Advertising and attribution

[GA4] Search Ads 360 performance report

The Search Ads 360 performance report is a pre-made detail report that shows how effective your SA360 campaigns were at driving key events to your website or app.

Before you begin

View the report

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. From the left menu, select Advertising. 
  3. On the left, go to Performance > Search Ads 360.
Don't see the report? To get the Search Ads 360 performance report, you must link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property. Additionally, the Advertising section where the report is found is only available on the desktop version of Google Analytics.

Dimensions in the report

You can choose from the following SA360-specific dimensions as primary and secondary dimensions.

Dimension What it is How it's populated
SA360 ad group ID Shows the unique identifier for each ad group in your SA360 campaign. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 ad group name Shows the name for each ad group in your SA360 campaign. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 campaign ID Shows the unique identifier assigned to the campaign in SA360. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 campaign name Shows the name of the campaign in SA360. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 creative format Shows the creative format of the campaign in SA360. The creative format is the specific layout or design of the advertisement used in a campaign, dictating how the advertisement will appear on a website or app. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 engine account ID Shows the unique identifier for the ad account you use on a search engine platform. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 engine account type Shows the type of search engine account used. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 keyword Shows a word or phrase that you target with your advertisement. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 manager account ID Shows the manager account ID assigned to the account or agency managing multiple accounts. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 manager account name Shows the manager account name assigned to the account or agency managing multiple accounts. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 medium Shows the category of advertising channel or platform used to deliver a campaign. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 query Shows the search terms used in a search engine. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 source Shows the provider of data. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
SA360 source / medium Shows the category of advertising channel or platform used to deliver a campaign and the provider of data. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.

Metrics in the report

The report includes the following metrics. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove metrics in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Ads clicks The total number of times users clicked on your advertising campaign. The metric appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
Ads cost The total amount you paid for your advertising campaign through SA360. The metric appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
Ads cost per click The average cost you paid per click for your advertising campaign. The metric appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
Key events The number of times users triggered a key event. Populate this metric by marking an event as a key event.
Cost per key event interaction The cost per key event, calculated as the total cost divided by the number of selected key event(s). The metric appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
Return on ad spend

The total amount of revenue earned for every dollar spent on advertising.

The metric appears in the report when you successfully link your Search Ads 360 advertiser or sub-manager to your property.
Total revenue The total revenue from purchases, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue.

This metric is the sum of the purchase, in_app_purchase, app_store_subscription_renew, and app_store_subscription_convert events, as well as ad revenue, which is populated via the Google AdMob integration, Google Ad Manager integration, or by sending the ad_impression event from a third-party integration.

Important: When setting up the purchase event, make sure you provide values for both the value and currency parameters. Otherwise, you won't see purchase data for the Total revenue metric.

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