Special Accommodations
Overnight accommodations are available for mobility-impaired individuals. If you have accessibility concerns, we suggest you check with the island or conference registrar to see if our facilities will accommodate your needs. If you need accommodations on the first floor, near a bathroom, or require an electrical outlet for a medical device, please indicate such on your registration form.
While Star Island does not guarantee the availability of any specific rooms or room types, priority is given to those with self-identified accessibility or medical needs. The assignment of accessibility rooms, first-floor rooms, and motel units will be prioritized based on various factors, including but not limited to communication of need, availability of accommodations, and registration date.
Pets: Conferees and guests cannot have pets on Star Island. Service animals are welcome, but please contact Justina Maji, Conference Center Director ([email protected]), with advance notice.
The rainwater cistern provides water for bathing; showers are available at specific times throughout the day through sign-up sheets located in the lobby.
Keys & Locks
Most of the sleeping quarters do not have locks, and conferees are not furnished with keys. This is a safety measure in the event of a fire and to prevent children from locking themselves in a room. There is a locked closet in Newton Centre, and its key can be picked up at the Front Desk by the appropriate conference staff at the beginning of the week and returned to the Front Desk before leaving the island.