Dear Department Alumni and Friends,
We are pleased to bring you the 2011
alumni like you, some of our faculty are
It should be noted that all three Board
edition of the Wright Message, the
engaging our undergraduate students
of Regents universities have adopted
annual newsletter of the Department
in research and are taking the students
the ALEKS placement examination.
of Mathematics. The newsletter is our
to present their work at professional
Our objective in adopting the test is
medium for sharing with you the most
conferences. Our ultimate goal is to
to address the unacceptably high D,
important news and developments of
transform the departmental culture into
F or withdrawal rates in math courses
the last academic year. We hope you
one in which undergraduate research is
and increase retention and graduation
will find it informative and fun to read.
an essential, rather than ancillary, part
rates. More information on the ALEKS
As always, we welcome your feedback
of what we do. Our actuarial program
placement test can be found at
and comments, so please let us know
students are passing the Fellow of the
how we are doing.
Society of Actuaries (FSA) and Fellow of
the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS)
The condition of the department
exams at significantly higher rates than
Even in good times, the department
remains strong in spite of the tough
the national average rates. Some of
depends heavily on the generous
fiscal challenges we have faced in
our faculty are involved in international
support of our alumni and friends.
the last several years—the result of the
research collaborations and are
The distressed economy in the last
weaknesses in the broader economy.
increasing the department’s visibility on
few years has left the department
Our students, faculty and staff continue
the global scene.
in even greater need. On behalf of
to excel (do great work) on many
the department, I wish to extend our
fronts. The faculty continues to insist on
Perhaps the most far-reaching
very sincere thanks to the alumni and
rigorous curriculums and the highest
achievement of the department in
friends who made contributions to
possible standards, and our students
the just-ended academic year, in
our foundation accounts in the past
are meeting our expectations, even
terms of scope, reach and potential
year. In total, we received $135,595
as more of them engage in paid
impact, was the adoption by UNI of the
between July 1, 2010, and June 30,
employment to pay the increased costs
Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge
2011. Most of the money goes to
of an education.
Spaces (ALEKS) placement
fund scholarships, but some goes to
“Our faculty continue to deliver first-rate instruction, which is not
only relevant and up-to-date, but also aligns with national trends.”
accounts that cover other expenses
(equipment, faculty and student travel,
etc.). We are appealing for your help
again this year. If you are able to,
Our faculty continue to deliver first-
examination. The goal is to have
please use the enclosed form to direct
rate instruction, which is not only
all freshmen and transfer students
your contribution to the appropriate
relevant and up-to-date, but also
take the placement exam before
account. Again, thank you for your
aligns with national trends. To that end,
matriculating into UNI in order to check
the mathematics education faculty
their readiness for the mathematics
undertook an extensive curriculum
courses they intend to take. The ALEKS
I hope this past year has been good to
revision of the mathematics education
placement examination is only a
you and that the coming year will be
graduate programs and similarly
placement tool and is not intended
even better.
extensive curriculum revisions of all our
to have any impact on either UNI
undergraduate programs are planned
admissions standards or acceptance
for the coming academic year. Thanks
of transfer credit. In particular, the
in part to the support of friends and
examination has no effect on the
2 The WRIGHT Message -2011
articulation agreements between UNI
Douglas Mupasiri, Professor and Interim
and community colleges.
Around Wright Hall
• Two faculty members were promoted
from assistant to associate professor.
Congratulations to Dr. Shangzen Luo
and Dr. Brian Townsend.
• Dr. TJ Hitchman was awarded a PreTenure Fellowship from the Provost’s
Office to support his project, “Harmonic
Maps into Infinite-Dimensional Spaces
with a Vector-Bundle structure” during
the month of June.
• Dr. Jihwa Noh has been awarded
a Professional Development
Assignment for the fall 2011 semester
with a research project, “Where Do
Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Gain the Mathematical Knowledge
Needed for Teaching?” She will
spend her sabbatical semester at her
undergraduate university in South Korea
teaching collaborating on research.
• Dr. Jihwa Noh was also selected
as one of the 2011 Community
Engagement Award recipients. Initiated
in 2006 by the Veridian Credit Union,
the awards recognize the “outstanding
contributions of UNI faculty to the
greater community.” Up to five awards
are made to individuals from UNI’s five
undergraduate colleges. Noh has been
active in building relationships with
schools and mathematics teachers in
Cedar Falls and Waterloo Community
School Districts. She donated the
credit for one or two semesters of
serving as reviewers and editors,
calculus based on these results.
consulting with both on-campus and
off-campus entities and in supervising
• Congratulations to Dr. Vicki Oleson
the research work of our own students.
who completed her Doctor of
In the last year alone, the mathematics
Education degree from the Department
faculty has published over 20 research
of Curriculum and Instruction. She was
articles and presented 28 papers
promoted to assistant professor.
at professional meetings. Dr. Bin
Liu presented at two international
• Dr. Hitchman has assumed the
conferences. Dr. Michael Prophet
post of chair of the Iowa Section of
attended conferences/workshops in
the Mathematical Association of
Jaen, Spain and Kiev, Ukraine. Dr. Syed
America after serving as vice-chair
Kirmani gave invited graduate lectures
and organizing a successful section
on statistical quality control at the Ecole
conference in 2010. One area of
Nationale de la Statistique et de l’
Hitchman’s effort has been serving
Analyse de l’ Information (ENSAI), Bruz,
on a steering committee to hold a
France, in November 2010.
joint section meeting with the Missouri,
Kansas and Nebraska-SE South Dakota
• As part of our efforts to promote
sections in the spring of 2013.
an awareness of mathematics in the
general public, we continue to have
• The faculty continue to invite people
the annual Hari Shankar Lecture.
from academia as well as industry
This year’s Hari Shankar Lecture was
to visit the department, interact with
delivered by Dean Joel Haack. His
students and collaborate with faculty.
talk, “These Are a Few of My Favorite
Recent visitors include David Spicher
Things,” was enthusiastically received
(The Boeing Company), Professor Greg
by a large audience mainly consisting
Lewicki (Jagiellonian University, Poland),
of non-mathematicians!
Professor Michael Taksar (University of
Missouri-Columbia) and Professor JeanYves Dauxois (University of FrancheComte, France).
• The department faculty is
extraordinarily active in publishing
high quality research work in reputed
periodicals, presenting papers in
national and international conferences,
award money to Waterloo West High
Table of Contents
School where she and her methods
students offered a weekly after-school
mathematics club last fall.
• Dr. Adrienne Stanley and Dr. Suzanne
Riehl joined 857 colleagues to grade
342,593 AP Calculus exams in June.
These exams, consisting of both multiple
choice and free response questions,
are taken by high school students.
Many colleges, including UNI, give
Around Wright Hall
Baumler Scholarship
Putnam Exam
Tenure-Stream Faculty
Making an Impact
8 The Question
9 Projects and Grants
10 Alumni Spotlight
11 Contribution Form
The WRIGHT Message -2011
Baumler Mathematics
Education Scholarship
Conrad (‘73 M.A.-Business and ‘71 B.A.
Mathematics) and Jeannette Baumler
(‘73 B.A Accounting and Mathematics)
of Cedar Rapids have recently made a
gift to the Department of Mathematics
to create the Conrad and Jeannette
Baumler Mathematics Education
The annual scholarship will be given
to a junior or senior majoring in
mathematics education. The Baumlers
understand how important a superior
mathematics education is. They also
know that many of today’s graduates
are finishing their education with
considerable college loan debt that
must be paid back.
The Baumlers decided to provide
scholarship support in an effort to help
Updates in the Department of Mathematics
& the College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences
New College
UNI has a new college! The College
Natural Sciences (CNS) and the College
of Humanities and Fine Arts (CHFA)
have merged to form the College of
Humanities, Arts and Sciences (CHAS).
Dr. Joel Haack, former head of the
Department of Mathematics, has
new emphasis with a community
college teaching focus and reinforcing
the cohort structure in the secondary
teaching emphasis.
defray college expenses for future
mathematics educators. The first
recipient of the Baumler Mathematics
Education Scholarship is Andrew
There is a lot of Panther pride in the
Baumler family as several of Conrad
and Jeannette’s siblings are graduates.
Math ≠ 800
The Baumler’s two children, as well as
There is a new Student Information
the University of Northern Iowa.
their son-in-law, are also graduates of
System at UNI. Among other things, the
system updates and improves record
Conrad and Jeannette are active and
keeping, tracking and data collection
loyal UNI alumni. They both served on
dean of CHAS.
across campus.
the UNI Parents’ Board, and Conrad is
Programs Revision
A visible change—all the courses on
Humanities, Arts and Sciences’ Advisory
campus have been renumbered.
served as dean of CNS, then as dean
of both CNS and CHFA and is now the
Last fall, the mathematics education
graduate programs were revised
to bring better coordination and
coherence to the different emphases.
The revision involved creating common
courses for all emphases, creating a
The WRIGHT Message -2011
a long-time member of the College of
Gone is the “800” department number
designation, replaced by the more
Jeannette is employed in the finance
descriptive labels, MATH, STAT and
department at St. Luke’s Hospital in
ACT SCI. Also gone are the three digit
Cedar Rapids, and Conrad has just
course numbers which have been
retired as CFO following 35 years with
replaced by the more intuitive four-
Shive-Hattery, an architectural and
digit course numbers – with the first digit
engineering firm in Cedar Rapids.
denoting the year.
Two Retire
Dr. Diane Thiessen
Dr. Diane Thiessen joined the faculty in 1978. She was a
key player in designing and maintaining both the minor in
mathematics—teaching (K-8) and the mathematics for the
middle grades master’s program. She consulted for the Iowa
Department of Education, wrote textbooks and served on
numerous national, state and local committees.
Thiessen also—nearly single-handedly—developed, organized
and maintained the Math Ed Lab in Wright Hall (see the article,
“Math Ed Lab - Then and Now” on page 6). We will miss her
dedication to teaching and her determination to keep the
conversations about what is best for students going among
mathematics education faculty.
Dr. Jack Wilkinson
Dr. Jack Wilkinson joined the faculty in 1962. During his long
career, he taught mathematics education courses, served
on numerous committees at all levels, directed major preservice and in-service teacher development projects funded
by the National Science Foundation and the Department of
Defense Education Agency and was active in both the local
community and in the education community. We will miss
Jack’s knowledge bank—his extensive list of contacts, history
and how things get done.
We celebrated the careers of Diane and Jack on May 15 with
a reception in the UNI Commons. Best wishes to both on their
Putnam Exam
UNI Mathematics participated in the
71st Annual William Lowell Putnam
Exam on December 4, 2010. This is
a prestigious, and famously difficult,
team competition for Colleges and
Universities in the United States and
Canada. This year there were 4,296
contestants from 546 colleges. Our
team was Genevieve Becicka, Wes
Keene and Joe Winder. The students
sequence of moves, each of which
wrestled with six different problems in
consists of choosing an i and moving
each of two three-hour exam blocks.
exactly i balls from box Bi into any one
Professor Hitchman was the team
other box.
sponsor as well as the team coach.
For which values of n is it possible to
As an example, here is a problem
reach the distribution with exactly n
the team felt they did well on: There
balls in each box, regardless of the
are 2010 boxes labeled B1, B2, …, B2010
initial distribution of balls?
and 2010n balls have beendistributed
among them, for some positive integer
n. You may redistribute the balls by a
The WRIGHT Message -2011
Math Ed Lab Then and now
Courtesy of Diane Thiessen
Diane Baum included plans for the
from tools such as scissors and rulers
current Math Ed Lab in Wright 209. The
to manipulatives such as base-ten
new room was set up like a library with
blocks and algebra tiles to MIRAs and
study tables surrounded by resources.
polydrons. Print resources include NCTM
The Math Ed Lab has abundant shelf
publications, K-12 textbooks including
In 1978, the resources for the math
and storage for the many resources
standards-based ones and other
education classes were stored in a
obtained through contributions and
resources to support effective teaching.
locked closet on second floor, and it
grants such as PEMST and IMSEP. On
was a small closet. Across the hall was
both ends of the room, doors open
These materials support our elementary
a small room lined with shelves and
to adjoining classrooms furnished
and secondary programs—both
cupboards for books and additional
with tables for small group work.
undergraduate and graduate
resources. The large table in the room
Resources now are easy to access and
programs—and are used on a daily
was the location for help sessions; it
transport, making it easier for students
basis in our classrooms as well as by UNI
was also an outer office as both Diane
to effectively use them in their classes.
students for participations and tutoring.
Baum and Jack Wilkinson had offices
Undergraduates work as Math Ed Lab
that opened into this room.
assistants to conduct help sessions and
You are invited to stop in and browse
maintain Wright 209. Resources vary
the collection.
Convenient? No! I remember one
September afternoon carrying a large
box of base-ten blocks up two stories
to a tiered classroom with desk chairs.
The open windows did not give relief
to the 90-degree temperatures. After
discussing homework, rearranging
students into pairs and distributing
the materials the students balanced
on the arms of their desks, there
was insufficient time to complete
2011-2012 Tenure-Stream Faculty
The following is a list of the tenureof Mathematics for the 2011-12
academic year:
Russell Campbell
Michael Prophet
Mark Ecker
collected and returned to the closet.
Joel Haack
Later that spring, a plan was devised
Theron Hitchman
large classroom was secured for the
math methods courses. Bookcases for
our resources separated the back of
the room from the rest of the classroom.
Long tables were secured where the
students still sat in rows but at least
they had space to work. When Wright
Hall was remodeled, the materials
Edward Rathmell
Suzanne Riehl
Karen Sabey
Elizabeth Hughes
Doug Shaw
Syed Kirmani
Nikolay Silkin
Min Lee
Marius Somodi
Larry Leutzinger
Adrienne Stanely
Bin Liu
Olof Steinthorsdotter
were moved to Sabin, then to Old Aud
(now Lang Hall) as the Department of
Shangzhen Luo
Brian Townsend
Mathematics was in temporary quarters
for a year and a half.
Catherine Miller
As a member of the Planning
Douglas Mupasiri
Committee for Remodeling Wright Hall,
The WRIGHT Message -2011
Glenn Nelson
Vicki Oleson
Olena Ostapyuk
the activity. So, the materials were
for a “Math Ed Lab.” By the next fall a
Jihwa Noh
stream faculty of the Department
Mathew Webb
Bill Wood
Some of the 2010-11 Math graduates pictured with Douglas Mupasiri, Professor and Interim Head, on graduation eve.
used them as
worked until her retirement at the
examples of how
National Council of Teachers of
students should be
Mathematics (NCTM) where she was
treated and supports
the professional programs director.
the department’s
scholarships in their
Marilyn enjoyed regular contact with
names as a way to
UNI’s mathematics education faculty
recognize the impact
during her tenure with NCTM. She
their teaching and
assisted in writing the professional
encouragement made
teaching standards. Members of the
on her.
UNI mathematics education staff were
on her writing team.
Marilyn’s first math
Making an Impact
Marilyn Hala, (‘59 B.A. Mathematics
Education) of Reston, Va., has
supported the Department of
Mathematics with annual gifts for
more than 25 years. She gives special
credit to mathematics professors
Dr. E.W. Hamilton and Dr. Fred Lott
for encouraging her career as a
mathematics educator. Marilyn says she
teaching position was
Additionally, Marilyn served as staff
at Columbus High
liaison for a committee which wrote
School in Waterloo,
National Science Foundation grants
Iowa. She also taught
related to mathematics education
at West High in Davenport, Iowa. After
research. UNI mathematics education
receiving her master’s degree from
staff were selected to complete the
the Pennsylvania State University,
work of these proposals. Marilyn admits,
she taught at their Shenango Valley
“Yes, I was a brain-picker of UNI staff!”
campus. From Pennsylvania, Marilyn
moved to South Dakota to teach at St.
In addition to her annual support,
Francis Indian School. She established a
Marilyn has also included the
math lab at that school.
Department of Mathematics Program
Fund with a planned gift.
After serving as mathematics director
for the State of South Dakota, Marilyn
The WRIGHT Message -2011
“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to
make complicated things simple.” - S. Gudder
A friend of mine is a good artist,
Dr. Stanley plays the cello for the
and she had an art show. When she
Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony. Dr.
was asked about her interests, she
Campbell dances with International
mentioned math. The reaction was
Dance Theater. Dr. Haack has written
Mathematics is the sister, as well as the
often the same. Nobody was crass
many papers about connections
servant, of the arts and is touched with
enough to say it out loud... “Tell me,
between mathematics and the arts.
the same madness and genius.
why is an artist interested in math?”
People in our department have served
- Harold Marston Morse
but the sentiment was unmistakable.
on the board of support groups for
The Question
Courtesy of Doug Shaw
“Left-brained” / “Right-brained.” “Math
the arts and been generous donors to
For the last eight years, I’ve directed
people” / “Arts people”. Everyone gets
many arts-oriented organizations. If you
a small comedy troupe, composed
their box, and as long as we all stay
go to any theater, music, art or dance
mainly of UNI students and alumni.
where we are supposed to be, nobody
venue in Cedar Falls or Waterloo, I’ll bet
We’ve been fortunate enough to have
has to feel bad about not wanting to
you one of Dr. Prophet’s pianos, that
gotten attention from local press, often
you run into one of us there.
newspapers and reporters change,
Music is the pleasure the human soul
Some stereotypes are based in truth,
one question remains the same: “Tell
experiences from counting without
which still doesn’t make them okay. But
me a bit about your performances.”
being aware that it’s counting.
the idea that math professors don’t like,
Hahaha! Just kidding! The questions I
- Gottfried Leibniz
support or participate in the arts has
including interviews. And although the
really get are variants of: “Tell me, why
no such basis. The “left-brain” / “right-
is a math professor involved with the
We don’t have to go to celebrities
brain” theory has been debunked by
arts?” Are you surprised? Should you be
like Teri Hatcher, Danica McKellar, Art
science and is refuted by the professors
Garfunkel, David Dinkins, Lewis Carroll,
in our very department. Next time I get
Carl Rowan, Larry Niven and Omar
the question: “Tell me, why is a math
Mighty is geometry; joined with art,
Khayyam to find examples of “math
professor involved with the arts?” I’m
resistless. - Euripedes
people” with an interest in theater,
going to answer, “You tell me, why
music, politics and writing. We can look
not?” If you have a better answer,
around in our own department.
please share it!
The WRIGHT Message -2011
mathematics content. It
also develops professional
Spotlight on Undergraduates
development modules
designed to increase content
knowledge and improve
pedagogy for elementary
Genevieve Becicka
school teachers.
Genevieve Becicka completed a year-long independent research
Vicki Oleson directs the
project, “Equivalent Representations of Standard Young Tableaux”
projects at the center.
under the direction of Professor Hitchman. She presented her work
These projects involve thirty
with a poster at the University of Nebraska’s Undergraduate Women
innovative educators and
in Mathematics Conference, the Iowa Board of Regents Research
consultants from the University
in the Capitol Event in Des Moines and the Midwest Undergraduate
of Northern Iowa, Iowa Area
Mathematics Symposium at Simpson College. She scored 10 points
Education Agencies, school
on this year’s Putnam Exam. This places her in the top third of 4,296
districts and other agencies
across the state. The center
currently serves military families
worldwide and teachers in the
Kyle Pitzen
state of Iowa via three major
Kyle Pitzen completed a year-long independent research project,
“Products of NPC Metric Spaces” under the direction of Professor
Hitchman. Kyle presented his work with a poster at the Midwest
Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium at Simpson College.
• Development of Making
Sense, online video and
supplementary resources, for
Project SOAR (Students Online
Wes Keene
Achievement Resources). UNI
partners with The Princeton
Congratulations to Wes Keene for scoring 20 points on this year’s
Putnam Exam. This places him in the top 900 out of 4,296 contestants.
More information about the Putnam Exam can be found on page 5.
Review, US Skills and Military
Impacted Schools Association
to provide mathematics and
literacy educational resources
to military parents. The Making
Sense videos and supple-
Projects and Grants
Invisible to most students, but an
integral part of the department, is our
work on grants and projects. These
activities extend the reach of our
faculty and allow us to impact the
study of mathematics beyond our
Dr. Theron Hitchman will be
participating in the Undergraduate
Teaching in Mathematics with Open
Software and Textbooks (UTMOST)
project for the next few years. This is a
National Science Foundation grant-
funded project across several colleges
mentary resources are available at
geared toward integrating the open-
source computer algebra system
(SAGE) into mathematics coursework.
• Creation of Making Sense professional
He will be focusing on incorporating
development mathematics courses.
visualizations and data-heavy projects
Current topics include number and
into linear algebra courses.
operation, geometry and measurement
as well as data and algebraic thinking
The Center for Teaching and Learning
for elementary classrooms.
Mathematics received grants from the
Department of Defense and from the
• Facilitation of Making Sense of
Iowa Department of Education. The
Mathematics and Teaching professional
center develops online educational
development courses for sixty teachers
products designed to help parents and
in southwest Iowa.
children develop deep conceptual
understanding of literacy and
The WRIGHT Message -2011
P.S.M. Program
in Industrial
Actuarial science alumna, Erin Elizabeth Conrad, pictured before her induction
ceremony into the Society of Actuaries.
The Professional Science Master’s
(P.S.M.) Program in Industrial
Mathematics has a new degree option
Actuarial Science Alumni
in Actuarial Science. The objective of
this option is to build on the success of
Actuarial science alumni who have attained the Fellow of the
our undergraduate actuarial science
Society of Actuaries (FSA) or the Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial
program and provide an opportunity
Society (FCAS) status during the period from May 2009 through
to graduate students to prepare
June 2011, include the following:
for leadership roles in the actuarial
Kenneth Wayne Doss, B.A. (2005), FCAS (May 2009)
In addition to actuarial course work,
Jason A. Flick, B.A. (2001), FCAS (May 2009)
the P.S.M. degree requires an internship
followed by a semester long, in-depth
Jake L. Ferguson, B.A. (2007), FSA (June 2009)
development/research/study of the
internship project or a closely related
topic. Business courses to supplement
Steven Mitchell Huppenbauer, B.A. (2005), FSA (June
the required “Business Management
for Science Professionals” course
Adam M. Jarvela, B.A. (2004), FSA (December 2009)
are strongly encouraged. The P.S.M.
requires a completion of 34 units of
Benjamin Steward Wadsley, B.A. (2004), FSA (March 2010)
coursework. The actuarial science track
of the P.S.M. started in Fall 2010 with four
Samantha James and Sarah Miesner,
P.S.M. (Actuarial Science) students,
recently spent a month at the Ecole
Nationale de la Statistique et de
l’Analyse de l’Information (ENSAI) in
Bruz, France, during which period they
had an intensive course in Statistical
Methods in Finance. Samantha and
Sarah had a great time at ENSAI and
later enjoyed Paris, London and Dublin.
The WRIGHT Message -2011
William Joseph Freese, B.A. (2007), FSA (March 2010)
Andrew Donald Quint, B.A. (2007), FSA (September 2010)
Justin D. Knight, B.A. (2003), FSA (December 2010)
Elizabeth Ann Nanke, B.A. (2006), FSA (December 2010)
Erin Elizabeth Conrad, B.A. (May 2008), FSA (June 2011)
Congratulations to all of them and to other alumni whose names
we may have inadvertently missed. We are proud of you. Please
write to us, as and when you get the time.
Department of Mathematics Contribution Form
We truly appreciate the support that you give to the Department of Mathematics. You may use this form to direct your gift to the
area of most importance to you. If you prefer, you may give via the UNI Foundation secure website: Use the
“Donate to Mathematics” button on the right side. This will take you to a secure site with three mathematics funds choices. Please
enter your donation amount in the boxes, or click “Take me directly to the giving page” to contribute to any other project (enter the
project name or gift intention in the area marked “Please specify designation” in the “Other” category). Thank you!
$_________ Mathematics Department Quasi-Endowed Fund (provides Alumni Scholarships, faculty development and travel,
equipment and support for all programs) 20-220127
$_________ Mathematics Education Leadership Endowed Fund for Excellence (discretionary fund for all mathematics
education programs in the UNI Department of Mathematics) 30-221015
$_________ Actuarial Science Fund (provides John E. Bruha Award in Actuarial Science, non-endowed scholarships and
covers student fees on successfully completed actuarial exams) 21-221288
$_________ Mathematics Leadership Fund (for the enhancement of teaching secondary mathematics) 21-221162
Additional funds, established by alumni and friends, provide scholarships to students in our programs. These scholarships are
described on the back of this page.
$_________directed to __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name (s) Email
Home Address
Phone (home)
City, State, Zip
Phone (work)
Please check if different than adressed.
My (or my spouse’s) company, _____________________________________________________________ (name), will match my gift.
(Please contact your HR office for details and matching gift form to be submitted with payment.)
Type of Payment:
Credit Card: please charge my card
Check: enclosed, payable to the UNI Foundation
$ ___________ beginning (mo/yr) ____/____
Please complete card information below.
Signature (required) _______________________________________
Date ________________
Return to UNI Foundation, Attn: Financial Services, 1223 W 22nd Street, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0239
Credit card information will not be kept on file.
Charge my:
American Express
(please check one)
Card Number: ______________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________________________________________________________
Department of Mathematics Funds
The following funds and scholarships are named for UNI
emeritus faculty members:
• Diane Sorenson Baum Fund – scholarships for elementary
education majors with a K-6 mathematics minor (21-210591)
• E.W. Hamilton Quasi-Endowed Scholarship – scholarships for
students enrolled in any mathematics program (20-210174)
• Fred W. Lott Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
– scholarships for incoming freshmen who are mathematics
majors (30-211124)
• Michael H. Millar Endowed Scholarship – scholarships to
graduate students (30-211718)
• Augusta Schurrer Endowed Scholarship for Mathematics
Excellence – scholarships for students majoring in
mathematics – teaching (30-211292)
• Carl and Wanda Wehner Math Teaching Endowed
Scholarship – scholarships for juniors or seniors majoring in
mathematics – teaching (30-210474)
The following funds have been established by alumni and
friends of the Department of Mathematics:
• Conrad and Jeannette Baumler Mathematics Education
Scholarship – scholarship for juniors or seniors in mathematics
education (21-212506)
• Rich and Dee James Secondary Mathematics Teaching
• Robert W. Bettle Math Education Scholarship Endowment
Endowment – scholarships for juniors or seniors in mathematics
Fund – scholarships for seniors in mathematics education
education (30-212220)
• Patricia Lange Memorial Endowed Math Scholarship
• Irvin and Dorothy Brune Mathematics Education
– scholarships for students in any mathematics major
Endowed Scholarship – scholarships for incoming freshmen
mathematics education majors (30-211613)
• Marian Rigdon Ponder Math Education Scholarship
• Robert and Carol Hendrickson Crane Scholarship in
– scholarships for incoming freshmen mathematics education
Secondary Math Education – scholarships for juniors or seniors
majors (21-212206)
in secondary mathematics education (21-212418)
• Marcia E. Traer Endowed Scholarship Fund – scholarships for
• John F. and Ruth Cross Endowed Scholarship – scholarships
juniors or seniors in any mathematics major (30-211199)
for statistics and actuarial science majors (30-211516)
• Mathematics Undergraduate Research Assistant Fund
– for general undergraduate research assistance (21-222452)
The WRIGHT Message -2011