
Showing posts with label frugal food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frugal food. Show all posts

Food for Love ~ a new ebook wot I have written!

Just a quick post – rather busy!

Ever since I started writing my father in law (who passed on 18 months ago … but see here for a picture of him in his magnificent youth!) said that I shouldn't waste my time writing about food, I should write about sex as that it what sells.  I have very slightly taken his advice and written a short ebook on aphrodisiacs …

I did a fair bit of research (or “sitting on the settee” as my real man calls it) to come up with what seem to be the 17 most-likely-to-be-aphrodisiac foods and have given some background on each one, some ideas of what to do with them and a little bit about their nutritional benefits and a mention of other, seemingly lesser, aphrodisiacs. I have also included a few rather suggestive food photos (sadly I couldn't muster one for all 17 foods), some rude comments and some double entendres.

In Other News …

~   I seem to have gone up in the world quite considerably …

~   My next post will be from far far away – we are off to the Caribbean, where we used to live, to sell our boat and sort out all the stuff we left there! I am both looking forward to it (especially to see my friends) and not, I think I will be sad but warm!