Visiting For The Day

Star Island’s open season runs from mid-June until mid-September. You are welcome to visit from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you would like to extend your stay, you are welcome on Star Island at one of our conferences.


There are many opportunities for visiting Star Island. If you have a private boat in Gosport Harbor, you are welcome to tie up a dinghy (12' or less) on our dock and visit. In addition, the boat companies Isles of Shoals Steamship Company (“M/V Thomas Laighton”) and Island Cruises (“Uncle Oscar”) offer day or evening visits to Star Island.

There are plenty of fun activities to do and locations to visit on Star Island. Learn more about what is available to do during your stay.

For Visiting Seafarers:

Only dinghies less than 12 feet may be tied to the main float. Generally, no more than 8 dinghies can fit at one time. Please follow the directions of the lifeguard. If there is no lifeguard on duty, tie your dinghy where indicated by the sign. The front face of the float is in use at all hours by island boats and must never be blocked. Dogs may be taken for a walk on Malaga Island, just across the harbor. Dogs are not permitted on Star Island. Please take great care to protect the pristine waters of the Gulf of Maine and Star Island swimming area from litter and discharge.

For Your Own Safety And Enjoyment, Please…

  • Be very mindful of fire safety. We are in a remote location, and open flames (including smoking, matches, incense, and the like) are prohibited in all buildings and on most of the grounds. Be familiar with our Open Flame Policy. If the fire alarm sounds and/or you hear the rapid ringing of bells sounds, please evacuate to the flagpole on the front lawn.
  • As we are in a remote location, please be safe and careful. Review Medical Considerations before you visit the island.
  • Wear shoes and stay on the paths. It’s the best way to avoid poison ivy and possible injury from sharp objects.
  • Keep an eye on your children at all times.
  • Treat the island with respect by not littering, picking flowers, or disturbing marine life.
  • The island is a historic district and collecting of any kind is not permitted.
  • Follow federal and state laws forbidding the use of illegal drugs and the use of alcohol by persons under 21. No guns or fireworks are allowed on the island.
  • Swim only in the main pier area when the lifeguard is on duty. If there is no lifeguard on duty, swimming is not permitted.
  • Stay off the breakwater. It is extremely dangerous.