Reporting differences in the new Search Ads 360

Reporting updates between the previous and new Search Ads 360

Reporting and attribution in the new Search Ads 360 have been updated to be the most accurate and consistent experience yet. To make your move as seamless as possible, the new Search Ads 360 will:

  • Continue to be updated with past data, so you can pull new versions of past performance reports.
  • Update reporting and attribution workflows to be more intuitive.

The new Search Ads 360 Reporting API (beta release) is now available, providing enhanced flexibility to build custom reports and integrate the data into your reporting applications and processes. Learn more about using the Search Ads 360 Reporting API.

Note:The Search Ads 360 API and Search Ads 360 UI reporting align closely, although they may not be exactly identical. Some minor discrepancies are to be anticipated.

As you review your campaigns in the new Search Ads 360 you'll notice that numbers might look different. While many discrepancies are due to general system updates, here are some specific ways reporting has been updated:

Improved workflows

  Previous Search Ads 360 New Search Ads 360 Benefit of update
Placeholder keywords Used placeholder keywords to track unsupported entities. For entities that are synced and visible in the new Search Ads 360, placeholder keyword tracking solutions stop functioning because conversions are reported for the intended campaigns and advertising platforms. Placeholder keywords aren't needed in this situation. Removes a workaround in cases where the entity is synced into the new Search Ads 360.
Important: Placeholder keywords have limitations which apply to both the previous and new Search Ads 360. For example, non-click-to-convert based interactions such as viewing a YouTube ad will not receive conversions from placeholder keywords.

Improved measurement

  Previous Search Ads 360 New Search Ads 360 Benefit of update
Conversion reporting Based on time of conversion. Based on time of click. More options supported. Old default is still available through custom columns.
Cross-device conversions Included by checking a box. Included by default. Better overall conversion reporting.
Time zones Floodlight conversions followed Campaign Manager 360 time zones (sometimes different than client accounts). Floodlight conversions follow the time zone of the engine account they are attributed to.

Time zones are more consistent and intuitive.

Note: currency conversion may differ (between previous and new Search Ads 360) with change in time zones.

Spam identification Fewer spam clicks may be removed from reporting. More spam clicks may be removed from reporting. Reporting is more accurate.
Paused and deleted engines May be reported. Not reported. Reporting is more accurate.
Zero Impressions (Yahoo! JAPAN Ads only) Not reported in Search Ads 360. Reported in engine apps only. Filtered out of Search Ads 360. Not report on engine apps. Reporting is more accurate. Might affect results on engine apps.

Improved cart conversions

In the new Search Ads 360, Conversions with Cart Data will replace purchase detail reporting.

  Previous Search Ads 360 New Search Ads 360 Benefit of update
Google Merchant Center data Based on current Google Merchant Center data. Based on Google Merchant Center data at the time of conversion. Reporting is more accurate.
Cart data Reports fewer item properties. Reports more item properties, such as color, material, and others. Provides richer data.
Unidentified items Reports on biddable conversions and items that are currently in the Google Merchant Center feed. Reports on non-biddable conversions and items removed from the Google Merchant Center feed. Reporting on the highest value conversions and items.

Support is available

Navigate to Help > Get help > Contact us with any reporting concerns that weren't addressed by updates to the new Search Ads 360. Learn more about How to provide product feedback.

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