
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

1 Corinthians 12:4-7

The work of the volunteers is very important in helping the Sisters of St. John the Divine with our ministry. If you can spare a few hours on a regular or occasional basis, if you like people and enjoy helping, you might enjoy volunteering with us. At present there are more than 50 people who volunteer with us, and we’re always accepting new applications.

Some of the things our volunteers do:

  • Staff our Reception desk, welcome visitors, answer the phone, and help connect people with each other
  • Greet guests and groups coming to the Guest House
  • Help with mailings
  • Sort through and pack donated used books, which we send overseas
  • Assist with filing in the Chapel
  • Assist with the scarves workshop and other quiet days
  • Make various handicrafts, which are sold in our Bookroom
  • Help in the Archives
  • Help to iron Chapel linens and polish the silver
  • Weed and do other gardening jobs in the summer
  • Care for house plants
  • Promote the Sisterhood through our social media pages and through the diocesan website
  • Maintain a prayer wheel
  • Help with coffee breaks for guests who are in the house

We are also open to new ideas. If you have a special skill or gift that you would like to share with us, we can probably make creative use of it!


  • Volunteers share in the peace of the Convent.
  • Volunteers may share in meals when they are working at the Convent.
  • Volunteers meet lots of interesting people they might never otherwise have met, from many ages, faith traditions, and nationalities – as well as the Sisters.
  • Volunteers are welcome to use our beautiful grounds, pray the Stations of the Cross, walk the labyrinth, and browse in the library and the Bookroom.
  • Volunteers may share in worship with the Sisters as desired (not required).

The Sisterhood is very grateful for all our volunteers and for their gifts of time and talent.  Here is what some of our volunteers say about their time with the Sisterhood:

“Volunteering here opened me up to ‘less is more,’ and I learned more about myself in the quiet.”

“It’s a healing atmosphere and a place where I can gather my thoughts.”

“It makes me feel good helping others.”

“It gave me insight into the life of women living in community and allowed me to witness the simplicity of the Sisters’ lifestyle.”

“The convent is an oasis in the midst of the outside world.”

For more information and for applications, contact our Volunteer Coordinator:

Volunteer Coordinator
233 Cummer Ave.
Toronto, ON  M2M 2E8
Phone: 416-226-2201, ext.  301
Fax: 416-222-4442
Email: [email protected]