Write & edit a query

If you want to do more complicated analysis, such as joining data from more than one BigQuery table, you can write a custom query.


  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. In the menu at the top, click Data and then Data connectors and then Connect to BigQuery.
  3. Select a project.
  4. Click Saved queries and query editor.
  5. Enter a query.
    • To preview how much data your query scans, at the bottom right of the editor, click Preview results.
  6. Click Insert results.


Use saved queries in Connected Sheets

To create queries in Connected Sheets, you can access saved queries from BigQuery projects. Learn more about saved queries.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. In the menu, at the top of the spreadsheet, click Data and then Data connectors and then Connect to BigQuery.
  3. Select a project.
  4. Click Saved queries and query editor and then BigQuery saved queries.
  5. Select a project and then a saved query.
  6. Click Connect.

To edit a saved query, update it directly within BigQuery. The updated query appears in Connected Sheets within 5 minutes.

To keep your saved queries up to date whenever you update saved queries in BigQuery:

  1. In the Connected Sheet, sync your saved queries through Sync from BigQuery.
  2. In the “BigQuery editor,” click Connect.

Learn more about saved queries

When an error occurs due to a modified or deleted saved query, you can update the connection from the error dialog or BigQuery editor.

  1. At the top right of the preview sheet, open Connection settings.
  2. To update the connection, click Sync from BigQuery and then Connect.
  3. To update the connection for the following cases:
    • Modified query: Click View error and then Sync saved query.
      • Or, you can open the query editor. Click Edit and then Sync saved query and then Connect.
    • Deleted query: Click View error and then Use as custom query.
      • Or, you can:
        1. To open the query editor, click Edit .
        2. Change to another query or unlink the existing query.
        3. Click Connect.
Add parameters to your query

To use the value of a cell in a query, set up a parameter.

  1. At the right side of the query editor, click Parameters and then Add.
  2. Enter a parameter name and the cell you want to reference.
  3. Click Add.
Compare data in Sheets and BigQuery
To compare data from Sheets with data in BigQuery, you might need to change the data type. For example, if a column is a String type in BigQuery, then it must be plain text in Sheets to be compared correctly. If the data type in the spreadsheet and BigQuery are different, you can:

Example queries

Simple query:

SELECT word, SUM(word_count) AS word_count

FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`

WHERE word IN ('me', 'I', 'you')

GROUP BY word;

Parameterized query:

  • Parameter @STATENAME data range = Sheet1!A1
1 California

SELECT SUM(kw_total) as sum_kw_total

FROM `bigquery-public-data.sunroof_solar.solar_potential_by_censustract`

WHERE state_name = @STATENAME;

Parameterized query with IN():

  • Parameter @STATENAMES data range = Sheet1!A1

Alaska, New York, Delaware, Florida


SELECT state_name, SUM(kw_total) AS sum_kw_total

FROM `bigquery-public-data.sunroof_solar.solar_potential_by_censustract`


GROUP BY state_name;


Next: Fix problems with BigQuery data in Sheets

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