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AdMob & AdSense program policies

Policies for ad units that offer rewards

Ad units that offer rewards are a mechanism to strengthen the relationship between publishers and users, benefiting both publishers and users. To ensure a positive experience for publishers, users and advertisers, we have set out requirements below on the nature and implementation of ad units that offer rewards via Google-served ads ("Rewarded Ads").

For the purposes of these policies:

  • "Direct monetary items" mean any form of legal tender, or other modes of payment that can be used directly to purchase goods or services in the real world.

    Examples: Cash, cryptocurrency, gift card

  • "Indirect or non-monetary items" mean anything with monetary value but which is not a direct mode of payment in the real world, or anything that does not have monetary value in the real world.

    Examples: Discounts, loyalty rewards or points, product free shipping, product or service free trial, game character extra life, game character skin

  • "Non-transferable" means a reward that is only redeemable and usable by the same user who received it, and is not directly convertible into direct monetary items or items that can be transferred to a third party.

    Examples: A discount code, loyalty points or a game item that is only redeemable and usable by a specific user through their logged-in account, and cannot be directly converted into cash or used to purchase any item that can be transferred to another person

Rewards requirements

  1. Direct monetary items may not be offered as rewards under any circumstance.
  2. Indirect or non-monetary items may be offered as rewards, provided that:
    • The reward is only redeemable and usable for an item or service within the publisher’s platform, website or app;
    • The reward is non-transferable (for example, physical items or loyalty points that can be transferred to another person are not permitted); and
    • Rewards that are a discount or voucher for physical items must not exceed 25% of the item’s total value.
  3. Random rewards are allowed, provided that:
    • The chance of random rewards is disclosed to the user prior to Rewarded Ads being presented (such as by indicating "watch this ad now for a chance to receive a random reward");
    • Details on all possible rewards are made easily accessible to the user (such as by indicating possible rewards in the disclosure, a hover-over, or by including a link to a page with details). This includes stating if not receiving a reward is a possible outcome; and
    • The chance for receiving a reward must be greater than 0.

Implementation requirements

  1. Publishers must provide clear, accurate and conspicuous disclosure of the action(s) required and reward(s) offered prior to each instance of Rewarded Ads being presented.
    • Icons may be used to describe the action(s) or reward(s), provided that such icons are clearly and unambiguously understandable by users.
    • If Rewarded Ads are presented in a bundle, or require users to watch a fixed number of Rewarded Ads to obtain a reward, such details must be clearly disclosed to the user (such as by indicating "watch 3 ads now to receive 100 gold coins").
  2. Rewarded Ads, except those implemented via the rewarded interstitial format, must only be served after a user affirmatively and unambiguously opts in (such as by tapping a button that represents "yes" or "accept"). In addition:
    • Rewarded Ads must not oblige users to interact with it (for example, it must be possible to skip or dismiss them). 
    • Rewarded Ads implemented via the rewarded interstitial format must present an introductory screen containing an option representing "no" or "don’t accept", with sufficient time for the user to opt out. This option must not be hidden, obstructed, or non-functional.
    • Skipping the Rewarded Ad or selecting the "no" or "don’t accept" option must not impede or interfere with the normal usage of the platform, website or app.
    • Publishers must not include any text or icons, other than to describe the reward(s) offered, to mislead or incentivize users towards a particular choice (such as by indicating "watch this ad to support our business").
  3. Publishers must deliver the promised reward(s) to the user upon completion of the required action(s).
  4. Publishers are fully and solely responsible for the granting of the rewards, and must not state or imply that rewards are verified or endorsed by Google.

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