IT’S A SMISSMAS MIRACLE! We’ve been waiting for issue 7 of the TF2 comic for 7 damn years. But it’s finally here and you should all go and read it right now. Yeah, seriously, stop reading this article and go and read the comic right now. It’s quite long. Then come back here when you’re done. If you want. No rush. We’ve waited 7 years already for this issue, make the most of it. I’ve already read it like 3 times now. You back? Have you read it? No? Go read it. In the mean time, I’m going to tell… [Continue Reading]

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Always There For You To Play

There’s something odd about Team Fortress 2. There’s something about it that kinda draws me back, but also doesn’t actually mind if I don’t play. Somehow, Team Fortress 2 is just always there, sitting in the background, waiting to be played, no matter what. Okay, let me try to explain. Team Fortress 2 exists in some sort of stasis. You can drop Team Fortress 2, stop playing it completely, for years, only to come back and still be able to jump back in and play again. Sure, things aren’t exactly the same as they used to be. After all, there’s… [Continue Reading]

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Getting Back Into Team Fortress 2, and the Power of Competent Team Mates

The other day, I found myself playing Team Fortress 2. We had planned to play Sea of Thieves, but we ran into a bunch of hackers, which spoiled our mood. So we played TF2 instead, because why not? Now, I haven’t played Team Fortress 2 in a looooong time, so I expected to be a bit rusty. And I was. But that’s fine, because I had players I could actually rely on. The previous times I’d played Team Fortress 2, at least in recent memory, I had mostly been solo. I played a little Mann VS Machine a while back… [Continue Reading]

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On my experiences with SFM

Recently I got a request for the files of one of my SFM works that I used as a banner art for an old TF2 article. Unfortunately my laptop broke days before the request, so I lost all my SFM files and high-res renders of my old works. That surprisingly left me feeling a bit sad and empty, despite me not even remembering their existence for literal years. I can’t turn back time or have my old laptop magically fix itself though, so instead of crying over spilt milk I am simply going to talk about how good it used… [Continue Reading]

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On Reviews for Overwatch 2

I don’t like Overwatch 2. I was born a Team Fortress 2 player, and Overwatch always felt like it was stepping on TF2’s toes. Back when Overwatch 1 came out, there were tons of similarities, but Overwatch 1 was tolerable as a game, even if it gave me horrible headaches. Overwatch 2 though, that came out and destroyed any respect that Overwatch 1 had earned. The sequel pissed all over players with horrendous micro-transactions, making things insanely grindy, making you work and grind or pay for new heroes and removing a whole player from your team, making it 5v5. And… [Continue Reading]

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Summer 2023 – A TF2 Update

So that Team Fortress 2 update is finally here. It’s nothing super special, but it’s here. They didn’t even really give the update a proper name. It’s just Summer 2023. First off, we got a lot of maps. We actually got 14 new maps, which is the most maps from any update so far. I can see why they added so many though, because, well, they are easy to add. Sure, a lot of work and time goes into creating these maps, but for Valve, they are super easy to implement and add to the game. I’d actually guess that… [Continue Reading]

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I Forgot How Fun MvM Was

It’s been ages since I last played Team Fortress 2. But after a shorter-than-normal Sea of Thieves session, my great friend Bacxaber suggested that we play a round of Mann VS Machine, because why not? So I loaded up Team Fortress 2, reset all my key binds because they had all reverted to default settings, then joined Bacxaber and Metz. Together, we played a game of Mann VS Machine, on the Manhattan map. We were only playing on intermediate in boot camp, no Mann Up or anything, but damn, from the moment we started, it was all so much fun.… [Continue Reading]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Try Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is an amazing game. Ever since it released in late 2007, it’s been chugging along, bringing with it a huge amount of playability, lore and memes. Even if you’ve never played the game, the media surrounding Team Fortress 2 is enough to lure in curious players. The game has a large footstep in the PC game community, and also has a ton of great memes. In this article, I explain why you should try Team Fortress 2, a pretty ancient and unique video game. It’s free to play Ever since the Uber update back in 2012, Team… [Continue Reading]

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My 5 Favorite Bows in Gaming

Since Medic recently covered her 5 favorite bows in Warframe, I was inspired to do something similar, but for gaming as a whole. I’ve often found myself gravitating to bows when available, in part due to their uniqueness in a modern setting. They often play wholly differently to regular firearms, with arcs and draw times and often extra ammo types. The general trend is “rewarding if you learn how to use it,” and I love standing out through mastering the intricacies of an unusual weapon or gadget. One last note before we begin that crossbows are also eligible for this… [Continue Reading]

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Thoughts on a Heavy Update, from a Medic’s Point of View

Editor’s note: This article was written way before Valve decided to subtly change some text, indicating that the summer update was not a real update, just another cosmetic one. So feel free to take all of this with a pinch of salt since it’s no longer going to happen. Heavy is never going to get an actual update or anything. The fact that there’s a potential update this summer has really got me back into think about Team Fortress 2. While I haven’t opened the game in a month, I’ve been browsing the Steam Workshop and doing a lot of… [Continue Reading]

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