This is basically what my physical therapist had me do for my back problems last year and it helped with the pain so much! Also walk for at least thirty minutes a day, even if it’s just in small chunks throughout the day.
(via seananmcguire)
reposting this on here because I enjoy this account and because this is a really useful visual depiction of how to mend using thread.
This is called Sashiko (刺し子) and there are so many cute patterns you can do!
This looks more like Darning than Sashiko.
Sashiko is a Quilting technique from Japan done to sew multiple layers of fabric together to make something thicker. Most Sashiko stitches avoid crossing and the ones that do are making very specific shapes. As such, a Sashiko repair would involve sewing a patch onto the clothing. It looks more like this.
Darning anchors threads into existing fabric and has you essentially weave some filler fabric. It looks like this:
I understand that the way it’s being done *looks* a bit Sashiko-like, but they are not the same thing.
Both techniques make good clothing repairs, but sashiko works better for some, and darning better for others.
I think this might be the most beautiful meme I’ve ever seen. I just spent five minutes extolling all its virtues to my husband:
- It doesn’t even mention Julius Caesar or the Ides of March.
- It’s from a very different segment of the play
- It’s not even the famous part of that segment that everyone knows by heart
- The “I’m just sayin’” attitude of all the Seinfeldians in the screenshot (although if memory serves, what they’re actually saying is, “not that there’s anything wrong with that”)
- It just comes at the whole situation in such an oblique fashion
- I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Ides of March meme do anything like this before
I love it and I love you for bringing it to me.
I had a dream last night that I was on a balcony, leaning on the railing, but the balcony looked out over space and I was watching the creation of the Discworld. Not the writing of the books but the literal creation of the Discworld. Great A’Tuin and the elephants and the Disc were coming together right before my eyes.
And then someone yelled something like “Come inside, it’ll look after itself for the first few million years” and I went inside to find Terry Pratchett in this enormous room that was like a library colonized a ballroom. It had no furniture, just wide overlapping Turkish-style rugs all over the floor. The walls were floor-to-ceiling bookcases but mostly it was a big open space where you could “create” a visual version of a story and it would appear in miniature on the rugs.
And Pratchett was there, just calmly sitting on a rug and laying out the entire multi-book storyarc of Sam Vimes, which looked like little buildings popping up to symbolize events and light tracings moving between them to indicate some kind of relationship. I think he’d only got to the end of Men At Arms, maybe the start of Feet Of Clay, when I woke up, but what I did get to see was awesome.
I think about this dream at least once a month. Funny enough, it’s not the “library ballroom” or Pterry creating the books, but rather that sentiment – “it’ll look after itself for the first few million years” – that stays in my mind. What a wonderful way to see natural history and the slow roll of creation. What a wonderful way to remind oneself that not everything is under the control of humanity.
Terry Pratchett is in part responsible not just for who I am as a writer, but who I am as a man. Even if it was my own subconscious building that dream, it was a subconscious raised on Small Gods and Witches Abroad and Pyramids and Night Watch and all his other books. The older I get the more grateful I am for his incredibly rich legacy and the impact it had on Young Sam.
(via oft-goes-awry)
thinking about how they use your own hair for dissolvable stitches sutures in eye surgery. that’s crazy.
I just googled it to provide sources and was blindsided by finding out they’ve been using hair in eye surgery since 1933
anyway, they remove strands of your hair, sanitize it and use it for suturing and stitching eye and facial wounds. human hair has a very thin diameter which makes it good for delicate work, your hair doesn’t trigger the same inflammatory response that other foreign materials may cause so it is less likely to scar or cause further irritation
(via muffinlance)
also I got a tattoo partially re-coloured today and they bandaged me in veterinary wrap like I’m a sick horse
Not gonna lie, that made me do a double take.
Not because of the vet wrap, it’s great stuff and I keep some at home myself for first aid purposes.
But because that colour is considered euthanasia green in a lot of vet clinics here including mine and we ONLY use it for animals we are euthanising. We will literally continue restraining a squirming dog or cat while someone restocks the drawer if we open it to find only the euthanasia green vet wrap than use this because we consider using it for a healthy patient to be a bad omen…
they’re going to put me down? :(
(via bunjywunjy)
if he was still alive I know in my heart that Terry Pratchett would have done a bit about Igors and Igorinas doing gender confirmation surgery by now. going into a lab full of bubbling vials and picking out a penis from a tank the way you pick a lobster. that one, please. you gotta be careful though because they’ll really try to upsell you into getting two or three installed. people going to the clinic as pairs and just having parts swapped out for a discounted rate. maybe you actually just trade brains, that’s even easier. Igorth have already been doing that thurgery for thenturieth.
#one day an igor forgets the lock the cage and a pack of penises escapes into ankh-morpork#the watch spends the next three weeks rounding them up
how DARE you leave this in the tags (affectionate)
Everyone knew it was best not to look too closely at Igor’s jars.
Vimes was beginning to wish he had looked more closely at the most recent additions before Igor came lurching up the stairs to inform him:
“They have ethcaped, thir.”
“Escaped. What has escaped, Igor.”
“Thome of my.. appendageth, thir.”
“Yeth, thir. Of the… intimate variety.”
“Of the intimate…” Vimes trailed off as the dawning horror overwhelmed his vocal cords.
He rallied. “Igor. HOW have they escaped? They are not known for their… perambulatory abilities.”
“Really, thir? I’ve alwayth found them to have a mind of their own at timeth.”
Vimes was staying calm. Yes. That was it. He was staying very calm. Definitely NOT thinking AT ALL about how Vetinari and… Good lord, The Times, would react to marauding pack of penises. Would it be a pack? Or would they go off on their own?
“I wath exthperimenting with cuthtom grown oneth, you know. For thothe who cannot grow their own.”
“Err… what? Of course you were. I mean. Very good.”
Pictured: An Igor harvesting appendages
#[a loud crash is heard from the lab] #[another igor runs past with a giant butterfly net. stopping briefly at the door to shriek ‘THE VULVATHS’’] (via @the-wave-finally-broke)
It turns out to be a brilliant feat of advertisement, as the people too shy or uncertain to go visit Igor rightaway effectively get a chance to discretely window-shop in public.
An unfortunate side effect being that a small girl, denied of her rightful need to be a Horse Girl by the limitations of being a native Ankh-Morpork child[1], would have adopted one of the larger Appendages of the pack and named it Free Willy. Her insistence that she could understand her pet through a bond of mutual sympathy was both touching and troubling, as was her announcement that Free Willy did not want to be attached to a governing body and forced into service, saddled with clothing, or made to perform tricks for audiences. With no Igor having the heart [2] to take it from her, the child was allowed to keep Free Willy, who lived for five healthy years in her family’s pigeon loft and eventually passed away from natural causes after a battle with another fighting cock. The child went on to write a well-acclaimed children’s book, The Willy that Would Be Free, which was, necessarily, a pop-up book.
[1] where an ordinary working class child CAN form a magical bond with a horse, in the form of a pie, labeled as beef.
[2] ha
Look, it got longer.
So did Free Willy.
(via boatcats)
I see what you did there
Caesar does not but I’m sure he’ll get the point in the end
(via universejunction)
If you have achieved something, please remember to observe a mandatory period of basking in the warm glow of your achievement like a lizard on a stone, lest you teach your brain that effort is futile, actually, because it didn’t get to enjoy its happy chemicals, so, naturally, nothing good ever comes of trying. (And no, avoiding punishment is not a reward!)
I recommend, like, 5% of basking time in relation to whatever time you invested into achieving the thing minimum. And if you can’t make your own bask, friend-brought is fine (= tell your friends!).
5% is a long time for some things and the idea of actually celebrating my efforts for that long is kinda blowing my mind. hm.
@bbcphile From a basking professional:
- accomplish the task (or a milestone within)
- say that out loud
- text a friend (or three) about it
- exhale deeply and consciously let go of the tension
- move elsewhere (sat at your desk? go and sit on the couch. finished in the kitchen? go to any other room. not yet up for moving? change the background music/noise you had on.)
- bathroom break?
- grab a snack?
- Look at your accomplished task from a distance and feel smug about it
- no seriously, if you don’t feel like you’re embodying the smug cat meme try getting a little more physical or temporal distance, or a friend-shaped reality check, and then look at it again
- do One (1) small task your brain kept pestering you about while you were Accomplishing The Thing
- also feel smug about that because you totally beat your brain about letting you do The Thing first and now you’ve completed two (2!!) tasks
- depending on how long Accomplishing The Thing took you may now move on to your next Thing OR continue basking to reach the 5% of time invested:
- find a comfortable place to be and do a spoon-refilling activity: take a nap, scroll tumblr, read fanfic, write fanfic, gush about blorbos, stare out of the open window with the cool evening breeze brushing over your skin as gentle as a loving caress and drink the Tasty Beverage of your choice (specific example is specific, but iykyk), etc pp
- remember you accomplished The Thing and are now Basking.
- you are but a large predator enjoying the fruits of its labour and recharging after the successful hunt, no need to go charging off after the next prey just yet
- all that Fun Stuff you thought you’d rather be doing while you were busy with The Thing? Do it now.
- (well, maybe not all at once, we’re still basking in our accomplishment after all and moving erratically would defeat the purpose)
- perceive The Accomplished Thing in passing and think ‘ha, I did it, I got you, I won!’ I’ll leave it up to you whether you’ll use your villain or your hero voice
- repeat until the next Thing is due
- integrate normal, life preserving measures such as making food or sleeping as needed
[Image shows the tags,
#mental health #ooh interesting # … how does it work? #I feel like I need a bulleted list on How To Bask In Your Accomplishments
End ID.]
I want to emphasize “or a milestone within”. When I finish a novel draft I set it down for A FULL MONTH. During which time I both gain the distance to let me edit it more objectively and during which I bask in accomplishment and laze about indolently and engage other hobbies. I do not wait till the whole book is done, edited and published.
If you don’t let yourself celebrate steps along the way you are drastically less likely to finish the thing.
(via bread-tab)
They’re making it sound so doable… I have a long term plan for my life now.
(via oft-goes-awry)