Add an account for a new user

For organizations with ​Google Workspace or Cloud Identity

Choose how your organization or team signed up for Google Workspace:

  • Domain verified—You verified ownership of your organization's domain
  • Email verified—You verified your business email address

Learn more

Before people can use your organization's Google services, like Google Workspace or Cloud Identity, with your verified domain, they need a user account. The easiest way to add user accounts is to add them individually in your Google Admin console.

Tip: To add a lot of users at the same time, go to Add users in bulk.

Before you begin

  • (Annual Plan customers) Before you add users, you might need to add licenses to your account. Learn how to get more licenses.
  • (Flexible Plan customers) Adding user accounts automatically increases your monthly payment.
  • (Google Workspace Business edition customers) You can add up to 300 users. To add more, Switch to Enterprise Standard.
ImportantAvoid sharing an account among users. Having multiple people use the same account, like [email protected], can cause problems. Instead, each account should be accessed by only one user. For details, go to Avoid sharing an account among users.

Add a user account to your Admin console

To complete these steps, you need the appropriate User management privilege. Without the correct privilege, you won't see all the controls needed to complete these steps.

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Go to Menu and then Directory > Users.
  3. At the top of the user list, click Add new user.

  4. Add the user's account information (appears in Gmail contacts):
    • First and last name
    • Primary email—Accept or change the suggested name.
      If your organization has more than one domain, click the Down arrow  to the right of the @ sign and choose a domain. 
    • (Recommended) Secondary email—A current address where the user can receive their new account details.
    • (Optional) Phone number
  5. (Optional) Click Manage user’s password, organizational unit, and profile photo.
    • Organizational unit—If your users are grouped in organizational units, click Edit  to select the one to add the user to.
    • Upload Profile photo—You can do this now or later.
    • Password—Select an available option. See also password guidelines.
  6. Click Add New User.
    Note: If you're prompted to fix a conflicting account, learn what to do.
  7. Choose an option to send account information to the new user:
    • Click Copy Password, for example, to send the user their password in a chat.
    • Click Preview And Send to email complete account details to the user's secondary email address or to another address, such as your own. 
  8. Click Done.

After you add the user

When you’re done, the new user can sign in to your organization's Google services, such as Gmail or Drive.

It can take up to 24 hours for Google services to be available to the new user. If the user tries to use a service that's not yet available, they'll see a message that they don't have access.

Welcome email

If you emailed the user their account information, they get a welcome message that explains how to sign in. This message includes a link to reset their password, which expires in 48 hours. If the link expires, you'll need to reset the user's password. For details, go to Reset a user's password.

More setup options

To add other user settings, click the user's name in the Users list. For example, you can:

It can take up to 24 hours for new user accounts to appear in the searchable Directory. 

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