Analyze and manage your YouTube channel memberships program

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Channels with memberships turned on can create a channel membership program with different levels and members-only perks for their channel members. There are different perks and levels that you can make available to your members. Learn more about how viewers can join your channel and how they experience memberships.

There are different places in YouTube Studio where you can manage and measure your channel’s memberships program, including:

We also have a Members API service and there are other third-party integrations to help you learn more about your members and perks

Channel Memberships

Subscribe to the YouTube Creators channel for the latest news, updates, and tips.

Creators and MCNs participating in channel memberships are responsible for complying with our terms and policies, and all relevant laws and regulations.

Memberships Tab

You can find info about your memberships program and your members in the Memberships tab in YouTube Studio. To get to the Memberships tab, click Earn and then Memberships.

If you get a new member while you're offline, we don’t send you a notification. But you can view your members in the Memberships tab. If you’re live streaming when a new viewer joins your channel membership, a bright green "Welcome" message is sent in live chat. This message is pinned at the top of the chat for 5 minutes.

View info about your memberships program in the memberships tab

In the Memberships tab, you can get info about your memberships program, including:
  1. Total members: All members who currently have access to perks. Includes members who have canceled, but still have access to perks for the remainder of their billing period.
  2. Active members: Only members with active subscriptions. Active members are total members minus canceled members.
  3. Revenue: Earnings for the last billing period. You can also compare your earnings with the previous billing period.
  4. Members by level: The number of members (total or active) by level over time.
  5. Sign-ups and cancellations: The number of users that became members or canceled a membership in the past billing period. You can also compare with the previous billing period.
  6. Cancellation Feedback: Some members use our predefined multiple choice options to give feedback on why they canceled. Point to ‘Cancellations’ to view how members responded when canceling on your channel.
Note: A billing period can be 28, 30, or 31 days depending on the current calendar month. For example, a membership purchased during September would give 30 days of access to perks before the next payment is due.

View info about your channel members in the memberships tab

In the Memberships tab, you can get info about your current members, including:
  1. Total duration as a member: How long a user has been an active paid member of your channel. Includes time from all prior periods as a member.
  2. Last update: Days since last time the member joined, rejoined, upgraded, or downgraded their membership.

To export a snapshot of this info to CSV, click Download  in the upper right corner. The export may take a few minutes to complete. You can close this window while you wait. 

Other cards and tools in the membership tab

In the Memberships tab, you can find other cards and tools to help you with your memberships program:
  1. Resources: A dynamic card that displays best practices, links to other resources, and memberships-specific experiments you can opt-in and out of.
  2. Recent videos that members joined on: Monitor the top performing videos which viewers became members on. 
  3. Recent comments by members: Easily find the latest member comments so you can prioritize replying to them.
  4. Memberships Offer: Manage and edit your memberships perks and levels. The card may also have suggestions and best practices for the types of perks you might want to include at each price.
    1. Intro Video: Upload a video to display when viewers click ‘JOIN’ to sign up for memberships.

YouTube Analytics

You can also find more data about your members and revenue in YouTube Analytics. To get to YouTube Analytics, sign in to YouTube Studio and then Analytics.

View memberships audience info in YouTube Analytics

To view info on your channel members:
  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio and then Analytics and then Audience
  2. Click the ‘Total Member’ card. The card shows total and active members per day or over time. 
    • If you want further data about your members, click See More. You can change the time series to gauge how the following metrics performed during a custom time period:
      1. Total and Active members
      2. Members Gained
      3. Members Canceled
      4. Members Lost (canceled members who lost access to perks as a result of the end of their billing period)
  3. The ‘Key Metrics’ card shows a chart of how many members were gained or lost over time.

View memberships revenue info in YouTube Analytics

To view high level revenue data for your memberships program:
  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio and then Analytics and then Revenue.
  2. Click the ‘Transactions Revenue’ card. The card shows how many transactions occurred during a certain time period. Transactions are either new sign-ups or recurrences.

To view a more detailed breakdown of revenue data from your memberships program:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio and then Analytics and then Revenue.
  2. Find and select the How you make money card.
  3. Select Memberships. You can set a custom time period or filter by video format.

View data about gift memberships in YouTube Analytics

You can find reporting for gift memberships in YouTube Analytics. Select ‘Memberships Type’ to view how many memberships were gifted and redeemed during a selected time period. 

Channel memberships revenue share and refunds

Memberships revenue share

Revenue share for creators

Creators get 70% of membership revenue after applicable taxes and fees are deducted. All transaction costs (including credit card fees) are currently covered by YouTube.

Revenue share for creators in MCNs

If you are a part of an MCN, you should consult with your network. Some MCNs may take extra revenue share, meaning your revenue from memberships may be lower than 70%.
You and your MCN are responsible for complying with all tax laws applicable to your membership revenue.

Cancellations, terminations, and refunds for memberships

If a member requests a refund, YouTube has sole discretion as to the validity of that claim. When we grant refunds to members, your share is deducted from your AdSense for YouTube account to pay back the refunded members. Learn about YouTube’s refund policy for paid channel memberships.
If a channel’s memberships program is terminated due to any of the reasons below, all active paying members will get a refund of their last payment:
  • Termination by the channel
  • Removal from the YouTube Partner Program
  • Due to abuse or fraud
  • Breach of our terms or policies
Note: Refunded money is deducted from the channel's share of the revenue.

FAQs around measurement and management

Can I remove a channel member?

You cannot remove anyone who has joined as a member, but you can block their comments. To block comments from specific viewers, you must set up comment and live chat filters.

Can I block a channel member from commenting?

To block comments from specific viewers, you have to set up comment and live chat filters.

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