Turn Workspace extensions in Gemini on or off (Beta)

Let Gemini interact with Google Workspace apps for more helpful answers
The Gemini app is included as a core service with most editions of Google Workspace and qualifying Google Workspace for Education plans and Gemini Education add-ons. Learn more

As an admin, you control how people in your organization use the Gemini app with their Google Workspace account. When you turn on Workspace extensions in Gemini, the Gemini app interacts with Google apps and services so your users get more helpful responses to their prompts. Users with a Gemini for Google Workspace license (Business, Enterprise, or Education) can let the Gemini app use their Google Workspace content to get more helpful responses.

Supported extensions

Extensions are available to most users with a Google Workspace license. Users 18 and older can let the Gemini app use their Google Workspace content in Calendar, Docs, Drive, Gmail, Keep, and Tasks.

Using Extensions

  • If your organization has disabled one of the services listed above, its corresponding extension will not be available in Gemini. 

    If your prompt includes multiple actions that require separate apps or services, but one or more of the required services are not enabled, neither of the actions will be completed. For example, if you prompt Gemini to create an event on your calendar and a reminder for that event, and the Tasks extension is not enabled, the event will not be added to your calendar and you will not get a reminder.

  • To get links to additional Gmail information in Gemini's responses to your prompts (citations), Workspace extensions must be turned on.
  • To let users upload Drive files to Gemini or to Gem instructions, Workspace extensions must be turned on. Learn how to upload & analyze files in the Gemini Apps and use Gems in Gemini Apps.
  • If you turn off extensions, any chats with the Gemini app that use an extension are still available to users. However, the Gemini app has access only to the information needed to respond to the original prompt. The Gemini app can't access additional information from Google Workspace until you turn on extensions again.
  • Users who access Gemini as an additional Google service can’t use extensions.

Turn Workspace extensions in Gemini on or off

To use Workspace extensions in Gemini, first turn the Gemini app on.

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Scroll to Extensions and select Allow users access to Workspace extensions in Gemini.
  3. (Optional) To turn Workspace Extensions on or off for an organizational unit:
    1. On the left, select the organizational unit.
    2. Choose one:
      • If the setting status is set to Inherited and you want to keep the updated setting, even if the parent setting changes, click Override.
      • If the setting status is set to Overridden, either click Inherit to revert to the same setting as its parent, or click Save to keep the new setting, even if the parent setting changes.
        Note: Learn more about organizational structure.
  4. (Optional) To turn Workspace extensions for Gemini on or off for a set of users across or within organizational units, on the left select an access group. For details, go to turn on a service for a group.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

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