Edmund Berk
Edmund Berk | |
Lični podaci | |
Datum rođenja | 22. januar 1729. |
Mesto rođenja | Dablin[1], Kraljevstvo Irska |
Datum smrti | 9. jul 1797.68 god.) ( |
Mesto smrti | Bikonsfild, Velika Britanija |
Univerzitet | Trinity College Dublin |
Politička karijera | |
Politička stranka | Vigovci |
Deo serije o |
konzervativizmu |
Edmund Berk (engl. Edmund Burke; Dablin, 22. januar 1729 — Bikonsfild, 9. jul 1797) bio je britanski državnik, politički teoretičar i filozof rođen je u Dablinu.[2][3] Obično se smatra rodonačelnikom anglo-američke konzervativne tradicije. Berkova reputacija koja traje zasniva se na nizu dela koja su bila kritična prema Francuskoj revoluciji a pre svega na knjizi Razmišljanja o revoluciji u Francuskoj (1790). Iako je bio naklonjen američkoj revoluciji Berk je oštro kritikovao pokušaj da se francuska politika preoblikuje u skladu sa apstraktnim načelima kao što su sloboda, jednakost i bratstvo tvrdeći da se iskustvo pre svega nalazi u iskustvu, tradiciji i istoriji. Ipak smatrao je da francuska monarhija snosi delimičnu odgovornost za svoju sudbinu jer je uporno odbijala da se menja da bi se očuvala. Berk je imao mračnu sliku vlade smatrajući da iako može da spreči zlo retko čini dobro. Tržišne snage shvatao je kao prirodni zakon.
Upočetku se se bavio publicističkim radom, a posle politikom kao zastupnik vigovaca u parlamentu. Izdavao je godišljak "Annual Register (1759 — 1788). Kao filozof poznat po estetskim respravama, usmerenim senzualistički, antiracionalistički i psihologistički. Uticao na mnoge estetičare u Nemačkoj (Lesing, Kant). Glavno delo mu je "Filozofsko istraživanje o poreklu naših ideja o uzvišenom i lepom" iz 1757. godine.
Berk je bio zagovornik potkrepljenja vrlina manirima u društvu i značaja verskih institucija za moralnu stabilnost i dobro države.[4] Ovi stavovi su izraženi u njegovom delu Opravdanje prirodnog društva. On je kritikovao postupke britanske vlade prema američkim kolonijama, uključujući i njenu poresku politiku. Berk je takođe podržao prava kolonista da se odupru metropolitanskoj vlasti, iako se usprotivio pokušaju postizanja nezavisnosti. Zapamćen je po podršci katoličkoj emancipaciji, opozivu Vorena Hejstingsa iz Istočnoindijske kompanije i čvrstom protivljenju Francuskoj revoluciji. U svojim Refleksijama o revoluciji u Francuskoj, Berk je utvrdio da revolucija razara tkivo dobrog društva i tradicionalnih institucija države i društva i osudio progon katoličke crkve koji je iz toga proizašao. To je dovelo do toga da je postao vodeća figura u konzervativnoj frakciji Vigovske partije, koju je nazvao starim vigovima, za razliku od novih vigovaca predvođenih Čarls Džejms Foksom koji su podržavali Francusku revoluciju.[5]
U 19. veku Berka su hvalili konzervativci i liberali.[6] Kasnije u 20. veku postao je široko priznat kao filozofski utemeljivač modernog konzervativizma.[7][8]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- A Vindication of Natural Society (1756)
- A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757)
- An Account of the European Settlement in America (1757)
- The Abridgement of the History of England (1757)
- Annual Register editor for some 30 years (1758)
- Tracts on the Popery Laws (Early 1760s)
- On the Present State of the Nation (1769)
- Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents (1770)
- On American Taxation (1774)
- Conciliation with the Colonies (1775)
- A Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol (1777)
- Reform of the Representation in the House of Commons (1782)
- Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)
- Letter to a Member of the National Assembly (1791)
- An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs (1791)
- Thoughts on French Affairs (1791)
- Remarks on the Policy of the Allies (1793)
- Thoughts and Details on Scarcity (1795)
- Letters on a Regicide Peace (1795–97)
- Letter to a Noble Lord (1796)
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ „Edmund Burke”. Library Ireland. Arhivirano iz originala 20. 10. 2017. g.
- ^ „Edmund Burke | Biography, Books, & Facts”. Encyclopedia Britannica (na jeziku: engleski). 9. 9. 2023. Pristupljeno 31. 7. 2019.
- ^ Mišić, Milan, ur. (2005). Enciklopedija Britanika. A-B. Beograd: Narodna knjiga : Politika. str. 134. ISBN 86-331-2075-5.
- ^ Richard Bourke (2015). Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke. Princeton University Press. str. 220—21,.passim.
- ^ Burke lived before the terms "conservative" and "liberal" were used to describe political ideologies, cf. J. C. D. Clark, English Society, 1660–1832 (Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 5, 301.
- ^ Dennis O'Keeffe; John Meadowcroft (2009). Edmund Burke. Continuum. str. 93. ISBN 978-0826429780.
- ^ Andrew Heywood, Political Ideologies: An Introduction. Third Edition. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), p. 74.
- ^ F. P. Lock, Edmund Burke. Volume II: 1784–1797 (Clarendon Press, 2006), p. 585.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Šablon:A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
- Blakemore, Steven (ed.), Burke and the French Revolution. Bicentennial Essays (The University of Georgia Press, 1992).
- Bourke, Richard, Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke (Princeton University Press, 2015).
- Bromwich, David, (2014). The Intellectual Life of Edmund Burke: From the Sublime and Beautiful to American Independence. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. . A review: Freedom fighter, The Economist, 5 July 2014
- Clark, J. C. D. (ed.), Reflections on the Revolution in France: A Critical Edition (Stanford University Press: 2001).
- Cone, Carl B. Burke and the Nature of Politics (2 vols, 1957, 1964), a detailed modern biography of Burke; somewhat uncritical and sometimes superficial regarding politics
- Thomas Wellsted Copeland (jun 1942). „Edmund Burke and the Book Reviews in Dodsley's Annual Register”. Publications of the Modern Language Association. 57 (2): 446—68. .
- Courtenay, C.P. Montesquieu and Burke (1963), good introduction
- Crowe, Ian,, ur. (1997). The Enduring Edmund Burke: Bicentennial Essays. essays by American conservatives
- Crowe, Ian,, ur. (2005). An Imaginative Whig: Reassessing the Life and Thought of Edmund Burke. . 247 pp. essays by scholars
- Ian Crowe, 'The career and political thought of Edmund Burke', Journal of Liberal History, Issue 40, Autumn 2003.
- Frederick Dreyer (septembar 1978). „The Genesis of Burke's Reflections”. The Journal of Modern History. 50 (3): 462—79. .
- Robert Eccleshall (1990). English Conservatism since the Restoration. London: Unwin Hyman..
- Gibbons, Luke (2003). Edmund Burke and Ireland: Aesthetics, Politics, and the Colonial Sublime.. 304 pp.
- Hibbert, Christopher (maj 1990). King Mob: The Story of Lord George Gordon and the Riots of 1780. Dorset Press. ISBN 0-88029-399-3.
- Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot (7th ed. 1992).
- Kirk, Russell (1997). Edmund Burke: A Genius Reconsidered.
- Kramnick, Isaac (1977). The Rage of Edmund Burke: Portrait of an Ambivalent Conservative.
- Lock, F. P. Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (London: Allen & Unwin, 1985).
- Lock, F. P (1999). Edmund Burke. Volume I: 1730–1784. Clarendon Press..
- Lock, F. P (2006). Edmund Burke. Volume II: 1784–1797. Clarendon Press..
- Levin, Yuval. The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left (Basic Books; 2013) 275 pages; their debate regarding the French Revolution.
- Lucas, Paul. "On Edmund Burke's Doctrine of Prescription; Or, An Appeal from the New to the Old Lawyers", Historical Journal, 11 (1968) opens the way towards an effective synthesis of Burke's ideas of History, Change and Prescription.
- Jim McCue (1997). Edmund Burke and Our Present Discontents. The Claridge Press..
- Magnus, Philip (1939). Edmund Burke: A Life.. older biography
- Marshall, P. J (1965). The Impeachment of Warren Hastings., the standard history of the trial and Burke's role
- O'Brien, Conor Cruise. O'Brien, Conor Cruise (1992). The Great Melody. A Thematic Biography of Edmund Burke. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-61651-7..
- O'Gorman, Frank. Edmund Burke: Edmund Burke: His Political Philosophy (2004) 153pp online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (27. maj 2012)
- Parkin, Charles. The Moral Basis of Burke's Political Thought (1956)
- Pocock, J.G.A (1960). „Burke and the Ancient Constitution”. Historical Journal,. 3: 125—43.; shows Burke's debt to the Common Law tradition of the seventeenth century in JSTOR
- Raeder, Linda C (2006). „Edmund Burke: Old Whig”. Political Science Reviewer. 35: 115—31..ISSN 0091-3715 Fulltext: Ebsco, argues Burke's ideas closely resemble those of conservative philosopher Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992).
- J. J. Sack (septembar 1987). „The Memory of Burke and the Memory of Pitt: English Conservatism Confronts Its Past, 1806–1829”. The Historical Journal. 30 (3): 623—40. .
- J. J. Sack, From Jacobite to Conservative. Reaction and orthodoxy in Britain, c. 1760–1832 (Cambridge University Press, 2004).
- Spinner, Jeff (1991). „Constructing Communities: Edmund Burke on Revolution”. Polity. 23 (3): 395—421. JSTOR 3235133. doi:10.2307/3235133.
- Stanlis, Peter (1958). Edmund Burke and the Natural Law.
- Vermeir, Koen and Funk Deckard, Michael (ed.) The Science of Sensibility: Reading Burke's Philosophical Enquiry (International Archives of the History of Ideas, Vol. 206) (Springer, 2012)
- John Whale (ed.), Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France. New interdisciplinary essays (Manchester University Press, 2000).
- Whelan, Frederick G (1996). Edmund Burke and India: Political Morality and Empire.
- O'Connor Power, J. 'Edmund Burke and His Abiding Influence', The North American Review, vol. 165 issue 493, December 1897, 666–81.
- Clark, J. C. D.,, ur. (2001). Reflections on the Revolution in France. A Critical Edition. Stanford University Press. .
- Hoffman, R.; Levack, P. (eds.) Burke's Politics. Alfred A. Knopf. 1949..
- Burke, Edmund. The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke (9 vol 1981– ) vol 1 online; vol 2 online; vol 6 India: The Launching of the Hastings Impeachment, 1786–1788 online; vol 8 online; vol 9 online.
- Bourke, Richard (2015). Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke. Princeton University Press..
- Bromwich, David (2014). The Intellectual Life of Edmund Burke: From the Sublime and Beautiful to American Independence. Harvard University Press..
- Doran, Robert (2015). "Burke: Sublime Individualism". The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. OCLC 959033482
- Lock, F. P (1999). Edmund Burke. Volume I: 1730–1784. Clarendon Press..
- Lock, F. P (2006). Edmund Burke. Volume II: 1784–1797. Clarendon Press..
- Marshall, P. J. (2019) Edmund Burke and the British Empire in the West Indies: Wealth, Power, and Slavery (Oxford University Press, 2019) online review
- Norman, Jesse (2014). Edmund Burke: The Visionary who Invented Modern Politics. William Collins.
- O'Brien, Conor Cruise. The Great Melody. A Thematic Biography of Edmund Burke. University of Chicago Press. 1992.
- Stephens, Bret (8—9. 8. 2020). „Why Edmund Burke still matters”. The New York Times (42,735) (International izd.). str. 8.
- Uglow, Jenny (23 May 2019). "Big Talkers" (review of Leo Damrosch, The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends Who Shaped an Age, Yale University Press, 473 pp.). The New York Review of Books. LXVI (9): 26–28.
- Whelan, Frederick G (1996). Edmund Burke and India: Political Morality and Empire. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Edmund Burke Society at Columbia University
- Harris, Ian. „Edmund Burke”. Ur.: Zalta, Edward N. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Burke's works at The Online Library of Liberty
- Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France", lightly modified for easier reading
- Edmund Burke na sajtu Projekat Gutenberg (jezik: engleski)
- Edmund Berk na sajtu Internet Archive (jezik: engleski)
- Edmund Berk na sajtu LibriVox (jezik: engleski)
- Edmund Burke on In Our Time at the BBC. (listen now)
- Burke according to Dr Jesse Norman MP at www.bbc.co.uk
- Edmund Berk na sajtu Curlie (jezik: engleski)
- "Edmund Burke for a Postmodern Age", William F. Byrne, Berfrois, 29 June 2011
- „Archival material relating to Edmund Berk”. UK National Archives.
- Edmund Berk na sajtu NPG (jezik: engleski)
- The Liberalism/Conservatism of Edmund Burke and F. A. Hayek: A Critical Comparison, Linda C. Raeder. From Humanitas, Volume X, No. 1, 1997. National Humanities Institute. Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (24. april 2021)
- Edmund Berk na sajtu Find a Grave (jezik: engleski)