We shouldn’t play with our food, but we can make it look really fun! Super Simple has some great resources on nutrition and tips for picky eaters, but this time it’s all about the fun and beauty of food art. We’ve paired each of these food art pieces with a Super Simple Song so you can enjoy your meal with a matching tune. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Yummy Teddy Bear
Song Pairing: Sweet Dreams

This bear is good enough to eat! The bear is made from a PB&J sandwich but you can mix up the filling and try using different fruits and vegetables for the bear’s facial features. We used grapes and blueberries!

The Cow Jumped Over The Cheesy Moon
Song Pairing: Old MacDonald Had A Farm

Try cutting shapes from cheese to bring your food art to life! We made a cheesy moon and some star shapes for this one.
Rocking Veggies Rocket Ship
Song Pairing: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

This rocket ship is filled with veggies, served with a side of starry sauce to dip. Cauliflower is perfect for the blast off, and we used a mushroom cap for the moon.

Eat Along With Tobee
Song Pairing: your favorite Sing Along With Tobee episode

Tobee won’t mind if you eat him, he’s happy you’re eating lots of yummy fruits!
Trees Please
Song Pairing: And The Green Grass Grew

Pretzels and grapes are a yummy pairing. This food art is great for talking about the different parts of the tree while you eat: trunk, branches, and leaves. It’s also great for talking about seasons: if you eat all the grapes first, then it’s a tree in winter! Or if you use red grapes, it can be a tree in the fall.

Fruity Flowers
Song Pairing: Mr. Golden Sun

These flowers pack in lots of fruits and veggies. The stems are made from cucumber and the leaves from spinach. The flowers you can get creative with and let your little ones come up with their own fruity flower combination.
Metamorphosis Magic
Song Pairing: Rock Scissors Paper #1
This food art goes above and beyond! We created four stages of metamorphosis with food! We start with a tasty caterpillar…
Then the caterpillar lays its eggs made of corn kernels on a leaf of yummy swiss chard…
Soon comes a chrysalis made from pear…
Then emerges a beautiful butterfly of fruits and vegetables!
It’s a delight for all the senses, and full of nutrients!
We hope you enjoyed our food art and song pairing to make food a little more fun. For more information on food nutrition and how to get picky eaters to eat, see our links below.
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