Dave and Gary Discuss the Sport’s Greatest, Kind Of
David: Coming in at number five: Shirley Babashoff. Queen Shali Baba was as good as they come, and one of the few people I can think of where saying “she went postal” means she went on to have a great job with benefits.
Interested in Masters Swimming? President Nadine Day…
Hello All, US Masters Nationals just finished up last week. If you would like to get back into swimming, this…
Stories of US National Team Members and interview with Julie Cooper
Hello All, The Olympic Trials are complete, and the 2012 Olympic Team is now getting ready to perform in London!…
After a big meet
Dear Katrina, I just finished my biggest meet of the season, the Olympic Trials. I didn’t do what I wanted….
Dave Reminds Gary that He Was in Omaha to Watch a Swim Meet
David: Well reader, we have a really special plog for you today, so thanks for tuning in.
Dave and Gary Change Gears, Offer Insight
David: Do you ever feel like we’re missing the big picture? Gary: With you, anything is possible. David: I just…
Gary and Dave ask WWDPD
Gary educates David on why @MamaPhelpsH20 is unbeatable in her upcoming competition.
Karlyn Pipes-Nielsen Cracks First WR of Masters Worlds
Tim Shead also added a second World Record for the meet.
Laura Val Breaks Her Own WR in Italy
Three More World Records were broken in Italy on Tuesday, as the 2012 FINA World Masters Championships rolled through its…
American Shead Breaks WR in Riccione Day 1
Shead was one of four World Record breakers in the 100 breast on day 1. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Sprint News 6/4/12: Walters’ Broken Wrist; Mare Nostrum Start Lists
Dave Walters is fighting through an injury toward Omaha.
Malibu C and U.S. Masters Swimming Partner to Support and Encourage Swimmers
“Malibu C’s gentle, eco-conscious line of personal care products meets the needs of our diverse membership base of both competitive and fitness swimmers, whether they swim daily or once a week,” says Rob Butcher, Masters Swimming’s executive director.
David Marsh Walks the Walk in Greensboro [Video]
We presume they give out gigantic trophies for Championships in USMS too.
SwimMAC Cleaning Up National Records at USMS Nationals
Tim Phillips was among the swimmers who broke National Records in Greensboro (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)