Synthetic Biology
Automate Your Synthetic Biology Workflows Using Our Scalable Make and Test Capabilities

Synthetic biology in drug discovery is an interdisciplinary field that employs systematic approaches to experimentation based on engineering principles. Our goal is to enable scientific organizations to scale the building and screening of sequences quickly and efficiently without having to maintain their own labs. Our focus is to work with clients to develop a wealth of data in the sequence function space. Through our innovative platform, we help scientists screen and discover faster and with more certainty than conventional wet lab approaches.

Connect with the Strateos Biofoundry
Biofoundries offer highly accelerated synthetic biology capabilities, featuring high throughput analytical instrumentation, automated liquid handling, fully integrated software, assays and protocols in a dedicated facility. Strateos Biofoundry connects the interdisciplinary field of synthetic biology to context-rich experimental results for subsequent experimental iteration and computational modeling integration.
Strateos Provides:
- Instantaneous data delivery
- Faster cycle times
- Science on demand when you need it
- Easy to use web interface
- Standardized APIs to close the loop

Available Services
Connecting synthetic biology researchers to automated workflows increases the variety and number of experiments that can be completed at scale and allows investigations with new technologies. Strateos offers end-to-end assembly, expression, and screening services.

Gene Assembly

Use our high throughput Golden Gate or NEBuilder assembly services to create your constructs.
Automated transformation and plasmid preparation services provide high quality plasmids which are confirmed by Sanger sequencing.
Cell-based Protein Expression
Use our lab automation for high-throughput recombinant prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein expression.
Cell-free Protein Expression
Cell free IVTT offers researchers time-savings and avoids issues with toxicity, solubility, and proteolysis while adding the ability to optimize reaction conditions.
Purification and QC Analysis
Proteins can be purified using our Thermo Scientific KingFisher Flex and plate based Purification Systems for downstream characterization assays.
High-Throughput Screening and Analysis

We’ve combined our synthetic biology platform with extensive high-throughput screening (HTS) capabilities and experience to provide a powerful and cost-effective system for generating sequence/ function relationships.
Synthetic biology workflows can be connected to screening technologies from flow cytometry, plate reader assays (e.g. fluorescence, FRET, luminescence,
BRET, absorbance, fluorescence polarization, TR-FRET, AlphaScreen®, AlphaLISA®), qPCR, and mass spectrometry analysis. See our small molecule discovery document for more information.
Strateos’ automated chemical synthesis produces molecules at 0.7 mmol scale and provides significant differentiation in synthetic biology to screen proteins and molecules on both sequence and structure axes.
Interested in a Demo?
Get in touch today to get access to the Strateos Platform for your team.