Submit a counter notification for an Art Track

This article only applies to users of YouTube Studio Content Manager who deliver Art Tracks. Other users should refer to this article to submit a counter notification.

If you believe your Art Track was taken down in error, you can submit a counter notification. A counter notification is a legal request to reinstate content that was removed for alleged copyright infringement.

You can view a list of Art Tracks removed for alleged copyright infringement from the Reports  page in Studio Content Manager. Learn more.

Only submit a counter notification if you believe the removal of your content was due to a mistake or a misidentification of the content.


  • Make sure to send your counter notification from one of the primary notification email addresses listed in your Content Manager settings or an email address with your company’s website domain.
  • All requirements below must be included in the body of an email (not as an attachment) and sent to [email protected].

Counter notification requirements

1. Email subject line

The subject of your email must be "YouTube Copyright Counter Notification".

2. Contact information

We need the following info to get in touch with you, or an agent authorized to act on your behalf, about your counter notification:

  • Full legal name (a first and last name, not a company name)
    • If you’re a distributor’s authorized agent, such as an attorney, make sure you also include your relationship to the distributor.
  • Email address
  • Physical address
  • Telephone number

3. Specific URLs of the art tracks in question

Your counter notification must include links to the Art Track that was taken down. General info such as channel name or channel URL is not adequate .

Links must be sent in a specific URL format and be included in the body of the email (not as an attached file). The valid URL format is:

Do not submit more than 30 art tracks per email.

4. Legal statements

Agree to and include the following two statements in the body of your email:

  • "I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the district in which my address is located, or if my address is outside of the United States, the judicial district in which YouTube is located, and will accept service of process from the claimant."
  • "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."

5. Signature

Complete and valid counter notifications require the physical or electronic signature of the partner or agent authorized to act on their behalf.

To meet this requirement, you (the partner), or an authorized agent, can enter a full legal name as the signature at the bottom of their notification. A full legal name should be a first and last name, not a company name.

6. Statement to the claimant

Include a statement to the claimant explaining why you believe the removal of your video was a mistake or misidentification.

Send all the above info in the body of an email (not as an attachment) to [email protected].

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