Different ways to track conversions

When you run ads with Google Ads, you may want to see whether clicks on your ad led a customer to take a certain action, such as a purchase on your website, calling your business, or downloading an app.

The first step in tracking conversions is choosing what you want to track.

Note: If you're new to conversion tracking and want to learn how it works, read About conversion tracking.

Choose the type of conversion you want to track

Find the type of conversion you want to track on the left, then follow the link to the instructions on the right:

If you want to track:

You need to

Website purchases, newsletter signups, button clicks, or other website actions.

Learn more about updated conversion categories

Set up conversion tracking for your website
Customer installs your app or purchases from your app

Choose one or more of the following:

App or web conversions from Google Analytics 4 Choose one or more of the following:
Phone calls

Choose one or more of the following:

Offline conversions, such as store visits or phone calls after your ad ran Track offline conversions

Advanced tip: Track multiple kinds of conversions

Do you want to track multiple kinds of conversions from the list above? Just set up a different conversion action for each type of conversion you want to track. For example, you can set up one conversion action to track purchases on your website, and another to track calls from your ads.

You can also set up multiple conversion actions for each conversion source. For example, say you want to track two different actions on your website: purchases and newsletter sign-ups. You’d set up two conversion actions: one for the purchases and one for sign-ups.

If you’re tracking multiple conversion actions, you might want to use the “Account default’” setting to choose which conversions to include in your “Conversions” reporting column. Learn more About account-default conversion goals

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