I can't download videos

Note: If you don’t have YouTube Premium or if downloading isn’t available to you, the download button will be unavailable and grayed out on made for kids videos. If your YouTube Premium membership ends, you will no longer have access to your downloaded videos.
Using YouTube on a smart TV?
  • Make sure you're signed in on your TV to the account associated with your YouTube Premium membership.
  • If you're casting to TV, make sure you're signed in on both the TV and the computer or device you're using. 
  • If you're using Google Home, make sure you're signed in to the correct account in the Google Home app.

Check that your membership hasn't expired

Make sure your YouTube Premium membership has not expired. You can double check at youtube.com/paid_memberships.

If your YouTube Premium membership ends, you will no longer have access to your downloaded videos. To regain access to your downloads, sign up for a Premium membership.

Check YouTube Premium availability in your location

YouTube Premium benefits only work in countries where YouTube Premium is available. Check that you're in a location where YouTube Premium has launched.

Additional troubleshooting steps to try

Check the strength of your internet connection

Video downloads require a strong internet connection. Make sure that your device is connected to a 3mbps or faster Wi-Fi network, or a mobile network with a data plan that supports 3G, 4G, or LTE speeds. If you're not sure what your current internet speed is, you can test your speed online.

Check how many devices you've downloaded on

Have you downloaded videos on several devices? There's a limit to how many devices you can download videos to. Once you hit that limit, you'll get an error message saying, "this video cannot be saved offline." You can still download videos on the devices you've already used. Learn more about device limits on YouTube Premium.

Contact support & submit product feedback

If you're still having trouble, contact support. When contacting support, mention the following:

  • Do you see an error message?
  • Where does it show and what is the exact text? Include a screenshot, if possible.
Send product feedback to YouTube:
  • You can also submit feedback about your issue. You won't get a response, but your feedback will be shared with YouTube.
  • To send product feedback, select your profile photo and then Feedback Feedback in YouTube.
  • Make sure to check the box for "System logs" to help us better understand your issue.


Back to Troubleshoot YouTube Premium member benefits 

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