Updates to Smart Bidding

July 23, 2018

Smart Bidding helps you maximize your performance by setting the optimal bid for each individual auction. To make Smart Bidding simpler, more intuitive and transparent, we’ve rolled out several new updates.  

Use updated Target ROAS to focus on the conversions that matter most

To help get more conversion value or revenue at your target return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) use Target ROAS. Target ROAS has an updated algorithm that considers more factors when predicting conversion values. For example, if your customers tend to make high-value purchases on evenings and weekends, Target ROAS can bid more aggressively for those auctions while reducing spend at other times to increase your efficiency.

Drive more conversions more efficiently

For accounts or campaigns just getting started with Smart Bidding, our bidding models can now help optimize your performance within just a few days—even if you don’t have much historical conversion data. Our updated algorithm automatically balances performance across your entire bid strategy, helping even low volume campaigns and ad groups perform better. For example, if you’re seeing more conversions from users on a remarketing list, Target CPA can allocate more spend to campaigns with many users on that list. Learn more about Smart Bidding.

Reach your goals in fewer steps

To make selecting the right campaign bid strategy easier than ever, there is now a guided bidding workflow in the new Google Ads experience. Select a bid strategy based on the metric you want to focus on, and how you’d like Google Ads to drive that metric (clicks, conversions or conversion value). 

Select a bid strategy

It’s also easy to select and change the bid strategy of multiple campaigns in a single step right in the Campaigns tab with bulk bid strategy editing.

Know when to review your performance with new conversion delay metrics

For a more accurate view of your bid strategy performance, only look at time periods that have complete conversion data. Use the new conversion delay metrics in the bid strategy report to see conversion lag, the time between when your customers click and when they eventually convert. Once that lag has elapsed, you know your data is ready for review. Learn more about conversion lag.

New conversion delay metrics

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