research into cancer treatments.
FurnishThey will furnish the apartment with new furniture.
FuseThe wires fuse together to create an electrical connection.
FussThe baby will fuss if she doesn’t get her bottle.
FlossDon’t forget to floss your teeth before bed.
FixHe will fix the broken chair with some glue.
FlapThe bird flapped its wings and flew away.
FlashThe photographer flashed his camera to capture the moment.
FleeThe suspect tried to flee from the police but was caught.
FloatThe boat floats on the surface of the water.
FlossDon’t forget to floss your teeth before bed.
FlyThe birds fly south for the winter.
FoldFold the paper in half and then in half again.
FollowPlease follow me to the meeting room.
ForbidThe sign forbids parking in this area.
ForceThey had to force the door open to rescue the trapped cat.
ForgetI always forget where I put my keys.
ForgiveCan you forgive me for what I said?
FormThe dancers form a line on the stage.
FoundThe city was founded in the year 1850.
FrameShe framed the picture and hung it on the wall.
FreeThe hiker was finally freed from the tangled branches.
FreezeThe water will freeze if it gets cold enough.
FrightenThe loud noise frightened the child.
FryFry the chicken until it turns golden brown.
FuelThe car needs gas to fuel its engine.
FulfillShe worked hard to fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor.
FunctionThe computer program functions as a calculator.
FundThe organization funds research into cancer treatments.
FurnishThey will furnish the apartment with new furniture.
FuseThe wires fuse together to create an electrical connection.
FussThe baby will fuss if she doesn’t get her bottle.
FumbleHe fumbled with the keys before unlocking the door.

Verbs List (G)

List of Verbs that Starts with G with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
GainHe gained ten pounds over the summer.
GatherLet’s gather all the information before making a decision.
GenerateThe machine can generate electricity from solar power.
GetI need to get some groceries from the store.
GiveShe gave me a beautiful gift for my birthday.
GlanceI quickly glanced at the clock to check the time.
GlitterThe stars glittered in the night sky.
GoThey go to the park every Sunday.
GrabPlease grab a pen and paper for the meeting.
GraduateHe graduated with honors from university.
GraspShe grasped the concept quickly.
GreetThe hostess greeted the guests at the entrance.
GrindI need to grind the coffee beans before brewing.
GroanHe groaned in pain after stubbing his toe.
GrowPlants grow faster with plenty of sunlight.
GuardThe security guard guarded the entrance to the building.
GuessCan you guess what’s in the box?
GuideThe tour guide guided us through the museum.
GustThe wind gusted fiercely during the storm.
GazeShe gazed out the window, lost in thought.
GaugeWe need to gauge the level of customer satisfaction.
GovernLaws govern the behavior of society.
GraceThe dancer graced the stage with her elegance.
GrantThe committee granted her request for funding.
GrappleThe wrestlers grappled with each other in the ring.
GrateHe grated some cheese for the pasta.
GrowlThe dog growled at the stranger.
GlazeShe glazed the pottery to give it a shiny finish.
GroupLet’s group the items by category.
GlorifyThe song glorifies the beauty of nature.
GradeThe teacher graded the tests over the weekend.
GrumbleHe grumbled about the long wait in line.
GulpShe gulped down a glass of water.
GovernThe mayor governs the city with efficiency.
GallopThe horse galloped across the field.
GobbleThe children gobbled up the cookies.
GuessI can only guess what will happen next.
GlorifyThe book glorifies the achievements of the protagonist.
GrindHe needs to grind the coffee beans before brewing.
GraspThe toddler grasped his mother’s hand tightly.
GenerateThe machine can generate power from renewable sources.
GrantThey granted him permission to enter the restricted area.
GuardThe security officer guards the premises overnight.
GrowThe flowers grow beautifully in the garden.
GreetPlease greet our guests at the door.
GuideThe tour guide guides tourists through the city.
GlareThe sun glared through the window, blinding me.
GlanceShe quickly glanced at her watch.
GroanHe groaned in pain after injuring his knee.
GiveGive me your honest opinion about the proposal.
GrumbleThe unhappy customer grumbled about the service.
GatherLet’s gather all the necessary documents for the meeting.
GetWe need to get more information before making a decision.
GoLet’s go for a walk in the park.
GainShe gained a lot of knowledge from her studies.
GlitterThe jewelry glittered under the bright lights.
GuideThe teacher guided the students through the lesson.
GraspHe quickly grasped the concept and solved the problem.
GlorifyThe artist’s work glorifies the beauty of nature.
GenerateThe wind turbine generates clean energy for the village.
GiveShe gave him a warm hug to show her appreciation.
GrowThe business grows rapidly in the new market.
GuardThe soldier guards the entrance to the military base.
GazeThey gazed at the stars in awe.
GrabGrab your coat before we leave the house.
GrindHe needs to grind the spices for the recipe.
GroanThe patient groaned in discomfort.
GlazeShe glazed the pottery to give it a shiny finish.
GroupLet’s group the items based on their color.
GuessCan you guess what the final score will be?
GustThe wind gusted fiercely, blowing the leaves off the trees.
GiggleThe children giggled at the funny clown.
GovernThe rules govern how the game is played.
GrumbleShe grumbled about the rainy weather.
GetWe need to get some groceries for dinner.
GlideThe skater glided gracefully across the ice.
GobbleHe quickly gobbled up his lunch.
GlanceI glanced at my watch to check the time.
GlitterThe sequins on her dress glittered in the sunlight.
GivePlease give me a moment to think about it.

Verbs List (H)

List of Verbs that Starts with H with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
HackThe hacker hacked into the computer system.
HailWe hail the arrival of spring.
HammerHe hammered the nail into the wall.
HandleShe skillfully handled the delicate vase.
HangPlease hang your coat on the hook.
HappenDid you see what happened?
HarassThe neighbors harass their pets with loud noises.
HardenThe cement hardens when it dries.
HarmSmoking can harm your health.
HarnessHe successfully harnessed the power of the wind.
HaulThey hauled the heavy boxes into the truck.
HauntThe old house is said to be haunted.
HeadLet’s head to the beach for some fun.
HealThe doctor helped to heal the patient’s wounds.
HeapShe heaped praise on her employees.
HeatHeat the soup on the stove until it’s hot.
HelpCan you help me carry these bags?
HesitateDon’t hesitate to ask if you need any assistance.
HideThe children hid behind the bushes.
HighlightThe speaker highlighted the main points of the presentation.
HintShe gave him a subtle hint about her plans.
HissThe snake hissed loudly when it was threatened.
HitThe baseball player hit the ball out of the park.
HoistThey hoisted the flag to the top of the pole.
HonorWe honor those who serve in the military.
HookHook the fish by reeling in the line.
HopThe rabbit hopped across the field.
HopeI hope you have a wonderful day.
HugShe hugged her friend tightly.
HumThe refrigerator hummed softly in the background.
HuntThey went out to hunt for deer in the forest.
HurryHurry up or we’ll be late!
HurtBe careful not to hurt yourself.
HushThe librarian asked the students to hush and be quiet.
HybridizeScientists hybridize different species in the lab.
HypnotizeThe magician hypnotized the audience with his tricks.

Verbs List (I)

List of Verbs that Starts with I with Examples

IdentifyIdentify the suspect in the lineup.
IgnoreIgnore the distractions and focus on your work.
IllustrateThe graph illustrates the trend over time.
ImagineImagine a world without poverty.
ImplementWe need to implement these changes immediately.
ImproveHe worked hard to improve his performance.
InquireI need to inquire about the availability of tickets.
InsistShe insisted on going to the party.
IntegrateWe need to integrate the new software.
IntroduceLet me introduce you to my friend.
InvestigateThe police will investigate the crime.
InventHe invented a new gadget.
InvestShe decided to invest her savings in stocks.
InviteWe should invite them to the party.
IronIron your shirt before the interview.
IrritateThe noise from the construction site irritated me.
InfluenceHis words influenced my decision.
InsureMake sure you insure your car against accidents.
IncorporateThe company plans to incorporate sustainable practices.
InflateHe used a pump to inflate the balloon.
InitiateThey will initiate the project next month.
InspireThe speaker inspired the audience with her words.
InsertInsert the key into the lock.
IgnoreIgnore the negative comments and focus on your goals.
IncreaseThe company plans to increase its market share.
InquireInquire about the availability of the product.
InstructInstruct the students to complete the assignment.
InstallInstall the software on your computer.
InteractInteract with your colleagues to build good relationships.
InterveneThe teacher had to intervene and stop the fight.
IntroduceHe will introduce the guest speaker.
InventShe invented a new recipe.
InvestigateThe detective will investigate the crime scene.
InviteInvite your friends to the party.
IsolateThe doctor advised her to isolate herself to prevent spreading the disease.
ItemizePlease itemize your expenses on the form.
ItalicizeItalicize the book title in your essay.
InitializeInitialize the system before use.
IlluminateIlluminate the room with bright lights.
ImposeThe government plans to impose new regulations.
IncludeInclude all the necessary documents with your application.
IncorporateThe company will incorporate customer feedback into their product development

Verbs List (J)

List of Verbs that Starts with J with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
JabHe jabbed the needle into his arm.
JackShe jacked up the car to change the tire.
JamThey jammed the door shut to keep it locked.
JangleThe keys jangled as she walked.
JarThe sudden noise jarred her awake.
JeerThe crowd jeered at the opposing team.
JellThe jelly will jell once it cools down.
JeopardizeHis careless actions could jeopardize his career.
JerkHe jerked the door open and stormed out.
JettisonThey had to jettison some cargo to lighten the load.
JigShe jigged to the lively music.
JingleThe bells jingled as the horse trotted along.
JogI like to jog in the morning for exercise.
JoinWe invited him to join us for dinner.
JokeHe always loves to joke around with his friends.
JoltThe sudden noise jolted her out of her thoughts.
JudgeYou should not judge others based on appearances.
JuggleShe is able to juggle multiple tasks at once.
JumpThe cat jumped onto the table.
JustifyCan you justify your actions?
JuxtaposeThe artist juxtaposed different colors and shapes.
JabberHe tends to jabber when he’s nervous.
JackknifeThe truck jackknifed on the icy road.
JangleThe wind made the chimes jangle loudly.
JargonThe professor’s lecture was filled with technical jargon.
JeopardizeDon’t jeopardize your chances by being late.
JettisonThey had to jettison some equipment to make room.
JiggleThe loose doorknob jiggled in his hand.
JingleThe coins in his pocket jingled as he walked.
JogLet’s jog around the park for a bit.
JoinPlease join us for dinner tonight.
JokeHe always jokes around to lighten the mood.
JoltThe car jolted forward when he hit the gas.
JudgeIt is not our place to judge others.
JuggleShe can juggle multiple tasks at once.
JumpThe athlete jumped over the hurdle.
JustifyCan you justify your decision to me?
JuxtaposeThe two paintings were juxtaposed side by side.

Verbs List (K)

List of Verbs that Starts with K with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
KeepKeep the book on the shelf.
KickKick the ball into the goal.
KissKiss your loved ones goodbye.
KnowKnow the answer to the question.
KeepKeep your promises.
KillKill the spider crawling on the wall.
KneadKnead the dough until it becomes smooth.
KnockKnock on the door to get their attention.
KeepKeep the room clean and tidy.
KidnapThe criminals planned to kidnap the wealthy businessman.
KneelKneel down to tie your shoelaces.
KeyKey in the password to unlock the device.
KnotKnot the rope securely before climbing.
KindleKindle the fire using dry leaves and twigs.
Kick-startKick-start your day with a healthy breakfast.
KayakKayak along the river and enjoy the scenic views.
KowtowPeople used to kowtow before the emperor as a sign of respect.
KernelKernel the corn before cooking.
KibbleKibble the dog food for your furry friend.
Karate-chopHe karate-chopped the wooden board in half.
KindleKindle your passion for learning new things.
KidKid your friend about their silly mistake.
KnitKnit a cozy sweater for the winter.
KeelThe ship began to keel over in the stormy seas.
KibitzHe loved to kibitz with his friends during card games.
KnuckleKnuckle down and finish your homework.
KindleKindle their imagination with captivating stories.
KeepKeep your eyes on the road while driving.
KidnapThe kidnappers tried to kidnap the famous singer.
KneelThey decided to kneel and propose on the beach.
KillThe assassin was hired to kill the target.
KnitKnit a scarf for your loved one.
KeepKeep the noise down during the presentation.
KissKiss your partner goodnight.
KeyKey the information into the database.
KnowKnow your rights as a citizen.
KneadKnead the clay to make a sculpture.
KickKick off your shoes and relax.
KeepKeep a positive attitude in difficult times.
KnitKnit a hat for the newborn baby.
KnockKnock three times before entering.
KickKick the habit of procrastination.
KissKiss the bride on her wedding day.
KneelThe knight was asked to kneel before the king.
KnotKnot the rope tightly to secure the package.
KeepKeep the dog on a leash while walking.
KnowKnow your limits and don’t push yourself too hard.
KillThe virus can kill millions of people if not controlled.
KickKick the can down the street.
KeepKeep your emotions in check during the interview.
KissKiss the baby’s forehead gently.
KnitKnit a blanket for the winter season.
KneadKnead the bread dough until it rises.
KeyKey the car’s ignition to start the engine.
KeepKeep the conversation private.
KnowKnow the difference between right and wrong.
KickKick the ball towards the goal.
KissKiss your partner passionately.
KneelThey decided to kneel and pray together.
KeepKeep the windows closed to prevent bugs from entering.
KnowKnow the subject matter before teaching it.
KillThe snake can kill its prey with its venom.
KickKick off your shoes and relax on the couch.
KeepKeep a journal to record your thoughts.
KissKiss the wound to make it feel better.
KneadKnead the clay into a smooth texture.
KeyKey the lock to open the door.
KnowKnow the rules of the game before playing.
KillThe dictator ordered his soldiers to kill the rebels.
KeepKeep the valuables in a safe place.
KickKick the habit of smoking.
KissKiss your children goodnight.
KneelThe proposal was so romantic that she couldn’t help but kneel.
KnockKnock on the table to get everyone’s attention.
KeepKeep your room organized and clean.
KnowKnow the latest news and updates.
KillKill the engine to save fuel.
KickKick the door open.
KissKiss the cook for preparing a delicious meal.
KneadKnead the dough for the perfect pizza crust.
KeepKeep your promises and follow through.
KnowKnow your audience before giving a presentation.
KillThe hunter aimed to kill the deer for food.
KickKick the bad habit of biting your nails.
KnotKnot the shoelaces tightly to prevent them from coming undone.
KeepKeep your phone charged

Verbs List (L)

List of Verbs that Starts with L with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
LabelPlease label the packages correctly.
LackWe lack the necessary resources to complete the project.
LamentShe lamented over her failed exam results.
LandThe plane will land at the airport in an hour.
LastHow long did the movie last?
LaughThey couldn’t help but laugh at the funny video.
LaunchThe company plans to launch a new product next month.
LayPlease lay the book on the table.
LeadHe was chosen to lead the team to victory.
LeakWater leaked from the pipe and flooded the basement.
LearnChildren learn new things quickly.
LectureThe professor will lecture on astrophysics tomorrow.
LegalizeThe government decided to legalize marijuana.
LevelShe carefully leveled the playing field for all participants.
LiberateThe troops helped liberate the captured city.
LicenseThe authorities granted him a license to operate the business.
LightHe lit the candles on the birthday cake.
LikeI like to read books in my free time.
LimitWe should limit our expenses to save money.
LinkThe article links to several related studies.
ListenPlease listen carefully to the instructions.
LiveThey live in a small house near the beach.
LoadThey helped load the truck with boxes.
LocateCan you locate the nearest gas station?
LockDon’t forget to lock the door when you leave.
LogHe logged all his activities in a journal.
LoveShe loves to spend time with her family.
LowerHe slowly lowered himself into the chair.
LubricateYou need to lubricate the bike chain regularly.
LureThe fisherman used a shiny lure to lure the fish.
LynchThe mob planned to lynch the suspected criminal.
LocateWe need to locate the missing files as soon as possible.
LatchShe latched the gate securely to keep the dog inside.
LegalizeThe government decided to legalize same-sex marriage.
LengthenThe tailor will lengthen the dress to fit perfectly.
LeapThe athlete leaped over the high jump bar effortlessly.
LoseDon’t lose your keys; keep them in a safe place.
LendCan you lend me some money until payday?
ListenListen to the sound of the crashing waves on the beach.
LoungeHe likes to lounge on the couch and watch TV all day.
LurkThe thief lurked in the shadows, waiting for the right moment.
LustHe lusted after the beautiful model in the magazine.
LevelThe carpenter will level the surface before installing the tiles.
LavishThey lavished their children with expensive gifts.
LamentShe lamented the loss of her favorite necklace.
LabelLabel each box with its contents for easy identification.
LikeI like to drink coffee in the morning.
LocateLocate the missing documents in the filing cabinet.
LaunchThe company plans to launch a new advertising campaign.
LearnChildren learn to speak by imitating their parents.
LookLook at the beautiful sunset!
LendCan you lend me your pen for a moment?
LockPlease lock the car before leaving.
LureThe hiker was lured off the trail by the beautiful scenery.
LurkThe detective believed the suspect was lurking nearby.
LightShe lit the candles on the birthday cake.
LoungeWe can lounge by the pool and enjoy the sunshine.
LocateThe treasure map will help us locate the hidden chest.
LimitWe need to limit the number of guests at the party.
LaughThe comedian’s jokes made everyone laugh out loud.
LectureThe professor will lecture on economics next week.
LackThey lack the necessary equipment to complete the project.
LabelPlease label the boxes with their contents.
LastHow long did the concert last?
LeakWater leaked from the faucet and flooded the kitchen.
LamentShe lamented the loss of her favorite book.
LeadThe captain will lead the team to victory.
LoadThey helped load the truck with furniture.
LightenShe used a lighter shade of paint to lighten the room.
LoosenHe tried to loosen the tight screw with a wrench.
LocateWe need to locate the source of the strange noise.
LandThe helicopter will land on the rooftop helipad.
LookLook both ways before crossing the street.
LatchShe latched the window to keep it closed.
LimitLet’s limit our expenses and save money for our trip.
LingerThe aroma of fresh coffee lingered in the air.
LavishShe lavished attention on her new puppy.
LeverageThey will leverage their connections to secure funding.
LureThe angler used a shiny lure to lure the fish to the bait.
ListList all the items you need from the grocery store.

Verbs List (M)

List of Verbs that Starts with M with Examples

VerbsExamples in Sentences
MakeMake sure to double-check the document before submitting it.
ManageShe manages a team of twenty employees.
MeetLet’s meet for coffee tomorrow morning.
MoveThey helped us move into our new apartment.
ModifyWe need to modify the design to fit the client’s requirements.
MonitorThe security cameras monitor the premises 24/7.
MotivateThe coach always motivates his players before a big game.
MentionHe mentioned his upcoming vacation during the meeting.
MemorizeI need to memorize my lines for the play.
MaintainIt is important to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
MultiplyYou need to multiply the numbers to get the correct answer.
MergeThe two companies decided to merge their operations.
ManageShe manages her time efficiently to complete all her tasks.
ModelThe architect created a model of the new building.
MediateThe mediator helped mediate the dispute between the two parties.
MountHe mounted the TV on the wall for a better viewing experience.
MixMix the ingredients thoroughly before baking the cake.
MaximizeThe company aims to maximize its profits this year.
MobilizeThe government had to mobilize additional troops for the war.
MinimizePlease try to minimize your use of plastic bags.
ManufactureThe company manufactures high-quality electronics.
MailI will mail you the documents as soon as possible.
ModifyWe can modify the software to include the new feature.
MarkMark your calendar for the upcoming conference.
MultiplyYou need to multiply the numbers to solve the equation.
MatchThe socks don’t match; they’re different colors.
MeditateShe likes to meditate for ten minutes every morning.
MassageI booked a spa appointment to get a massage.
MemorizeI need to memorize all the important dates for the exam.
MixMix the colors together to create a new shade.
MaintainIt’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.
MultiplyMultiply the length by the width to get the area of the rectangle.
MaximizeLet’s maximize the space in the storage room by organizing it.
MonitorThe teacher monitors the students’ progress throughout the year.
ModifyYou can modify the settings to customize the program.
MakeMake sure to turn off the lights before leaving the room.
MasterShe wants to master the art of playing the piano.
MotivateThe coach’s pep talk motivated the team to win the game.

Verbs List (N)

List of Verbs that Starts with N with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
NabThe police nabbed the thief.
NagMy mom nags me about cleaning my room.
NailPlease nail the picture to the wall.
NarrateShe narrated the story with great enthusiasm.
NavigateThe captain skillfully navigated the ship.
NeatenI need to neaten up my desk before the meeting.
NecessitateThe rainy weather necessitated an umbrella.
NeedI need to finish this project by tomorrow.
NegateHis apology negated the need for further action.
NegotiateThe union is negotiating better benefits.
NibbleThe kids nibbled on the snacks during the movie.
NipBe careful not to nip your finger with the scissors.
NitpickShe always finds something to nitpick about.
NixThe director decided to nix the idea.
NominateThe committee will nominate a new chairperson.
NormalizeWe need to normalize relations between the two countries.
NourishA balanced diet can nourish your body.
NotifyPlease notify me if there are any changes.
NudgeI had to nudge him to get his attention.
NukeThe military threatened to nuke the enemy base.
NullifyThe court nullified the previous ruling.
NumberThe participants were numbered from one to ten.
NuzzleThe dog nuzzled against my leg.
NurseShe will nurse her baby until he falls asleep.
NurturShe nurtured her plants with care.
NuzzleThe cat nuzzled its owner for attention.
NymphThe dancers nymphed gracefully across the stage.
NarkThe detective narked on the criminal.
NoteNote down the important details.
NibbleHe nibbled on a piece of chocolate.
NavigateWe need to navigate through this difficult situation.
NeglectShe neglected her responsibilities.
NailHe nailed the presentation and got a promotion.
NeedI need to go to the grocery store.
NodShe nodded in agreement.
NarrateThe storyteller narrated the tale with passion.
NegotiateThey successfully negotiated a new contract.
NurtureParents nurture their children’s development.
NudgeHe nudged me to remind me of the appointment.
NotifyThey will notify us about the meeting

Verbs List (O)

List of Verbs that Starts with O with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
ObeyShe obeys her parents’ rules.
ObjectI objected to his proposal.
ObligeThe manager obliged by granting them extra time.
ObserveWe observed a beautiful sunset.
ObtainHe managed to obtain a copy of the document.
OccupyThe protesters occupied the city square.
OccurThe accident occurred on Main Street.
OffendHer remarks offended many people.
OfferThey offered me a job at their company.
OpenPlease open the door for me.
OperateThe surgeon will operate on his knee.
OpposeShe strongly opposes the new policy.
OptI opted for the vegetarian meal.
OrganizeThey organized a charity event.
OriginateThe idea originated from him.
OutlineHe outlined his plan for the project.
OvercomeShe overcame her fear of heights.
OverflowThe river overflowed its banks.
OverlookHe overlooked the mistake in his report.
OverpowerThe superhero overpowered the villain.
OverseeHe oversees the day-to-day operations.
OweI owe him a debt of gratitude.
OwnShe owns a beautiful house.
OxygenateThe machine oxygenates the blood.
OgleHe couldn’t help but ogle the attractive model.
ObjectifyIt’s important not to objectify women.
ObfuscateThe speaker obfuscated the issue with complex terms.
ObtrudePlease don’t obtrude on their conversation.
ObserveThey observed the wildlife from a distance.
ObsessHe obsessed over his appearance.
ObtainShe managed to obtain a copy of the report.
OccurThe idea to start a new business occurred to him.
OffendHer comment offended him deeply.
OfferThey offered him a promotion.
OpenHe opened the package with excitement.
OperateThe surgeon will operate on her heart.
OpposeThey oppose the construction of the new building.
OptimizeWe need to optimize our website for better performance.
OrganizeShe organized the files in alphabetical order.
OriginateThe idea originated from a brainstorming session.
OutlineThe professor outlined the main points of the lecture.
OvercomeShe overcame her fear of public speaking.

Verbs List (P)

List of Verbs that Starts with P with Examples

PaintShe painted a beautiful picture.
PlayThe children played in the park.
ProgramHe programmed a new software application.
PerformThe band performed their latest song on stage.
ParticipateI participated in the marathon and finished third.
PublishThe author published a new book last month.
PlanWe planned our vacation to Europe for next summer.
PurchaseThey purchased a new car from the dealership.
ProtectThe security guard protected the building from intruders.
PromoteThe company promoted him to a higher position.

Verbs List (Q)

List of Verbs that Starts with Q with Examples

QuarrelI quarreled with my brother over the remote control.
QueryShe queried the accuracy of the data.
QuestionThe detective questioned the suspect about his alibi.
QuickenThe pace of the music quickened as the crowd cheered.
QuietPlease quiet down so I can concentrate.
QuiltShe quilted a beautiful blanket for her granddaughter.
QuitHe quit his job to start his own business.
QuoteThe speaker quoted a famous line from the poem.
QuiverHis voice quivered with emotion as he spoke.
QuizThe teacher quizzed the students on their vocabulary.
QuenchWe quenched our thirst with cold water.

Verbs List (R)

List of Verbs that Starts with R with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
RaceShe raced to the finish line.
RadiateThe sun radiates heat and light.
RainIt’s starting to rain outside.
RaisePlease raise your hand if you have a question.
ReachHe reached out to grab the ball.
ReadShe loves to read novels in her free time.
RealizeI realized I had forgotten my keys at home.
RebuildThey decided to rebuild the old house.
RecallCan you recall what happened last night?
ReceiveShe was thrilled to receive a gift from him.
RecognizeI recognized her voice immediately.
RecommendI would recommend this book to everyone.
ReduceWe need to reduce our energy consumption.
ReferI will refer you to the customer service desk.
ReflectThe mirror reflects your image.
RefuseHe refused to answer any more questions.
RegretI regret not studying harder for the exam.
ReleaseThey are planning to release a new album.
RelieveThe massage relieved the tension in my muscles.
RemainPlease remain seated until the bus comes to a stop.
RememberI remember meeting her at the party last year.
RemoveThey need to remove the old wallpaper.
RepairHe is skilled at repairing cars.
RepeatCan you repeat what you just said?
ReplaceThey decided to replace the broken window.
ReplyShe replied to his email immediately.
ReportHe needs to report the incident to the police.
RequestShe requested a refund for the faulty product.
RescueThe firefighters rescued the trapped cat.
ResearchThey are researching a cure for cancer.
ResolveThey need to resolve their differences.
RespondHe responded to her question with a smile.
RestI need to rest after a long day at work.
RetrieveCan you retrieve the file from the computer?
ReturnHe promised to return the book by Friday.
ReviseShe needs to revise her essay before submitting it.
RideThey rode their bikes to the park.
RiskHe risked his life to save the drowning child.
RoarThe lion roared loudly in the zoo.
RotatePlease rotate the knob to adjust the temperature.
RunThey ran in the marathon.

Verbs List (S)

List of Verbs that Starts with S with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
SailShe sailed across the ocean.
SampleThey sampled the different flavors of ice cream.
SavePlease save the document before closing it.
ScatterThe wind scattered the leaves all over the yard.
ScoreHe scored a goal in the final minute of the game.
ScrambleThe hikers scrambled up the steep hill.
ScreamShe let out a piercing scream when she saw the spider.
SearchThey searched the entire house for the lost keys.
SecureHe secured the gate with a padlock.
SeparateThe teacher asked the students to separate into groups.
VerbExample Sentence
ServeThe waiter served us our drinks.
SetHe set the table for dinner.
ShapeShe shaped the clay into a beautiful sculpture.
ShareThey shared their snacks with the other children.
ShoutThe coach shouted instructions to the players.
ShowShe showed me how to solve the math problem.
SignHe signed his name at the bottom of the contract.
SingThe choir sang a beautiful song at the concert.
SkipThe children happily skipped down the street.
SleepI need to sleep for at least eight hours tonight.
VerbExample Sentence
SmellThe flowers smelled sweet in the garden.
SmileHe smiled when he saw his surprise birthday cake.
SolveThey solved the puzzle in record time.
SortShe sorted the clothes into different piles.
SpeakThe spokesperson spoke confidently to the press.
SpendThey spent the entire weekend exploring the city.
SpinThe ballerina gracefully spun across the stage.
SpreadShe spread butter on her toast.
StandPlease stand up and introduce yourself.
StartThe race started with a loud bang.

Verbs List (T)

List of Verbs that Starts with T with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
TalkTalk to me about your problems.
TeachShe teaches English at the local school.
TakeTake a deep breath and relax.
TasteTaste this soup and tell me what you think.
ThankI want to thank you for your help.
ThinkThink carefully before making a decision.
ThrowHe throws the ball to his teammate.
TouchTouch the screen to activate the app.
TryTry this cake; it’s delicious.
TurnTurn off the lights when you leave the room.
TypeShe types fast on the keyboard.
TravelWe love to travel and explore new places.
TidyPlease tidy up your room before guests arrive.
TestThe doctor will test your blood for any abnormalities.
TrainHe is trained in martial arts.
TransmitThe radio transmits signals over long distances.
TryTry to solve this math problem.
TackleThe football player tackled his opponent.
TasteTaste the wine before you buy it.
TrimShe trims the hedges in her garden.
TwistTwist the lid to open the jar.

Verbs List (U)

List of Verbs that Starts with U with Examples

UnderstandI understand the concept you explained.
UsePlease use a pen to fill out the form.
UncoverWe need to uncover the truth behind this mystery.
UpdateUpdate your software to the latest version for better security.
UniteThe team needs to unite and work towards a common goal.
UndertakeShe undertook the task of organizing the event.
UnlockUnlock your phone by entering the correct passcode.
UnloadThey helped me unload the groceries from the car.
UnplugDon’t forget to unplug the appliances when not in use.
UpgradeWe decided to upgrade our internet connection for faster speeds.
UpholdThe judge will uphold the law and ensure justice is served.
UrgeI urge you to reconsider your decision.
Use upWe used up all the milk, so we need to buy more.
UtilizeThey utilized their resources effectively to achieve success.
Unite againstThe countries decided to unite against a common enemy.
Uncover a secretThe detective worked hard to uncover a secret.
Undergo a transformationThe caterpillar will undergo a transformation and become a butterfly.
Undertake a journeyThey decided to undertake a journey around the world.
Unleash creativityThe workshop aimed to unleash creativity in the participants.
Untangle a knotCan you help me untangle this knot in the rope?
Update a documentPlease update the document with the latest information.
Uphold a traditionThe community wants to uphold the tradition of their ancestors.
Use cautionUse caution when handling the hot pan.
Utter a wordHe didn’t utter a word during the entire meeting.
Unwind after workI like to unwind after work by going for a run.
Uncover a hidden treasureThe adventurers managed to uncover a hidden treasure in the cave.
Unleash potentialThe coach aims to unleash the potential of each player.
Unplug from technologyIt’s good to occasionally unplug from technology and enjoy nature.

Verbs List (V)

List of Verbs that Starts with V with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
ValidateValidate the user’s credentials before login.
ValueShe values her family above everything else.
VanishThe magician made the rabbit vanish in thin air.
VaryThe prices vary depending on the season.
VentureHe ventured into the unknown without fear.
VerifyPlease verify your email address to proceed.
ViewLet’s view the latest report for analysis.
VisitWe should visit our grandparents this weekend.
VolunteerShe decided to volunteer at the local shelter.
VoteIt’s important to vote in every election.

Verbs List (W)

List of Verbs that Starts with W with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
WaitPlease wait for me at the bus stop.
WakeI need to wake up early tomorrow.
WalkLet’s walk to the park together.
WanderWe decided to wander through the streets of Paris.
WantShe wants to go on vacation this summer.
WarnThe teacher warned the students about the test.
WashI need to wash my car this weekend.
WatchWatch out for the falling objects.
WaterPlease water the plants while I’m away.
WearHe likes to wear casual clothes on the weekends.
WeepShe wept with joy when she received the news.
WeighCould you weigh this package for me, please?
WelcomeThey welcomed us into their home.
WhisperShe whispered the secret in my ear.
WinOur team won the championship game.
WinkHe gave me a wink to let me know he was joking.
WishI wish I could go on vacation right now.
WonderI wonder what time the movie starts.
WorkHe works as a software engineer.
WorryDon’t worry, everything will be fine.
WorshipThey worship at the local church.
WrapLet’s wrap the presents before the party.
WriteShe wrote a beautiful poem for her mother.

Verbs List (X)

List of Verbs that Starts with Xwith Examples

XeroxXerox the document and keep a copy.
X-rayThe doctor wants to x-ray your ankle.
XclaimHe xclaims his innocence in the case.
XpandThe company plans to x pand its operations.
XpelThe repellent will xpel mosquitoes.
XplainLet me xplain the process to you.
XplodeThe bomb is about to xplode.
XportWe xport our products to over 50 countries.
XpressShe xpresses her love through art.
XterminateThe exterminator will xterminate the pests.

Verbs List (Y)

List of Verbs that Starts with Y with Examples

VerbExample Sentence
YankHe yanked the rope to open the door.
YearnShe yearned for a peaceful vacation.
YellThe coach yelled at the players to run faster.
YieldThe tree yielded a bountiful harvest of fruit.
YodelThe mountain climber yodeled to celebrate his ascent.
YawnShe couldn’t help but yawn during the boring lecture.
YellThe angry driver yelled at the other car.
YearnHe yearns to travel the world someday.
YieldThe company decided to yield to the demands of the workers.
YankShe yanked the weeds out of the garden.
YodelThe singer yodeled with joy on stage.
YawnThe tired child couldn’t stop yawning.
YellWe could hear him yell from across the street.
YearnThe artist yearned for inspiration.
YieldThe stock market yielded significant returns.

Verbs List (Z)

List of Verbs that Starts with Z with Examples

ZapThe electrician zapped the faulty wire.
ZeroThe company decided to zero in on their target.
ZigzagThe car zigzagged through the traffic.
ZincThe metalworker zinced the steel plate.
ZipShe quickly zipped up her jacket.
ZoneThe city zoned the area for commercial use.
ZoomThe camera zoomed in on the bird.
ZestHe zested the lemon to add flavor to the dish.

List of Verbs with Pictures

List of verbs in english
List of verbs of classroom

Frequently Asked Questions on Verbs List

What are English verbs?

English verbs are words that express actions, events, or states of being. They are an essential part of constructing sentences and conveying meaning in the English language.

What is the most common regular verbs list?

The most common regular verbs in English are those that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb. Here is a list of some of the most common regular verbs:

  1. Accept
  2. Act
  3. Add
  4. Answer
  5. Arrive
  6. Ask
  7. Believe
  8. Call
  9. Change
  10. Clean
  11. Close
  12. Cook
  13. Create
  14. Dance
  15. Decide
  16. Describe
  17. Enjoy
  18. Explain
  19. Finish
  20. Help
  21. Hope
  22. Jump
  23. Like
  24. Listen
  25. Live
  26. Look
  27. Love
  28. Move
  29. Need
  30. Open
  31. Play
  32. Remember
  33. Smile
  34. Study
  35. Talk
  36. Try
  37. Use
  38. Walk
  39. Want
  40. Work

What are the 100 most common verbs in English?

100 most common verbs in English:

  • be
  • have
  • do
  • say
  • go
  • can
  • get
  • would
  • make
  • know
  • will
  • think
  • take
  • see
  • come
  • could
  • want
  • look
  • use
  • find
  • give
  • tell
  • work
  • may
  • should
  • call
  • try
  • ask
  • need
  • feel
  • become
  • leave
  • put
  • mean
  • keep
  • let
  • begin
  • seem
  • help
  • talk
  • turn
  • start
  • show
  • hear
  • play
  • run
  • move
  • like
  • live
  • believe
  • hold
  • bring
  • happen
  • write
  • provide
  • sit
  • stand
  • lose
  • pay
  • meet
  • include
  • continue
  • set
  • learn
  • change
  • lead
  • understand
  • watch
  • follow
  • stop
  • create
  • speak
  • read
  • allow
  • add
  • spend
  • grow
  • open
  • walk
  • win
  • offer
  • remember
  • love
  • consider
  • appear
  • buy
  • wait
  • serve
  • die
  • send
  • expect
  • build
  • stay
  • fall
  • cut
  • reach
  • kill
  • remain
  • suggest
  • raise

What is the basic list of verbs?

  1. Be
  2. Have
  3. Do
  4. Say
  5. Go
  6. Get
  7. Make
  8. Know
  9. Take
  10. See
  11. Come
  12. Think
  13. Want
  14. Give
  15. Use
  16. Find
  17. Tell
  18. Ask
  19. Work
  20. Feel

Related Resources:


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.