Support Home > Campaign Management > Partner Reconciliation Settings

Partner Reconciliation Settings

This document defines the partner reconciliation settings which establishes the default settings for partner configuration. These settings may be overridden at the tracker level. For more information on Kochava’s Attribution Engine, refer to our Attribution Overview support documentation.

NOTE: If reconciliation settings are not specifically set, None Selected will be displayed and the corresponding default setting listed below will be applied.

NOTE: Default (unedited) settings will use the SAN’s Reconciliation lookbacks, not the standard 30/7/1 day settings used for all Kochava trackers.

Install Referrer

Apple Search Ads
28 Days
1 Day
89 Days
30 Days
1 Day
30 Days
7 Days
DV360 & CM360
30 Days
7 Days
30 Days
1 Day
28 Days
1 Day
7 Days
1 Day
28 Days
1 Day
14 Days
7 Days
30 Days
30 Days
30 Days
14 Days
30 Days
14 Days

28 Days
1 Day
90 Days
1 Day
30 Days
7 Days
DV360 & CM360
30 Days
7 Days
30 Days
1 Day
28 Days
1 Day
7 Days
1 Day
28 Days
1 Day
14 Days
7 Days
30 Days
30 Days
30 Days
14 Days
30 Days
14 Days

Partner Reconciliation Settings User Interface

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Apps & Assets > Partner Configuration.


  1. Locate the desired Network.
  2. Click Network Tools () > Reconciliation.

Impression Reconciliation Settings

NOTE: Not every network is an Impression-Enabled network. If a network cannot pass impression data to Kochava, the Impression Reconciliation settings will not be available. For a list of Impression-Enabled networks, refer to our Create a View-Through Campaign support documentation.


BEST PRACTICES: Before adjusting the lookback settings coordinate with your network partner; settings that do not match your network partner’s settings could create discrepancies in data.


(see iOS 14+ restrictions)

  1. Select the desired Device Lookback.

    NOTE: Device Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on a standard device match. By default the Device Lookback window is set to 24 hours.

    • Disabled
    • 15 minutes
    • 30 minutes
    • 45 minutes
    • 1 hour
    • 2 hour
    • 3 hour
    • 4 hour
    • 5 hour
    • 6 hour
    • 7 hour
    • 8 hour
    • 9 hour
    • 10 hour
    • 11 hour
    • 12 hour
    • 13 hour
    • 14 hour
    • 15 hour
    • 16 hour
    • 17 hour
    • 18 hour
    • 19 hour
    • 20 hour
    • 21 hour
    • 22 hour
    • 23 hour
    • 24 hour
  2. Select the desired Modeled Lookback.

    NOTE: Modeled Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on a Modeled based match. By default the Modeled Lookback window is set to 24 hours.

    • Disabled
    • 15 minutes
    • 30 minutes
    • 45 minutes
    • 1 hour
    • 2 hour
    • 3 hour
    • 4 hour
    • 5 hour
    • 6 hour
    • 7 hour
    • 8 hour
    • 9 hour
    • 10 hour
    • 11 hour
    • 12 hour
    • 13 hour
    • 14 hour
    • 15 hour
    • 16 hour
    • 17 hour
    • 18 hour
    • 19 hour
    • 20 hour
    • 21 hour
    • 22 hour
    • 23 hour
    • 24 hour
  3. Select the desired IP Lookback.

    NOTE: IP Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on an IP based match. By default the IP Lookback window is set to Disabled.

    • Disabled
    • 15 minutes
    • 30 minutes
    • 45 minutes
    • 1 hour
    • 2 hour
    • 3 hour
    • 4 hour
    • 5 hour
    • 6 hour
    • 7 hour
    • 8 hour
    • 9 hour
    • 10 hour
    • 11 hour
    • 12 hour
    • 13 hour
    • 14 hour
    • 15 hour
    • 16 hour
    • 17 hour
    • 18 hour
    • 19 hour
    • 20 hour
    • 21 hour
    • 22 hour
    • 23 hour
    • 24 hour
  4. Select the desired Partial IP Lookback.

    NOTE: Partial IP Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on an Partial IP based match. By default the Partial IP lookback window is set to Disabled.

    • Disabled
    • 15 minutes
    • 30 minutes
    • 45 minutes
    • 1 hour
    • 2 hours
    • 3 hours
    • 4 hours
    • 5 hours
    • 6 hours
    • 7 hours
    • 8 hours
    • 9 hours
    • 10 hours
    • 11 hours
    • 12 hours
    • 13 hours
    • 14 hours
    • 15 hours
    • 16 hours
    • 17 hours
    • 18 hours
    • 19 hours
    • 20 hours
    • 21 hours
    • 22 hours
    • 23 hours
    • 24 hours
  5. Select the desired Device Attribution Behavior.
  6. NOTE: Device Attribution Behavior determines whether modeled matching will be attempted if a Device ID is present on click. The Standard setting will not attempt modeled attribution if a Device ID is present on click. The Inclusive setting will attempt modeled attribution on all clicks. By default, Device Attribution Behavior is set to Standard.

    • Standard
    • Inclusive


Click Reconciliation Settings

(see iOS 14+ restrictions)

  1. Select the desired Device Lookback

    NOTE: Device Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on a standard device match. By default the Device Lookback window is set to 30 days.

    • 1 day
    • 2 days
    • 3 days
    • 4 days
    • 5 days
    • 6 days
    • 7 days
    • 8 days
    • 9 days
    • 10 days
    • 11 days
    • 12 days
    • 13 days
    • 14 days
    • 15 days
    • 16 days
    • 17 days
    • 18 days
    • 19 days
    • 20 days
    • 21 days
    • 22 days
    • 23 days
    • 24 days
    • 25 days
    • 26 days
    • 27 days
    • 28 days
    • 29 days
    • 30 days
    • 31 days
  2. Select the desired Modeled Lookback

    NOTE: Modeled Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on a Modeled based match. By default the Modeled Lookback window is set to seven days.

    • 1 day
    • 2 days
    • 3 days
    • 4 days
    • 5 days
    • 6 days
    • 7 days
    • 8 days
    • 9 days
    • 10 days
    • 11 days
    • 12 days
    • 13 days
    • 14 days
    • 15 days
    • 16 days
    • 17 days
    • 18 days
    • 19 days
    • 20 days
    • 21 days
    • 22 days
    • 23 days
    • 24 days
    • 25 days
    • 26 days
    • 27 days
    • 28 days
    • 29 days
    • 30 days
    • 31 days
  3. Select the desired IP and Partial IP Lookback.

    NOTE: IP and Partial IP Lookback determines how far back, from the time of install, to consider engagements for attribution on an IP or Partial IP based match. By default the IP and Partial IP lookback window is disabled.

    • 1 hour
    • 2 hours
    • 3 hours
    • 4 hours
    • 5 hours
    • 6 hours
    • 7 hours
    • 8 hours
    • 9 hours
    • 10 hours
    • 11 hours
    • 12 hours
    • 13 hours
    • 14 hours
    • 15 hours
    • 16 hours
    • 17 hours
    • 18 hours
    • 19 hours
    • 20 hours
    • 21 hours
    • 22 hours
    • 23 hours
  4. Select the desired Device Attribution Behavior.

    NOTE: Device Attribution Behavior determines whether modeled matching will be attempted if a Device ID is present on click. The Standard setting will not attempt modeled attribution if a Device ID is present on click. The Inclusive setting will attempt modeled attribution on all clicks. By default, Device Attribution Behavior is set to Standard.

    • Standard
    • Inclusive
  5. Select the desired Modeled Attribution Tier.

    NOTE: Modeled Attribution Tier determines the Modeled validation configuration. The Standard setting validates based on a combination of IP Address and User Agent. The Full IP Address setting validates based on IP Address regardless of User Agent. The Partial IP Address setting validates based on the first three stanzas of the IP Address. By default, Modeled Attribution is set to Standard.

    NOTE: For more information on Google’s user agent reduction, refer to Google’s support documentation.

    • Enforce All 3 Chrome Hints
    • Allows for probabilistic attribution when either of the following are met:

      1. IP & user agent match
      2. IP & all three UA hints match
        • Sec-CH-UA-Model
        • Sec-CH-UA-Platform
        • Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version
    • Standard
    • Allows for probabilistic attribution when either of the following are met:

      1. IP & user agent match
      2. IP & 2/3 UA hints match
        • Sec-CH-UA-Model
        • Sec-CH-UA-Platform
        • Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version
    • Full IP Address
    • Partial IP Address
  6. Click Save


Last Modified: Aug 21, 2024 at 8:19 am