Butterfinger Popcorn Could Be Hitting A Shelf Near You Soon

We’d argue that buttery popcorn needs a sweet companion. Peanut M&M’s, those incredible Buncha Crunch clusters you get at the movies…you get the gist. Well, the ultimate combo could be coming to a store near you. Say hey (and hell YES) to Butterfinger popcorn.
Delish reports that food Instagram account The Impulsive Buy spotted the popcorn at WinCo, a Boise, Idaho supermarket chain. Sources speculate that Candy Pop, the brand behind the product, is testing the waters at smaller locations before going nationwide. To that we say, eh, fair. We still want to try it ASAP, though.
Also, this is really pushing it, but take a look at the bags of popcorn to the left and the right of that Butterfinger bag. Could cookies and cream and chocolate chunk flavors be gracing our presence as well? One can only hope.
Look, we’re not saying we’d buy a ticket out to Boise just to try the snack, but if we find a cheap flight deal…
[h/t Delish]