(03) 9706 4909 [email protected]

Cranbourne West Primary School

Cranbourne West Primary School

Cranbourne West Primary School is dedicated to each child being within a unique learning environment. We are focused on what is necessary for students to learn and be able to accomplish and become as human beings. Thus, literacy, numeracy and executive functioning abilities are been a major focus of our schools. Skills for executive function are capabilities that enable us be organized punctual, diligent, and innovative problem solvers…they assist us in our preparation for our lives and future jobs. We also highlight our extra curriculum programmes that help students in opening their world and encouraging students to become active world citizens.

We encourage collaboration both with our students and teachers. Our teaching teams strive to provide high-quality learning opportunities across all of our subjects.

Every child is evaluated and taught according to their stage of need, ensuring maximum learning and engagement.Our assessment procedures and our focus on nurturing relationships with every student to ensure that we know the stage of your child’s development their learning process and allows us to celebrate their accomplishments as they progress.


Environmental Context


Cranbourne West Primary School serves a thriving residential district within the South Eastern Growth Corridor. It is a medium-sized well-funded school that is supported by a hardworking staff and an active community. Enrollment for the school as of the 2021 census was 681. The backgrounds of our students represent a variety of ethnic and cultural diversity, with increasing number of students from non-English spoken backgrounds. Our school in 2021 was able to achieve the SFO at 0.6640 and an SFOE 0.5723. 0.5723. Due to good retention of staff and a solid common vision of leadership The school can offer an enlightened and balanced educational program that emphasizes the development of literacy as well as Numeracy, inquiry, and Social Competency abilities. The school offers a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that incorporates the Big Ideas that are part of an environment of values and a rich culture. The school has a wide range of literacy models of instruction; CAFE (reading) and Conversation For Writing (writing) and Numeracy TILE (maths). This helps ensure that staff have uniform approaches to instruction and education of the three subjects. Learning By Design is our inquiry model based on the eight knowledge-based processes that allow us to experience the familiar and the unfamiliar using it creatively and effectively conceptualizing through naming and conceptualizing and analysing critically.

Our determination to create an overall school-wide approach towards Literacy and Numeracy have proved effective with continuous five-year expansion. A focus on social competence abilities as well as a peaceful and well-ordered learning environment has allowed us to concentrate on school-wide improvement strategies, our teamwork environment, and the ability to provide our students with experiences of learning within their particular ZPD. ZPD has led to an individualized curriculum that allows for students with learning experiences at each child’s level of need.

We encourage our students to push themselves to the limits of their own capabilities. Students are encouraged to become active learners, while also continuing to live the school values. We encourage student participation in the learning process and also via our Student Leaders as well as SRC. Staff members work in team (PLCs) to track student progress, pinpoint zones of Proximal development, and design specific and targeted learning experiences. Students with special need are helped by small group interventions which include reading and life skill. The curriculum is enriching by celebrations throughout the school along with annual performances trips, excursions, in-visits camp and choirs of students, as well as numerous intra and inter-school sports activities. The community and parents are invited to be a involved in the process of learning by participating in school-related activities. We have a huge “volunteer” workforce that assists students in a variety of ways, from the basics of literacy to emotional and social development.

The highest priority is the health of our students as well as staff. A full-time Wellbeing Coordinator oversees an organized and respected program that recognises obligations and rights of every staff member and students, with a special focus on the protection of the culture of Aboriginal children as well as children from ethnically and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds as well as students who are disabled in accordance of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Cranbourne West Primary School is committed to the Child Safe policies and strategies and also to the safety, inclusion, and wellbeing of all children who are under its care.

Cranbourne West is supported by an active School Council and an active and dedicated Parents and Friends Club. The school maintains a close connection to its home city, the City of Casey through working relations with local councillors and the program staff. The school is home to a well-established playgroup as well as a breakfast and brunch club along with an event program for the community and Chaplaincy Services.

Cranbourne West Primary School is located close to Super Metal Recycling.  you can check below Google Maps.

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