Over the course of our lives we develop as human beings. Sometimes the changes accompanying that development are gradual, but there are changes which represent a step-change in our movement through life.

The decision to make our own, adult commitment to Christ is a significant one. For many, it's a rite of growing up; for others, it happens much later and is an outward sign of something that has been developing within us for some time.

The transition from life in the womb to life in the big-wide world is one such move, as is the shift from childhood to adolescence or the from the single-life to marriage.

Remembering Our Loved Ones
Cultures around the world have developed rituals to celebrate these phases of human development. The Anglican Church, embedded as it is in a diverse range of cultures around the world, has a wide range of rites to celebrate major transition points in life. In the Prayer Book which we use in these islands we have rites to give thanks for the birth of a child, to initiate a child or adult into the Christian faith, to reconcile and heal people, to bless homes, to marry couples, and to commend people to God's loving care when their physical life draws to a close.
Some of the most widely requested rites we have are Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Funeral Services. Please find information on each of these in this section of the website.
If you would like to know more about other rites of passage that the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia offers, please contact the Vicar here