Newly Added Resources:

(March 28, 2023)

Check-In / Q&A / Discussion Video:

Prepare for a Powerful and Hopeful Lent!

Make the most of the Season of Lent in 2023!

We all struggle to love our family, neighbors, and God himself. Our hearts long to love others well, but we often trip over ourselves. We get in our way, repeatedly and regrettably choosing ourselves over God and our neighbor. It happens, but we don't know why we keep doing it.

This Lent, join us on a hopeful journey to greater love as we let the Lord show us our hearts and allow him to heal and strengthen the things that often get in the way of fully loving others and God.

Each of us has a particular "root sin," where we tend to focus more on ourselves than on God and our neighbor. Our root sin may be an attachment to comfort, to the approval of others, or to the pride that prevents us from generously loving others.

Join Us On A Hopeful Journey

In "A Lenten Journey to Greater Love," we will lead you through daily spiritual exercises to strengthen your heart in love of God and neighbor. It begins gently, with the beginner in mind, but offers each of us the opportunity to let the Lord show us what's going on in our hearts. 

Through the working of the Holy Spirit, you'll be amazed at what the Lord shows you. As the Lord reveals our hearts to ourselves, the daily exercises help us practice the particular virtues that will help us bend our hearts back outward in the love of God and neighbor.

From Vice to Virtue

This Lent, trust in the power of God’s grace and the Holy Spirit to do immeasurably more than you can ask or imagine. Be bold and let the Lord lead you on A Lenten Journey to Greater Love!

Be Bold.

It’s not too late to join us on this Lenten journey!

A Kindle Version is available for purchase at

Or download a free PDF version here today of “A Lenten Journey to Greater Love” by Rev. Erik Arnold and be ready to be transformed.

Large Group Kick Off

Mark your calendars for Sunday, Feb. 26. We will have a large group orientation at 7p.m. in the church to answer any questions that arise in those first few days of your journey, to offer encouragement, as well as to gear up for small groups that will be launching that week. All are welcome.

Powerfully Simple Small Groups

This Lenten Journey is one that you will want to share with others as you dive deep into the inner workings of your heart and the transforming grace that God wants to bring about within you.

To help guide you through this Lenten Journey, we will be offering a new small group dynamic that is powerful yet incredibly simple, one that gives room for the Holy Spirit to work in an environment of freedom and trust, with no judgment. Join us for our powerful 7-week Lenten Small Groups!

  • Our Lenten Small Groups are “listening groups.” They will meet during the Lenten season for 7-weeks. They are designed to create room for the Lord to work in a powerful but simple way.

    1. The small group meeting opens in prayer, led by the facilitator.

    2. After the opening prayer, each member is given the opportunity to share what has been happening as they participate in the “Greater Love” Lenten spiritual exercises. Participants are encouraged to share honestly and transparently. There is no “right thing” to share. It may be the difficult struggles one is experiencing; it may be blessings the Lord is giving; it may be messy areas in life that are being revealed; it may be hopeful changes that are taking place or the challenges one is experiencing. Whatever is happening as one takes part in the spiritual exercises can be shared.

    3. As each participant shares, the other members are attentively, quietly, and lovingly listening. They do not interrupt. They do not give advice. They do not try to fix. There is no cross-talk. They do not say: “I know just what you’re going through!” or “That’s nothing! Let me tell you what happened to me…”

    Confidentiality is expected so that each participant has the freedom to share honestly and sincerely.

    4. Once each participant has been given the opportunity to share, the facilitator offers a closing prayer entrusting everything back to the Lord and the working of his grace.

  • The goal of our Lenten Small Groups is to offer encouragement and deepening of trust in the work of the Holy Spirit in our own lives as we witness His work in the lives of others. Additionally, this listening group model has been proven to open us to the healing work the Lord can do in us when we bring our prayer experiences to light by speaking it aloud to others. In spiritual direction this is especially true, but this listening group model offers a dynamic dimension of healing that allows the Holy Spirit, as the prime director, to truly radiate grace.

    When we put words to our thoughts and feelings that come from our prayer times and share them aloud on holy ground with others who are compassionately listening, we allow the Lord to break open and bring to new life the action of grace in our lives. This gift of being listened to and honored by others without the fear of their potential reactions brings greater freedom in allowing the Lord to take us deeper into the truth of how He’s created us - out of love and for love.

    When we compassionately listen to others and see how specifically the Holy Spirit is moving in their lives, it confirms His work in our own lives and inspires us to seek Him more fervently and be loved even more openly. Listening without thinking of a response frees us to really accompany one another with love, approaching one another with the same reverence that Jesus does.

Our small groups are currently meeting. Click the button below to go to small groups. Meetings began the week of Feb. 26 and run through Lent.

If you are interested in information on our small groups, please contact Adam Novotny at [email protected].

For other information and questions, please contact Debbie Rickert at [email protected].