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A commanding officer (or CO) is a character that directly affects the units you use. Some CO's do not give any bonuses, some CO's have a slight bonus to all their units, and some CO's gain a bonus to a type of unit, while having a disadvantage on another type of unit. Still other CO's give their units non-combat bonuses. Each CO also has two powers, a CO Power, and a Super CO (or SCO) power. A CO Power usually gives a bonus to the type of unit that CO specializes, or it will damage enemy units. An SCO Power costs more, but gives a greater effect. All bonuses are additive (i.e. if you had 20% attack bonus innately and you gained 30% from your CO Power, you'd have a 50% attack bonus for that turn), and all CO Power bonuses last until your turn comes up again.

  • Note: A 50% damage bonus means that the damage you inflict will increase by half, and not 50 points. I.E. an Infantry attacking another Infantry does 55% damage. If the attacker had a 50% attack bonus, then the damage percentage would be 82% (and NOT 105%).

Each CO Power has a star cost. Each star represents 9,000G of damage. Whatever damage your units' take is directly added to your power meter, so if you lose a full health tank, your power meter will gain 7,000 points. Any damage you inflict is given at half cost towards your meter. So, the person who destroyed your tank in the previous example will gain 3,500 points in their meter. Modified costs do count towards the meter, though, so if a Kanbei tank is destroyed when it had full HP, the attacker gains 4,200 points towards his meter, and the player who lost the tank gains 8,400 points towards his meter.

A couple of other notes about CO Powers. Unless that unit gets a defense bonus mentioned the CO/SCO Power, it will gain a 10% defensive bonus. Also, when you use a power, the cost to use another power increases. Every power you use (whether CO or SCO) will increase the star cost by 1,800 (i.e. 20%), but if you had any power left over (i.e. you used your CO Power when your SCO was nearly full), then those points will carry over. Example: if you had 40,000 points in your meter, and used a CO Power which cost 3 stars (27,000 points), then you'll have 13,000 left in your meter, but the next CO Power will cost 32,400 total points to use (so you'll need 19,600 more points).

The COs of Advance Wars are designed so that each have their strength and weaknesses - as such, there is usually no strongest CO to choose from. However, there are three CO's that have only strengths and not weaknesses (Hachi, Sturm, and Nell) that require special conditions to unlock. These CO's are generally considered stronger than the 16 other CO's.

Orange Star[edit | edit source]

Andy[edit | edit source]

Andy is the first CO introduced to you in the campaign, and is regarded as an easy CO to use. His forces are very balanced, as none of his units gain a combat bonus or penalty. His main advantage is through his CO Powers, which allow him to heal up his units.

  • CO Power: "Hyper Repair" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, Hyper Repair heals all of his units by 2 HP.
  • Super CO Power: "Hyper Upgrade" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, Hyper Upgrade heals all of his units for 5 HP. This power also increases all of his units' movement by 1, and also gives them a 20% attack bonus.
  • Unlocked by: default.

Max[edit | edit source]

Max is for the player who likes direct combat. All of his direct combat units (except Infantry/Mechs) gain a 20% attack bonus. However, his indirect combat units are weaker than average. They have a 10% attack penalty, and the also have 1 less maximum range (i.e. a Rocket hits 3-5 spaces normally. Under Max, that range is 3-4 spaces)

  • CO Power: "Max Force" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Max's direct units (minus infantry/mechs) gain a 20% attack bonus, and also gain +1 movement.
  • Super CO Power: "Max Blast" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Max's direct units (minus infantry/mechs) gain a 40% attack bonus, and also gain +2 movement.
  • Unlocked by: default.

Sami[edit | edit source]

Sami is an infantry specialist in this game. She excels in capturing properties easily, and her infantry are among the best in the game. All of her infantry/mechs get a 30% attack bonus, and they also capture properties at 1.5x normal (i.e. Sami's 10 HP infantry will take 15 capture points off a property. Half values are rounded down). APCs, Landers, and T. Copters get a +1 movement bonus as well. However, all of her other direct units take a 10% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Double Time" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Sami's infantry/mechs gain a 20% attack bonus, and also +1 movement.
  • Super CO Power: "Victory March" (Cost: 8 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Sami's infantry/mechs gain a 50% attack bonus, and also +2 movement. Finally, any Infantry/Mech can capture any type of property (including a HQ) instantly, regardless of the unit's HP.
  • Unlocked by: default.

Nell[edit | edit source]

Nell is generally considered a Super CO. She has a chance of dealing up to 10% more damage (on top of the standard luck of +10%) than normal. However, her powers are awesome, and can allow even poor match-ups (like her B. Copter attacking an AA) to end in her favor.

  • CO Power: "Lucky Star" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, her units can do up to 6 more damage on an attack.
  • Super CO Power: "Lady Luck" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, her units can do up to 10 more damage on an attack.
  • Unlocked by: beating Campaign mode with an A rank or higher.

Hachi[edit | edit source]

Hachi is generally considered to be a Super CO. All of his units cost 10% less than normal, while retaining normal stats (i.e. a standard Tank costs 7000, so Hachi's will cost 6300).

  • CO Power: "Barter" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Hachi's units cost is lowered by 40% (50% of original) and all units' defense is +10%. (i.e. Hachi can buy a Tank under Barter for 3500).
  • Super CO Power: "Merchant Union" (Cost: 5 stars)
    Effect: Each unit's cost is lowered by 40% (50% of original), land units may be purchased and deployed from cities, and all units' defense is +10%.
  • Unlocked by: beating Hard Campaign mode. (5000 points to pay)

Blue Moon[edit | edit source]

Olaf[edit | edit source]

Olaf is a fairly average CO. None of his units gain any combat bonuses or penalties. He does take weather differently than other CO's, though. In Snow, Olaf's units are unaffected, so he can move like it was Clear, giving him a movement advantage. However, in Rain, Olaf's units are affected like it was snowing, so the enemy will have the movement advantage.

  • CO Power: "Blizzard" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, it changes the weather to Snow. This Snow lasts until it's your turn again.
  • Super CO Power: "Winter Fury" (Cost: 7 stars)
    Effect: When used, all enemy units take 2 damage, and the weather is changed to Snow. Again, the Snow lasts until it's your turn again.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Blue Moon segment of Campaign mode.

Grit[edit | edit source]

Grit is an indirect combat specialist. All of his indirect units gain 20% attack and +1 maximum range (i.e. a Rocket shoots 3-5 squares normally, so Grit's Rockets hit 3-6 squares). However, all of his direct units (except infantry/mechs) take a 20% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Snipe Attack" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Grit's indirect units gain a 30% attack bonus, and also +1 maximum range.
  • Super CO Power: "Super Snipe" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Grit's indirect units gain a 30% attack bonus, and also +2 maximum range.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Blue Moon segment of Campaign mode.

Colin[edit | edit source]

Colin's specialty is being able to afford a large army quickly. All of his units are 20% below actual cost (i.e. a standard Tank costs 7000, so his costs 5600). However, all of his units have a 10% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Gold Rush" (Cost: 2 stars)
    Effect: When used, Colin's current funds are multiplied by 1.5.
  • Super CO Power: "Power of Money" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, units gain an attack bonus dependant on the funds you have. You gain 3.33% attack for every 1000 funds you have. For example, if you have 15,000 funds when you use this power, you'll gain a 50% attack bonus. This does NOT use up your funds. So use it when you have a lot of money BEFORE you start buying things.
  • Unlocked by: by clearing the Blue Moon section of the campaign.

Green Earth[edit | edit source]

Eagle[edit | edit source]

Eagle is for a player who prefers Air units. All of his Air units get a 15% attack bonus and a 10% defense bonus. Also, his Air units consume 2 less fuel per day. However, his Sea units get a massive 30% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Lightning Drive" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Eagle's Air units gain an additional 15% attack boost and 20% defense bonus.
  • Super CO Power: "Lightning Strike" (Cost: 9 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Eagle units that have acted this turn can act again (excluding Infantry/Mechs). Additionally, Eagle's Air units gain a 15% attack and 20% defense bonus, but Eagle's units for the next turn have a penalty.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Green Earth segment of campaign.

Drake[edit | edit source]

Drake's forte is Sea units. All of his Sea units gain a 10% defense bonus, and have +1 movement. When present, Drake also increases the chance of Rain, and his units also take no movement penalties in Rain. However, his Air units take a massive 30% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Tsunami" (Cost: 4 stars)
    Effect: When used, all enemy units take 1 damage, and they lose half of their remaining fuel.
  • Super CO Power: "Typhoon" (Cost: 7 stars)
    Effect: When used, all enemy units take 2 damage, and they lose half of their remaining fuel. The weather also changes to Rain until Drake's next turn.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Green Earth segment of campaign.

Jess[edit | edit source]

Jess has strong land vehicles. All of her land units (except Infantry/Mechs) have a 10% attack bonus. However, all of her Air, Sea, and Infantry/Mechs have a 10% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Turbo Charge" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Jess's land vehicles gain a 20% attack bonus and +1 movement. Also, all of her units' fuel and ammo are refilled.
  • Super CO Power: "Overdrive" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Jess's land vehicles gain a 40% attack boost and +2 movement. Also, all of her units' fuel and ammo are refilled.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Green Earth segment of campaign and buying either Eagle or Drake from Hachi.

Yellow Comet[edit | edit source]

Kanbei[edit | edit source]

Kanbei is for the player who likes a few superior units. All of Kanbei's units gain a 30% attack bonus and a 30% defense bonus. However, all of his units cost 20% more (i.e. a standard Tank costs 7000, so Kanbei's Tank costs 8400).

  • CO Power: "Morale Boost" (Cost: 4 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Kanbei's units gain a 20% attack boost, and a 10% defense boost.
  • Super CO Power: "Samurai Spirit" (Cost: 7 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Kanbei's units gain a 20% attack boost, and a 30% defense boost. Also, your units gain an extra 50% attack boost on counterattacks (for a total of 200%).
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Yellow Comet segment of campaign.

Sonja[edit | edit source]

Sonja's specialty is gaining and keeping intel. All of her units have +1 vision, and gain a 50% attack bonus when counterattacking. Also, all enemies see a question mark where her HP number is, so they can't tell how much HP that unit has. Please note that AI players are not affected by this. However, she may do up to 10% lesser damage than normal.

  • CO Power: "Enhanced Vision" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Sonja's units gain +1 vision, and can see into Forests and Reefs without needing a unit adjacent to them.
  • Super CO Power: "Counter Break" (Cost: 5 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Sonja's units gain +1 vision, and can see into Forests and Reefs without needing a unit adjacent to them. Also, if she is attacked while this power is on, her units will attack first.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Yellow Comet segment of campaign.

Sensei[edit | edit source]

Sensei specializes in only 3 units, but they are supremely powerful. All of his Infantry and Mechs gain a 40% attack bonus, and his B. Copters have a 50% attack bonus. APCs, Landers, and T. Copters get +1 movement as well. However, all of his other Land and Sea units suffer a 10% attack penalty.

  • CO Power: "Copter Command" (Cost: 2 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of the cities Sensei owns will gain a 9 HP Infantry that can move right away. If a city has a unit on it (either yours, allied or enemy), it will not gain an Infantry. Also, B. Copters gain a 25% attack bonus.
  • Super CO Power: "Airborne Assault" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of the cities Sensei owns will gain a 9 HP Mech that can move right away. If a city has a unit on it (either yours, allied or enemy), it will not gain a Mech. Also, B. Copters gain a 25% attack bonus.
  • Unlocked by: clearing the Yellow Comet segment of campaign.

Black Hole[edit | edit source]

Flak[edit | edit source]

Flak is unreliable, but if he gets lucky, he can do brutal amounts of damage. None of his units gain an attack or defense boost, but all of his units have a chance to either do up to +25% damage or -10% damage.

  • CO Power: "Brute Force" (Cost: 3 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Flak's units have a chance to increase their damage by up to 4 HP, or they could decrease their damage by up to 2 HP.
  • Super CO Power: "Barbaric Blow" (Cost: 6 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Flak's units have a chance to increase their damage by up to 7 HP, or they could decrease their damage by up to 3 HP.
  • Unlocked by: completing Campaign.

Lash[edit | edit source]

Lash's units gain attack bonuses from terrain in addition to the normal defensive bonus. They gain an attack bonus equal to the defensive bonus of the terrain.

  • CO Power: "Terrain Tactics" (Cost: 4 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Lash's units have a 1 movement cost over any terrain they can normally pass over.
  • Super CO Power: "Prime Tactics" (Cost: 7 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Lash's units have a 1 movement cost over any terrain they can normally pass over. Also, all of the bonuses Lash normally gains from terrain are doubled. (Additionally, Lash's units also get the normal +10% defense when a power is used)
  • Unlocked by: completing Campaign.

Adder[edit | edit source]

Adder is probably the most average CO in the game. His units gain no attack or defense bonuses. His CO bar is short, so he can use his powers at a rapid pace. Skilled at making quick command decisions.

  • CO Power: "Sideslip" (Cost: 2 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Adder's units gain a +1 movement bonus.
  • Super CO Power: "Sidewinder" (Cost: 5 stars)
    Effect: When used, all of Adder's units gain a +2 movement bonus.
  • Unlocked by: completing Campaign.

Hawke[edit | edit source]

Hawke has slightly stronger units across the board. All of his units have a 10% attack bonus. However, his CO Powers are weak for their cost. (Although the game says that "his CO Power builds up more slowly than those of other CO's", this is only referring to the length of his CO bar. He gains power points at the same rate as other CO's, it's just that his power cost is high.)

  • CO Power: "Black Wave" (Cost: 5 stars)
    Effect: When used, all enemy units take 1 damage, and all of Hawke's units heal 1 HP.
  • Super CO Power: "Black Storm" (Cost: 9 stars)
    Effect: used, all enemy units take 2 damage, and all of Hawke's units heal 2 HP.
  • Unlocked by: completing Campaign.

Sturm / Hell-Bouze[edit | edit source]

Sturm is classified as a Super CO. All of his units gain a 20% attack bonus and a 20% defense bonus, at NO extra cost. Also, all of his units have a 1 movement cost over any terrain they can normally pass over. However, if the weather is Snow, Sturm loses that movement advantage (i.e. he is affected by Snow like other CO's are). Also, Sturm only has one CO Power.

  • Super CO Power: "Meteor Strike" (Cost: 10 stars)
    Effect: When used, a meteor drops on enemy troops. Any unit hit by the meteor loses 8 HP, even allied or your own (but will be reduced to 1 HP if it had 8 or less). You cannot control where the meteor lands; instead, it will hit the area that you can see that will do the most damage (in funds) to enemy troops. The meteor has the same range as a standard Silo. If you can't see any enemy troops, or if the meteor would do more damage to you/allies than the enemy, the meteor will not fall. Sturm's units will also gain an extra 20% attack and 30% defense bonus.
  • Unlocked by: complete campaign with an overall "S" rating.