
Our Story

An estimated 80% of Catholic college students will stop practicing their faith, but a strong majority of them will remain loosely connected to their faith and are responsive to outreach from Catholic campus-ministry centers.

Hi, I'm Father Blair (@campuspadre) writing to you today, in thanksgiving that you have decided to explore our cause and discern how God desires you to participate in our mission.  I'm sure you're aware that one of the most important battlegrounds for the mind and soul of our young people, is the college campus. 

Moving from high school to college is a major life change. It’s a time when your kids really begin to decide who they are, what they think about important issues, and in the world in which we live there is no shortage of individual, group, and media influencers who want to shape their identities. As they venture out on 'their own' it won't be easy to navigate the 'college experience' and come out the other side a healthy and happy young adult with few regrets.  Catholic Campus ministries like ours strive to provide stability, guidance, healthy community and we do so in the context of the Catholic Faith. We believe, and statistics show, that our ministries are an essential life boat for some college students and extremely fruitful formation as men and women. At the heart of our ministry of course and unapologetically, is Jesus Christ. We believe that events and activities, bible studies and challenging intellectual formation groups, retreats and mission trips, pilgrimages and prayer, Mass and Adoration are all part of helping college students become and overcome. 

Like you, we believe that the world needs more young men and women who are passionate about their faith, willing to love sacrificially and be prepared to lead our Church and nation through the challenges we face. Cardinal Newman recognized that educated, informed, engaged, and committed Catholics would make a difference - not only on campus but in the world.

Will you help us continue to form such men and women here at Catholic Gators at the University of Florida? 

Here at Catholic Gators, we offer a home where intellectual education, moral discipline, and religious commitment come together. With your gift, you can continue to bring this home to more than 10,000 Catholic students at the University of Florida and Santa Fe College.

Currently we have approximately 50 active Bible Studies with close to 300 students participating.

We provide 3 retreats each year, meeting the needs of approximately 250 students.

Last year we joined with USF Campus Ministry and lead 20 students on an active pilgrimage in Italy, and this year we will lead 17 students on a mission trip in Ireland.

These are just a very small part of our whole ministry efforts. However the need is great and ever increasing, and we want to meet those needs.  Thank you for your caring gift, it really does take a village at the heart of which is the community of faith, the mystical Body of Christ the Church.

If you would like to better understand our mission and vision, I invite you to read 'One Priest and the Eucharist', 'Exodus and Renewal', and 'Graduates Begin New Journeys: An Interview with Fr. Blair'

I also invite you to listen to my homilies from this past year, which will hopefully give you insight as to the faith formation students receive during Mass.  I would add, there are approximately 1200 - 1400 students attending our 5 English and 1 Spanish Masses each weekend! And, we have an hour to an hour and half of confessions Monday through Friday... full from start to finish.