St. Elizabeth Catholic Parish

MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Eucharist Saturday Vigil – 5 pm Saturday Vigil – 7pm (Spanish) Sunday – 9:00 am Weekday Eucharist Monday 8 am Tuesday 8am Wednesday 12 noon RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:15-4:45 pm Sunday 8:15-8:45 am or by appt. *Prayer Requests – to include someone on the prayer list, you can: go to our prayer request page on this website, fill out a prayer card that is located in the pews, sign up on the prayer list in the back of church contact the parish office. Welcome New Parishioners: If you wish to join our parish of St. Elizabeth, please download the form below. You can either bring it to church and place it in the offertory basket or mail it to: St. Elizabeth Catholic PO Box 7 Elizabethton, TN 37643 st._elizabeth_registration_form.pdf Download File | ONLINE GIVING NOW AVAILABLE FOR ST. ELIZABETH We are excited to announce that St. Elizabeth has our own online giving website. If you have previously donated online through the Diocesan website, you will need to register on our website. Please follow the link on the online giving page on this website or go to: Please follow our website message page for up to date information on the happenings of our Parish. 510 West C Street Elizabethton, TN 37643 (423) 543-3412 Father Jesus Guerrero – Parochial Administrator [email protected] Deacon Rich Carner – Deacon Deacon Mike Gray – Deacon |