About reporting Conversions with Cart Data

Measure the number of transactions, along with the revenue and profit generated by your Search and Shopping Ads with Conversions with Cart Data (CwCD) reporting. You can create new or use existing Floodlight activities to submit cart data.

A click on an ad may lead to the sale of products different than those actually advertised. Conversions with Cart Data enables you to view which items are purchased after your ads are clicked, which items are most likely to convert, and which items are your top sellers.

In the new Search Ads 360, CwCD reporting is replacing purchase detail reporting.


  • Data for Search and Shopping Ads across advertising platforms that report purchase conversions with Floodlight
  • Clear measure of revenue and profit generated by Search and Shopping Ads 
  • Detailed reporting on cart size, items sold, and average order value

Requirements for CwCD reporting

You can use CwCD for all conversions that meet these requirements:

  • The conversions are website conversions.
  • The conversions are tracked with Floodlight activities.
  • There is a link to a Google Merchant Center feed.
  • You can modify the tags on your website.

Learn how to set up Conversions with Cart Data reporting.

Get reports on cart conversions

Reports give you insight into conversions at the product level, using data from your inventory feed when you displayed the ads. For example, assume you’re selling and advertising “red shoes”. From your regular performance reports, you learn that the product “red shoes” is attributed with a purchase conversion. However, even though your ad for “red shoes” was clicked, the customer could have bought the “blue hats” from your store. 

Performance reports with cart data contain more insights such as which products sold when an ad was clicked. Based on these insights, you can increase your bid on the products with the most conversion-related traffic, the “blue hats”,  rather than products that come in as your “top sellers”.

Insights from your reports

When you submit cart data for a conversion, the new Search Ads 360 combines the revenue from the reported sold items with their cost of goods sold (COGS) to calculate a gross profit. The cart conversion data will generate conversion reports that detail: 

  • How different bidding dimensions (device or geographic location, for example) affect cart size and average order value
  • Whether or not users bought items other than those featured in the ads they clicked
  • Whether or not users bought the items featured in the ads they clicked
  • Which bidding entities drive product sales
  • Which bidding entities deliver the highest gross profit

Note: An item can be reported if its Merchant Center ID is the same as the Merchant Center ID that’s linked to the user’s new Search Ads 360 account.

Key metrics for reporting

Reporting metrics can show up on the campaign-level statistics tables and be used in Report Editor.

Conversions with Cart Data metrics

Conversions with Cart Data metrics measure the actual products sold in orders. They can help you understand what people buy when they click on an ad. These metrics include the following:

  • Orders: Completed transactions on your site that are attributed to clicks on an ad.
  • Revenue: Total amount of income from all transactions that are attributed to clicks on an ad. Revenue is calculated as the sum of the price of all items in a cart.
  • Cost of goods sold: The total amount of business costs that are attributed to a certain product. This metric is only available if you provide the COGS.
  • Gross profit: Total amount of profit from all transactions that are attributed to clicks on an ad. This metric is calculated as the difference between the revenue and the COGS. This metric is only available if you provide the COGS.
  • Gross profit margin: Gross profit margin is the percentage gross profit you made from sales attributed to your ads, after taking out the cost of goods sold (COGS).
    As a formula: gross profit margin = (gross profit / revenue) x 100%. Since gross profit relies on COGS data, gross profit margin calculations only include the products for which you’re sharing this information via cart data.
  • Avg. order value: A metric that is calculated by dividing the revenue by the number of orders.
  • Avg. cart size: The average number of products in the order cart. This metric is calculated by taking the sum quantity of items in a cart and dividing it by the number of orders.
  • Units sold: The count of sales of a product.

Google Ads Conversions with Cart Data metrics

For linked Google Ads accounts, the Google Ads metrics measure cart data from Google Ads shopping campaigns. These metrics include the following:

  • Google Ads orders
  • Google Ads revenue
  • Google Ads cost of goods sold
  • Google Ads gross profit
  • Google Ads gross profit margin
  • Google Ads average cart size
  • Google Ads average order value
  • Google Ads units sold

Cross-sell metrics

Cross-sell metrics measure the impact of one product as a lead to sell other products. These metrics are calculated for all orders that are attributed to a click on an ad for a specific product. These metrics include the following:

  • Cross-sell revenue: The total revenue generated when a product is sold as a result of advertising a different product.
  • Cross-sell cost of goods sold: The total cost of a product sold as a result of advertising a different product.
  • Cross-sell gross profit: Gross profits when a product is sold as a result of advertising a different product.
  • Cross-sell gross profit margin: Cross-sell gross profit margin is the percentage cross-sell gross profit you made from sales attributed to your ads, after taking out the cost of goods sold (COGS).
    As a formula: cross-sell gross profit margin = (cross-sell gross profit / cross-sell revenue) x 100%. Since cross-sell gross profit relies on COGS data, cross-sell gross profit margin calculations only include the products for which you’re sharing this information via cart data.
  • Cross-sell units sold: The number of units of a product sold as a result of advertising a different product.
  • Lead revenue: The total revenue generated from a product as a result of advertising that product.
  • Lead cost of goods sold: The total cost of selling a product when sold as a result of advertising the product. 
  • Lead gross profit: Gross profits of a product sold as a result of advertising that product.
  • Lead gross profit: Lead gross profit margin is the percentage lead gross profit you made from sales attributed to your ads, after taking out the cost of goods sold (COGS).
    As a formula: lead gross profit margin = (lead gross profit / lead revenue) x 100%. Since lead gross profit relies on COGS data, lead gross profit margin calculations only include the products for which you’re sharing this information via cart data.
  • Lead units sold: Displays the number of units sold as a result of advertising the product.

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