Points • Undefined term • No length, width, or thickness • Named with a capital letter Lines • Undefined term -- No thickness • Length that goes on forever in two directions Naming Lines Intersecting Lines Lines that share a point. Y n m Lines m and n intersect. Point Y is the point of intersection. Parallel Lines Lines in the same plane that do not intersect; planes that do not intersect. k j Lines k and j are parallel. k || j Skew Lines Lines that do not lie on the same plane. (They do not intersect and are not parallel.) Plane • Undefined Term W • No thickness •Extends indefinitely in all directions Plane ABC Plane W Parallel Planes Planes not intersect. R S Planes R and S are parallel. Collinear Points that are on the same line. A B C Points A,B and C are collinear. Non-collinear Points that are not on the same line. A B Points A,B and C are non collinear. C Coplanar Points Points that lie on the same plane. S Q P R Points P,Q, and R are coplanar. Non-Coplanar Points Points that do not lie on the same plane. S Q P R Points P,Q,R and S are non-coplanar. Coplanar Lines Lines that lie on the same plane. x y Lines x, y are coplanar. Postulates Statements that are accepted as true. Theorems Statements that are proven to be true. Postulate If two lines intersect, their intersection is a point. n P m Lines m and n intersect at P. Postulate For any two points, there is exactly one line through the points. B A l Line l is the only line through A and B Postulate For any three noncollinear points, there is exactly one plane through the points. B Q C A Points A, B, and C lie in Plane Q. Postulate If two lines intersect, then they are coplanar. n m Lines m and n lie in only one plane. Postulate If two planes intersect, their intersection is a line. Z W k Planes W and Z intersect in line k. Postulate Every plane contains at least three noncollinear points. Y X A Z Plane A contains points X, Y and Z. Postulate Every line contains at least two points. B A p Line p contains points A and B. Postulate There is exactly one plane containing a given line and a point not on the line. C D T Only one plane contains T and CD. Postulate If a line and a plane intersect, their intersection is a point or a line. t Y w X I Line t intersects Plane x at I. Line w intersects Plane Y at line w. Source http://www.hbschool.com/glossary/ math/glossary8.html